Chapter 2

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Ashley left the doctor's office and started walking while looking down at her phone. She bumped into someone and started to lose her balance but whoever she bumped into caught her. She steadied herself and looked up into some very familiar green eyes.

"Sean," She gasped then shook her head and took a step back. "I mean Dr. Green."

"Ashley?" Sean asked shocked.

"I'm very sorry for bumping into you, please excuse me," She quickly picked up her phone that she dropped and started walking down the hall.

"Pookie wait!" Sean called out as he rushed to catch up with her. She quickly pushed the elevator door and stepped in. She pushed the button to shut the door just as Sean reached the elevators. The pain and shock in his green eyes bore into her. She took a deep breath and shook her hands as she tried to repress her emotions. She looked up as the elevator doors opened and gasped, there waiting were Owen, Axel, and Kota. Sean appeared seconds later from the stairs out of breath.

"Excuse me," She whispered as she tried to slip by them.

"Ashley please," Kota said as he took a step back so she could step out of the elevator.

"I have to go," She shook her head and tried to get around them.

"Can we please talk?" Owen asked trying to not let his emotions get the best of him.

"There is nothing to say," She shook her head. "You made it very clear five years ago where you stood on us. Now please let me leave, I have somewhere to be."

"We need to apologize Doll," Axel said stepping in front of her. "Please, let us explain, please."

"There is nothing to explain," She shook her head and tried to step around them again but Kota stepped in front of her. "Please, I have somewhere I have to be."

"Please Ten," Kota begged. "Please let us explain everything."

She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "There is nothing to explain, you made it perfectly clear five years ago you wanted nothing to do with me anymore. It hurt but I got over it, if you need some sort of closure then fine, I forgive you for stabbing me in the back and ending our relationship. I forgive all fourteen of you, it hurt like hell but I've moved on and it only made me stronger. I have a new life now, I'm finally happy again, I don't have any of you, I forgive you for deceiving me and not having trust in our relationship like you said you had. We were young and didn't know what we really wanted. It's over and done with, end of discussion. Now please move."

"Pookie," Sean said watching her carefully.

"What Dr. Green?" She asked turning her anger towards him.

"What were you doing in Dr. Jones' office?" Sean asked.

Ashley paled and clutched her purse. Her phone rang and she quickly grabbed it. "This is Miss Blakewell. I'm so very sorry, I'm running just a few minutes late." She glared at the guys who moved out of her way. She started heading to the entrance of the hospital with them following. "I'm on my way, I should be there in about fifteen minutes, I'm so sorry my appointment ran later than planned. Thank you, see you soon." She turned back to them. "Quit following me, you made your point five years ago, I'm making mine now. Leave me alone."

"Please tell me one thing," Sean asked carefully.

"What?" She huffed as she pulled out her car keys.

"Are you okay? Dr. Jones doesn't see just anyone," Sean said watching her carefully.

She clutched her keys and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes, let out the breath she was holding then opened her eyes to stare them down, "I am fine," She said with ice in her voice. She turned her back to them and headed to her car. She knew they would memorize her plate and try to pull up information on her, thankfully she was very careful about leaving a paper trail. They wouldn't find anything she didn't want them to find.

Being with them from the time she was 16 to 21 taught her a lot about their lifestyle and habits. She picked up a lot over the years of being with them. Now five years later, all their tricks were being used against them. They wouldn't like it when they wouldn't be able to find anything on her, she had gone ghost and for very good reason. She pulled away from the hospital and saw them watching her in the rear view mirror. Now she had to figure out how to go about her life while also avoiding them as much as possible. She just hoped she would be able to pull it off until she could leave Oklahoma again. She had to for the sake of herself and her daughters. It would just be better once she was able to for everyone.

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