Chapter 5

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"Mommy wook!" Ashley sat her phone down and turned to see her daughters coming her way.

"Look at my beautiful princesses!" Ashley smiled as Nova spun in her Belle dress and Salem twirled in her Cinderella dress. "Oma did a wonderful job making your dresses for you."

"Wook Mommy," Salem said as she stepped up to Ashley.

"Look at that," Ashley smiled. "You're wearing Mommy's necklaces that came from your daddies." Nova was wearing a silver rose necklace and Salem was wearing a silver heart necklace. "You girls look so beautiful. Now carefully go put your shoes on and I will go quickly get ready then we can go to the Halloween carnival."

The girls took off and Oma came up to her, "Are you sure you won't need help today?"

Ashley nodded, "I'll be okay Oma, I'm about to take a pain pill. I'm still waiting on Dr. Jones to call but I'll be fine tonight. We won't stay out late so I won't be too tired to drive home. I need to make as many memories as possible with them just in case."

Oma nodded, "You are strong Ashley, everything will be okay. But I still think THEY need to know, I won't be here forever, you need to think about that."

"I am Oma," Ashley nodded, "more so now that I keep bumping into them everywhere I go."

"What about tonight?" Oma asked as Ashley brushed her hair.

"I doubt they will be at the carnival," Ashley said as she fixed her makeup. "Carnivals are for kids and teenagers, there's no way I will run into them. Besides it's during the day, they are all probably working right now anyway."

The girls came back with their light up shoes on and they left to head to the carnival in town. They unbuckled and each held Ashley's hands after putting on their purse backpacks. "Wet's go Mommy," they shouted and Ashley laughed.

Ashley paid and got lots of tickets then they went inside to see what they could find. After riding some rides and taking pictures with various characters the girls decided to go visit the petting zoo. Ashley watched as they walked into the petting zoo to see all the animals. Someone bumped into her making her hit the fence she was leaning on and lose her breath for a second.

"Shit, I'm so sorry," the voice said and Ashley tensed up. She turned around to look into the brown eyes of Lucian Taylor. "Cupcake! Are you okay? Gabe shoved me a little too hard, sorry."

"Fucking hell, sorry Trouble," Gabe said as he came up next to Luke.

"I'm fine," Ashley said while trying to figure out how to get out of this situation. She watched as the other twelve men came up to them. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked while trying not to panic about the predicament she was now in.

"Luke wanted to check out the carnival so here we are," Marc said, "what about you Beautiful?"

"Mommy Mommy wook!" Ashley closed her eyes, internally cussed, then opened them to see the shocked look on all the guys faces as Nova and Salem came up to her.

"Mommy pony!" Nova gushed as she hugged Ashley.

"Mommy bunny!" Salem squealed in excitement as they pulled Ashley inside the zoo to show her.

"Look how cute they are," Ashley smiled as she kneeled down to their level. She carefully glanced back to see the men still standing there in shock. "Okay, girls time to wash your hands so we can go to the next place, we need to let other people come pet the animals, okay?"

"Otay Mommy," The girls said as they rushed to the sinks at the exit.

"Come on Bell and Cinderella," Ashley smiled as she helped them dry their hands.

"Ashley," She stopped and turned to see Owen coming up to her with the rest of them following.

"Don't," Ashley shook her head but it was already too late.

"Mommy," the girls said scared as they tried to hide behind Ashley. Luke knelt down and started making funny faces at them. They started giggling and Ashley rolled her eyes, of course Luke would be the one to diffuse the situation with laughter.

"It's okay Girls," Ashley said clutching their hands. "My Loves, these are..."

Nova and Salem stepped out from behind Ashley and walked over to the guys. They knelt down to the twin's level as they looked at the guys before turning to Ashley then asked in unison, "Daddies back from work?"

"I'm sorry what?" Kota asked shocked.

Just then Ashley phone rang. "One second Oma, let me get somewhere where it's quieter so I can hear you," Ashley said as she took the girls hands and pulled them over to the restroom area. She rolled her eyes as the guys followed right behind. "Okay, what was that, Oma?"

She moved the phone to her other ear and ended up putting it on speaker without realizing it until Oma spoke and sent everyone into shock for different reasons, "Dr. Jones just called, the surgery is scheduled for next week to remove the cancerous tumors."

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