Chapter 8

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"What?" Sean started to ask then sighed and tried again, "How bad?"

She shrugged, "It's stage 1b, still pretty early." She stood and headed back to the kitchen to lay out snacks for the girls once they wake up. "I've already done all the tests to confirm and blood work and everything else they have suggested. I've already accepted it, that's why I came home. We will see how the surgery will go but I'm not going to hold my breath. Whatever happens, I have plans for anything."

"What about chemo?" Kota asked and she shook her head.

"I won't do that to my body and I won't have my girls see me like that," She said as she headed to the laundry room to start a new load.

"Our girls," Raven corrected and she dropped the nightgown she was holding.

"MY girls," She pointed a finger at them. "I may have had two of your help in creating them but I was the one to carry them. I was the one to go through the difficult experience of being cut open to give them life. I was the one to feed them and care for them while they were in the hospital with RSV and I am the one that kisses their boo boos when they are hurt. I am the one that was soaked in tears repeatedly when they asked for you. I am the one that cares for them when they are sick. I am the one that reads them numerous stories before bed and bathes them. I am the one that raises them. ME NOT YOU. You chose to ignore my pleas for just a few minutes to talk to you. You chose to believe a girl that you KNEW was obsessed with you instead of your supposed love. Even after all the pain you caused me I made the bigger decision to not bad mouth you to the girl because it's not their fault you chose to no longer love me. I won't the be one to break their hearts. You can make copies of their books and information but you have to deal with the fact you know NOTHING about MY daughters and it's all your fault. They are MY girls NOT ours. Yes, I had planned to never let you know about them since you made it perfectly clear you wanted nothing to do with me. Yes, I had told Oma that if I couldn't beat the cancer and she was no longer able to care for the girls then to contact you, but I also told her not to hold her breath because you would probably tell her to fuck off as well. If you want to know the girls then you will have to prove it to me first and my heart is well enforced to not believe you for a VERY long time. They may have your DNA but those girls are MY girls. It takes more than DNA to be a father and I seriously doubt you could handle it. Just do me a favor and leave before they wake up. Go back to your carefree life and stay the fuck out of mine. They don't need the heartache of watching you leave and not come back. Go back to helping others for the greater good and leave me and MY girls alone."

"Mommy," the twins called out and she pushed past them.

"Potty time," she forced a smile as she helped them out of their beds and took them into the bathroom in the hallway. She helped them wash their hands and then took them back into their room. "Let's get into some play clothes and I will wash your dresses so you can have them for dress up clothes, okay?"

"Otay," they said as she helped them into some play dresses.

"Alright girls, go sit at your table and I will bring you your snacks," Ashley said as she opened their door and they took off down the hall giggling. "After snack I will get the stuff out for playdough time while I take care of some stuff, okay?"

"Daddies!" The girls squealed in happiness and Ashley froze for a second. They were still there? She shook her head, she couldn't focus on that right now. One thing at a time. She headed to the kitchen and grabbed their snacks and drinks.

"Here we go," Ashley smiled as she sat the bowls in front of the girls then their drinks. She turned on cartoons then smiled at the girls.

"Mommy," The girls whined in sync. "Belle Rose."

"Of course, I'm sorry I completely forgot, I will get them," Ashley smiled and headed down the hall.

Gabe, North, and Victor followed. She ignored them and entered the girls' room. She picked up their clothes and put them in the hamper. She grabbed two dolls then sat them down to start making their beds from naptime.

"I can do this Princess," Victor said and she shook her head. "Please let me."

"Fine," She muttered as she picked up the dolls and left the room. She entered the living room and handed each girl their doll. "There we go. I will go get their snacks and cups, give me a second."

"Otay Mommy," The girls beamed as she headed to the kitchen.

"The dolls get stuff as well?" Owen asked and she sighed.

"Yes Owen," She forced herself to not be as rude as she wanted in case the girls overheard. "Belle and Rose get a snack as well from their naps." She grabbed the doll plates then opened a cabinet that had a couple of big Tupperware containers that had doll food and juices and cups in it. She searched through it then found a few snacks to put on the plates. Owen grabbed some juice boxes and she nodded. They carried them back to the table and the rest of the guys watched intrigued.

"Here you go," Owen said as they sat them down on the tables.

"Tank too," the girls said in unison then proceeded to feed their dolls.

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