Chapter 6

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"Shit," Ashley let slip while looking down at her phone. "Sorry, it was on speaker so the whole freaking team just heard."

"Oh dear," Oma said sighing, "I'm guessing they..."

"Yep," Ashley sighed, "they saw the girls. They are speechless at the moment."

"Okay, well that's my cue to hang up," Oma said, "I will see you when you get home. Love you."

"Love you," Ashley said and hung up the phone. She looked up to see the team staring at her in shock. She rolled her eyes, "Come on girls, let's finish our adventure."

"Mommy?" Nova asked and Ashley bent down to her eye level.

"What is it My Love?" Ashley asked softly as she pushed her ebony hair behind her ear.

"Daddies?" Salem asked and Ashley shrugged.

"I don't know My Loves," She said as she held their hands. "Daddies may have to go back to work soon. I told you they do very important things helping people, that's why we don't see them all the time. We can't be selfish, remember?" The girls nodded. "Let's just enjoy our time right now with them, okay?" The girls nodded again, "Hey what's that I see?" Ashley asked as she pointed to a worker walking around passing out candy.

"Tany," The girls squealed. "Wets go Mommy."

Ashley burst out laughing as the girls pulled her to the worker. The team looked at one another then followed. Ashley could feel them following her but she wasn't going to worry about it right now. She was just going to enjoy this time with her very own personal Belle and Cinderella.

"Darling," Owen said as they watched the girls ride the carousel. The whole team was watching the girls and he knew a few of them were trying to figure out their ages and who could possibly be the father if what she was saying was the truth. They had so many questions that needed to be answered.

Ashley briefly looked away from her phone where she was snapping pictures. "Don't ruin the moment Owen," She said as she waved back at the girls.

"But Darling," Owen said softly. Did she not realize how serious this was? They needed to talk.

"What must you possibly know right this very second that can't wait until I get the girls home and down for nap?" Ashley huffed. "Just learn to fucking enjoy the goddamn moment Owen."

"Sorry," Owen nodded and went back to watching them. She had a point, it could wait until they got back to the house where it was more private. A quick look at the team told him they all felt the same way, this was certainly the farthest thing from their minds when Sean called to tell them he ran into Ashley at the hospital. They never would have thought she had children and had cancer as well. He felt like he was in the twilight zone.

"They are beautiful," Victor said as he came up behind her.

"Yes they are," Ashley nodded. She beamed as they came over to her. "You looked so wonderful my beautiful princesses. Where to next?"

"I weepy Mommy," Nova whined as she rubbed her eyes.

"Me too Mommy," Salem yawned.

"Ok time to head back to the car so we can go home and get you princesses your beauty sleep," Ashley said as she took their hands and started to walk to the exit of the carnival.

"Mommy hole me," Salem whined after a few steps.

"Me too Mommy," Nova whined.

"Okay girls," Ashley nodded and started to bend down.

"Can I hold you?" Silas asked as he knelt down.

"Me too?" North asked softly.

"I get Mommy," Raven said as he swept her up making her squeal in surprise.

"Otay," The girls whined and held their arms out.

Ashley wrapped her arms around Raven's neck nervously while the rest of the team smiled softly. "Can one of us drive you back please?" Kota asked. "You look tired and that will let you get some sleep."

"Fine," Ashley sighed since it sounded rather nice.

They reached the car and Raven sat her down. She was slightly worried about how quiet he was being but didn't really want to press the matter. She took Nova and placed her in her seat then helped her buckle since she was so tired. She did the same with Salem.

"They are wearing your necklaces," Victor said as they looked down at the girls who were now sleeping.

"Yes they are," Ashley nodded. "They wanted to and they fit their costumes."

"I guess I just figured you got rid of everything we gave you," Victor admitted.

"That wouldn't be beneficial to the girls," Ashley shook her head. "They deserve to have something from their fathers when they get older." She could tell they wanted to say more. "Let's just get to my place and then I will explain there. The girls need to be in their beds and I need some hot chocolate if we're going down this long road."

"Baby Kittens," Raven said watching them.

"Can't fucking believe this shit," Gabe said shaking his head. "Fucking seriously?"

"Fucking cancer?" Sean asked Ashley. Ashley nodded as Sean ran his fingers through his hair. "Cancer?"

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