Chapter 34

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Ashley woke to the girls crying. She started to lift up but something was holding her down. She soon realized that it was Raven's arm. She tried moving it but he locked up causing her to sigh in irritation. "Raven let go, the girls are crying."

"Corey go," he mumbled gruffly.

Sure enough a few seconds later she saw their door open and Corey walk over to them since they were sharing a bed instead of being in their separate beds. "What's wrong Girls?" Corey asked as he turned on the lamp on the nightstand.

"Tummy hur Daddy," Nova sniffled. "Sissy trot hur."

"Okay, let me see if it's time for your medicine, alright?" Corey asked and they sniffled.

Corey stood then Nova grabbed his hand, "Daddy?" She asked and Corey looked down at her. She stood and hugged him. Corey hugged her and kissed the top of her head then frowned not liking how warm she felt. "Daddy tummy," She whimpered then threw up all over him. "I orry Daddy." She burst into tears. "I orry."

"It's okay Care Bear," he said pulling her hair out of her face. "I'm going to go wake Daddy Gabe so he can start you a bath."

"Already started it," Gabe said as he came into the room. "Raven texted me to let me know."

"Daddy our beddy," Salem pouted as she clutched Belle and Rose.

"It's okay Bunny," Corey said trying to keep her calm. "We got new bedding we can put on it."

"I got it right here Bunny," Victor said coming into the room.

"Come on Bunny," Gabe said while holding the door open. "You can take a bath with your sister to help keep her calm. We will get new bedding on your bed and Daddy Sean is getting your medicine ready."

"Otay," They said as Corey stripped them down to their panties then pulled his shirt off.

He left the room and Ashley watched as Victor started stripping their bed. Kota came in with some cleaning stuff for the mattress then sprayed it once he was done. "Let it air dry, they can sleep in the other bed, we can go ahead and strip that one as well so they have clean bedding when they get out. I will just shift the TV so they can see it better from the other bed."

"Okay," Victor said as he stripped that bed as well.

"Here, I'll take it and start a load," Nathan said coming into the room.

"Sleep Kitten," Raven said softly. "They okay."

"I'm awake now," She shook her head. "I can't go back to sleep."

"What do?" He asked sitting up.

"I guess I will work on that order I have," she said as she slipped out of the bed. "The girls will probably want some popsicles to help with their throats."

"Da, I tell," Raven said getting out of bed and started following her.

"Are you going to watch me sew?" She asked and he nodded. "Whatever," she mumbled to herself as she headed to the craft room. She sat down at the table and turned on the lamp by the sewing machine. She adjusted some pins then started mending the quilt she was working on.

"Kitten?" Raven asked after a while of silence between the two of them.

"What Raven?" She asked without looking up.

"Nyet girlfriends," he said calmly. "Nyet since you."

"What are you talking about Raven?" She sighed in annoyance. "I heard the rumors of you having girlfriends and taking them shopping and out to eat. Are you telling me those people were lying?" She went back to focusing on her project. "It doesn't matter Raven, we were done, you made it clear so you could date whoever you wanted then and now. This is just temporary then we will go back to co parenting, we've already established that."

"Nyet," Raven growled. "We family. Date da, kiss relationship nyet. Only you, always you. Realize mess up after you. Want you back, want family."

Ashley sighed and rolled her eyes, "Don't be ridiculous Raven, you are only saying that because of the girls. If I never got pregnant you wouldn't be attempting to get me back."

"Nyet," Raven shook his head.

Ashley sighed in annoyance again, "Don't lie to me Raven, we both know it's true. If I never had the girls then you never would try to get forgiveness and try to be a family as you claim."

Raven stood and walked over to her. He moved her chair back and cupped her chin making her look up at him. "Listen Kitten," He commanded. "Listen. Want you back since left. We fight, almost broke up family when left. Da try move on but nyet relationship. No happy without Kitten. Try find lots but no find. Try find years. Want back with baby kittens or no baby kittens. Want Kitten always then want Kitten always now."

Ashley gasped, "you guys almost split up after you broke up with me?"

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