Chapter 46

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Ashley tossed and turned then sighed in frustration. She sat up and ran her fingers into her hair. She wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. Her mind was racing way too much. She slipped North's hoodie on over her spaghetti strap tank and slipped out of her room. She walked down the hall and opened the door to the girls' room. She smiled seeing them sleeping together in Nova's bed. The two rottweiler dogs raised their heads and jumped off the bed and came running up to Ashley. She led them outside to go to the bathroom and then put them back in the girls' room once they were done. They instant got on the bed and curled up with the girls.

Ashley shut the door and smiled as the memory of the grandparents bringing the girls back from the recital with two full grown dogs and innocent looks on their faces. Finally, Aleksandr burst into laughter and put his foot down saying the girls needed more protection since Max couldn't protect them at the same time if they went in separate directions and he already paid for them to have training. Sure, enough they quickly became protection dogs for the girls and rarely left their side. He tried pressing to get her one as well but she said she had Max and all fourteen guys so she was well protected.

It had been a few months since the visit and while she missed seeing everyone at the house she relished in the thought she could facetime them anytime she wanted now. She sighed softly as she made herself a cup of hot cocoa, things were going good now. The guys kept their word and hadn't pressed beyond some cuddles and kisses that night and since then. She really appreciated it and she also liked how they let her keep working on her business while making sure she had more time if she wanted. They really stepped up when it came to the girls. They pretty much took over homeschooling them and the girls were quickly catching on to learning in various ways and they were also teaching them various languages. If she had to admit it, this was her dream life that she thought she would never have. So why did it scare her so much?

"Darling?" Owen asked confused when he saw the kitchen light on. "Everything okay? It's one in the morning."

"I'm fine Owen," Ashley nodded, "Just couldn't sleep."

"What's on your mind?" He asked coming over to her.

"Any and everything," She smirked. "Don't worry about it Owen, just pesky thoughts that won't let me sleep right now."

"Come here," he whispered as he pulled her into his arms. He held her and kissed the top of her head. "Talk to me, please."

"This scares me," She finally admitted softly as she wrapped her arms around him. "This is what I always dreamed of having and now that I have it..."

"You're scared of losing it," Owen finished and she nodded. "I'm sorry you are feeling that way," he whispered. "I can tell you that you will never lose it but I know your anxiety wont let you believe it. We will just have to keep showing you everyday that you won't."

She looked up at him with a grateful smile and he pushed her hair behind her ear then softly kissed her. She moved her arms from his waist up to around his neck as he deepened the kiss. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist then gasped as she felt him carry her out of the kitchen. She didn't pay attention all she cared about was how his kissed covered her with love and quietened the thoughts in her mind. She quickly learned after that night on the beach that she was addicted to their kisses and they didn't seem to care one bit.

He shut his door and backed up until he fell back on his bed causing her to squeal in surprise. "Shhh Darling, you don't want to wake anyone up do you?" he whispered into between kisses.

"Oh Owen," She gasped in surprise as she felt him pressing into her. He lifted up pressing into her more and smirked as she moaned and pressed down onto him.

He removed North's hoodie and groaned in appreciation at seeing her on top him with short grey pajama shorts and a grey spaghetti strap tank with one strap sliding off her shoulder. "Darling, the things you do to me," he whispered as he trailed his fingers up and down her arms. "Do you want to stop?" He asked looking up into her eyes.

"I don't know," She said honestly as she ran her fingers over his chest. She traced her name that was tattooed across his heart.

"Then we will just kiss," Owen whispered, "We won't go any further until you are sure."

"Seriously?" She asked shocked. "Even though I feel you throbbing under me?"

"Yes," He groaned, "I won't persuade you. I told you we will wait no matter how long it takes. Yes, I want to fuck you then worship you but you control when it will happen."

"Show me Owen," she whispered as she leaned down to kiss him. She kissed along his neck then stopped right by his ear, "Show me what I've been missing all these years. Please, show me I'm all of yours again. Make me yours again, please Dragon."

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