Chapter 40

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"Ok Girls, now that your handprints are dry," Gabe smiled as he held up the quilt, "we can go show Mommy but you have to stay in the doorway so you don't get sick again."

"Otay Daddy," They smiled as they helped him fold the quilt. "Mommy like."

"Mommy will love it," Gabe nodded. "Daddy Luke is going to record so we can show everyone."

"Otay," They smiled as they followed him down the hall.

"Oy Trouble," Gabriel knocked on her door. "We got a surprise for you."

Ashley paused her show and smiled, "Hey Gabe, oh My Loves!" She reached out for the girls. "I love you so much My Loves."

"Wub you Mommy," They reached out for her.

"You can't go in there Girls," Luke shook his head, "Remember?" They pouted and he knelt down to them. "Give Mommy a couple more days then you can give her a hug okay? But this present will help."

"You got me a present Girls?" Ashley asked as she took the bag from Gabriel.

"All ob us Mommy," Nova smiled.

"Daddies too," Salem nodded.

"Oh really?" Ashley asked as she opened the bag. She gasped as she pulled out the quilt, "Oh my goddess. Oh Meanie, you didn't."

"Yep, I did," Gabe smirked as she ran her fingers over the girls' baby outfits then some of the guys old t-shirts. "We kept the shirts and then when we moved some of your stuff in here I came across some of their baby outfits so I took some and thought this would be a good way to keep us close to you even when you have to stay in the room."

"This is perfect," She looked up at him with a soft smile as a tear slipped down her face, "Thank you Gabriel, so much." He beamed and nodded. "Thank you My Loves, now I can keep you close even when you are with your Daddies."

"Hans gib hugs," Salem bounced up and down.

"Loss huggies for Mommy," Nova smiled and Ashley held it to her chest.

"I love your huggies so much," Ashley nodded. "This is the best present, thank you."

"You are very welcome Trouble," Gabriel smiled. "Now hurry the fuck up and get better so we can kiss you," He whispered into her ear. A shiver went down her back and he smirked.

"Gabe," She gasped softly and he chuckled into her ear.

"You know you want us to Ash," He whispered as he ran his finger along her neck. "You can't deny your feelings for us forever. We may have fucked up but you know we're trying to make it right, we're meant to be Ash, you fucking know it. Just think how good we will be together when you quit trying to deny it."

"Stop Gabriel," She whispered and he nodded.

"For now Trouble but this isn't over," he said as he kissed her forehead. "Glad you like the quilt."

She looked over to the doorway and saw the girls had taken off but Luke was leaning against the doorframe with a mischievous smirk on his lips. She sighed and rolled her eyes causing him to chuckle. "He's just telling the truth Cupcake," Luke winked as they left the room.

"Damn Boys," She whispered to herself as she laid the quilt out and ran her fingers over their shirts. She was so close to letting them back in but there was still the reminder of the past that haunted her. She just couldn't let go of that yet. She wanted to forgive them, but she still had so much hurt and anger towards them that she had bottled up. She knew it would be better to just let it all go but she just couldn't. She had endured too much to just let it go, it wouldn't be fair if they didn't have to suffer just a sliver of what she went through. They will never know the full amount of pain and hurt and tears that she had to go through but they could learn some of the hardships she had to learn. She only had Oma while they had all fourteen of them so they still had more help than she ever had when it came to learning how to be parents. She wanted them to feel some of the hardships but they never will. Even now they still got it easy and that frustrated her. She knew she needed to let go of the resentment and anger but she just couldn't right now.

She sighed in frustration and laid back down. She covered herself up with the quilt and turned her show back on. She rolled her eyes when she smelled the mixed colognes of the guys cover her and drifted off to sleep with a barely there smile on her lips.

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