Chapter 17

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"Wait just a minute Girls, let Max get use to the yard before we go out there and introduce him to you," Owen said as they watched the girls watch excitedly from the windows as Max walked around the yard sniffing. Kota whistled and Max went instantly to his side and sat.

Owen opened the door after the girls got bundled up again and they walked out into the yard. "Wait Girls," Axel said holding onto Salem's hand while Owen held Nova's.

"Go ahead Max," Kota nodded and Max cautiously walked over to the girls then started sniffing after Owen and Axel held the girls' hands out.

After a few seconds Max started licking the girls' faces causing them to giggle. "Good boy Max," Kota praised as Max put his front paws down stuck his butt up in the air and wagged his tag excitedly. "He wants to play Girls," Kota smiled so the girls took off running while Max chased after them.

After some time the front door opened so they turned to see North carrying Ashley outside, "She wanted to see what the girls were up to."

"Mommy!" The girls screamed as they rushed up to the porch with Max right behind.

"Hi Girls," Ashley smiled and hugged them. "Oh Max," She beamed as she bent down to kiss his head.

"I think he has missed you Ten," Kota smiled as Max kissed Ashley all over.

"I have missed him too," She admitted. "Show me what you have been up to Girls before I have to go nap again please."

"Otay," They smiled and took off running causing Max to follow.

"He already doesn't let them get in the driveway?" Ashley asked shocked as she watched Max dart into the driveway and bark at the girls as they headed that way causing them to squeal and rush back into the yard and into the leaf pile Luke created.

"Yep," Kota smirked as he watched the girls toss leaves at Max and he playfully tried to catch them.

"They are going to sleep well for nap time," She yawned.

"Back to bed Princess," Victor smiled taking her from North, "My turn now."

"I have to get Oma at three," she shook her head, "I need to stay awake."

"We are picking her up, Peanut," Nathan said as he followed Victor back inside. "A couple of us are going to stay with her also in case she needs something."

She opened her mouth to protest but the looks from them and Owen made her sigh then she whispered, "Thank you."

"You're welcome Peanut," Nathan said as he gently sat her on her feet.

"Bathroom," She mumbled as she walked to her bathroom. Victor got the bed ready for her as Nathan waited by the door in case she got dizzy. Once she was done they got in bed with her and they watched TV while she drifted back to sleep.

The rest of the team spent time with the girls outside and then a little while later Marc went back inside to figure out something for lunch. He came back out a couple of minutes later and said, "We have to go to the store, she doesn't have enough for all of us."

"That's fine, I figured she might not," Owen said. "Make a list and some of us will go shopping."

"Girls, what do you want for lunch?" Luke asked as he pulled out their bubble toys.

"Hot dogs!" they shouted and Marc nodded while writing it down.

Marc, Kota, and Brandon left to go grocery shopping. They came back later and Marc got started on making French fries and hotdogs while Corey helped with cutting up various fruits.

"Lunch time!" Silas called out from the porch once the tables were set.

"Go get washed up then you can get Belle and Rose set up," Sean smiled as everyone came in. Max took his time walking around smelling anything.

"Should I stop him?" Kota asked softly watching Max walk down the hallway.

"Go ask, need to know if she wants me to make her some soup or something easy for her stomach anyway," Marc nodded and Kota headed down the hallway.

He gently opened the door causing Victor and Nathan to look up from watching TV, "Hey, is she awake?"

"I'm right here," Ashley sighed as she came out of the bathroom.

"Two things," Kota said softly. "One, Max wants to come in and two, Marc wants to know what you want for lunch. We're having hot dogs, French fries, and fruit per the girls request."

"I'm not hungry," She shook her head as Victor picked her up and placed her in bed.

"Please Princess?" Victor asked and she sighed.

"I guess just something small and light," she caved.

"Got it," He nodded and Max whined at the door.

"Oh come on Max," She beamed and held her arms open. Max jumped up on the bed and laid on her legs. She smiled and started running her fingers through his fur. "I bet you had lots of fun with the girls didn't you sweet boy?" His soft snores answered back causing her to giggle. "The girls need to take a nap after they eat, if they don't they will be very cranky tonight."

"Got it," Kota nodded, "I'll go let the guys know and tell Marc to make you something light." He came back a few minutes later with a sandwich and some fruit but she was asleep so Nathan put it on the nightstand so she could eat when she woke next. Kota snapped a picture of Max sleeping with her and sent it to the whole group.

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