Chapter 47

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"Fuck Darling," Owen snapped and grabbed her throat in his hand and sat her up, making her gasp as she felt him throbbing even more under her. "Are you sure Ashley?" He asked trembling as he tried to keep control of himself.

Ashley smiled, "Yes Sir I am sure."

"Fuck Darling," He groaned and pulled her down for such a passionate kiss she thought she would explode from it. He yanked her tank off and attacked her breasts as she rocked against him. She let out these cute whimpers that nearly sent him over the edge. He held her still and chuckled at her pouting. "You keep that up and it will be over before we even start."

"Please Dragon," She pouted even more causing him to clench his teeth and tighten his grip on her hips.

"Such a needy girl," He smirked, "God I've missed this so much," He raised her and helped her take her shorts off then groaned seeing she was bare underneath. "Fuck Darling, you really know how to tempt me, don't you?"

"Oh Dragon," She gasped as he removed his pants and she saw he was going commando.

"Easy Darling," He warned, "it's been too long since you've had me."

"Since I've had any of you," She admitted as she rocked along him loving the feeling of him touching her again. "Nobody since all of you. Oh Owen, please."

"I got you Darling," he whispered loving the fact she hasn't had anyone since them. "Now and forever," He whispered as he helped her rock against him. "Fuck you are so wet already Darling."

"Please," She gasped with her eyes closed. He stopped her movements then lifted her so he could line up with her. "Oh," She gasped opening her eyes as she slowly lowered herself down on his aching cock. "Owen," She breathed once he was fully in her. "Oh Owen," she whispered as she slowly rode him. "Fuck so good."

"Fuck Ashley," he groaned as he started moving her faster. "SO damn tight Darling. Fuck my cock, just like that, such a good girl taking my cock."

"Dragon," She whimpered as the fire in her slowly consumed her as she rode him faster.

"I got you Darling," He slapped her ass, "Taking my cock like the good girl you are." He smirked as he grabbed her throat and started thrusting in her harder and faster. "Our good girl, got it? You are ours."

"I'm yours," she gasped as the fire raged even more. He kissed her and smirked as he pulled out of her causing her to whimper. "Dragon," She whined and he chuckled.

"Do you need your dragon's cock Darling?" he asked and she pouted.

"Please?" She looked down at him and blinked her eyes at him, "Please Owen?"

"I think I'll worship you first," he smiled as he rolled them so she was laying on her back in his bed. "Don't move," he commanded as he got out of the bed. He went to the closet then came back with four ties. Her eyes lit up recognizing them as her favorites. He quickly tied her to the bed spread eagle then started kissing all over her body. Her whimpers and soft gasps were music to his ears. Once he reached his destination the gasp was the most beautiful sound to him.

"Ow....Ow.....Owen," She gasped as she rode his face. "Please, Owen, please." Owen pulled away right before she was about to cum causing her to whine in frustration. He smirked as he leaned over her and kissed her with all the built up passion he had as he ever so slowly entered her. She pulled on the ties wanting him in her, consuming her now but he chuckled and slowed down even more. "Owen please," She sobbed in frustration as the fire started to die down in her.

"What's wrong Darling?" Owen smirked as he suddenly thrust up in her. She gasped and clutched the ties. "Oh, do you need my cock in you?"

"Yes," She moaned as he had his way with her. "Fuck Owen, so full, so good."

"That's right Darling," He said as he gently applied some pressure to her throat as he pounded her. "Only we can make you feel this good because you are our good girl. Only ours."

"Only yours," She gasped as she relished his lips on her neck leaving his mark for all to see. "Dragon, I'mgonnacum, Imgonnacum, please Dragon."

Owen didn't slow down his thrusts as she felt too good in his arms again. "Take it Darling, take your dragon's cock like the good girl you are," he growled as he went even harder and faster. "Cum," he ordered as he continued to pound in her. Her gasp as she came all over his cock fueled him even more. Her shakes and whimpers sent him over the edge as he came inside of her for the first time in years.

"Who do you belong to?" He gasped watching her shake under him. He honestly wondered if this would ever happen again and he was so thankful he got the chance to show her his love again.

"You," She whimpered. "All of you Sir."

"So, let's get you cleaned up and then we can go somewhere all of us can shower you with our love," he growled in her ear as he undid the ties.

"I think that's a wonderful idea," Sean said from the doorway where he was leaning against it casually with a mischievous glint in his eyes telling her he saw everything.

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