Chapter 37

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"Raven," She whispered as she woke up.

"Kitten?" he asked slowly waking up.

"You are burning up," She said touching his forehead. "You feel like you have a fever."

"I fine," He whispered, "go back sleep."

"I can't," She shook her head, "you are burning me up. You have sweat, Raven you have a fever."

"I fine," he shook his head. "I no sick."

"Sean," She said into her phone. "Raven feels like he has a fever, he is burning up."

"No tell Doc," Raven growled, "I fine."

"No, you aren't," She glared. "You have a fever."

"He's not the only one," Sean said coming into the room. "Luke and Victor are also sick." Sean felt Raven's forehead and shook his head, "Come on Raven, into the media room with Luke and Victor. You will get Pookie sick and we don't want that."

"I no sick," Raven said sitting up. "Oh, I no feel good."

"Come on Raven," Corey said coming into the room. "Let's go watch a movie, I don't feel well either. You don't want us to get your kitten sick, do we?"

"Fine," Raven finally gave in. "I no get Kitten sick."

"That's right," Corey nodded, he turned his head to Sean I'm fine really but you know how Raven can get Sean nodded then turned back to Ashley.

"Go take a shower Pookie," He helped her get out of bed, "Gabe is on his way to strip your bed and sanitize everything help lessen the chance but if you start to feel anything at all resembling getting sick let me know immediately. You can then go back to sleep since it's in the middle of the night."

"What about you?" She asked. "If you are caring for everyone else, aren't you more likely to get it?"

"Axel and Kota are staying in their rooms for now to make sure two of us can care for the girls if I do get sick but I'm lowering the chance every chance possible with my vitamins and hand sanitizer and everyone else is doing a great job keeping the house sanitized. Corey offered to care for everyone in the media room and to help keep Raven calm."

"Okay," She nodded as she headed to the bathroom. "How are the girls?"

"No fever," Gabe said coming into the room with clean bedding. "They are currently snacking on Pedialyte popsicles in their bath."

"Good," She smiled softly then headed to the bathroom. By the time she got out she found her bedding had been switched and there was a new pair of pajamas on the bed. She smiled and changed. Just as she was slipping the shirt on there was a knock on the door. "Come in Gabe," she called as she sat at the vanity and started putting her chapstick on.

"How did you know it was me?" He asked as he picked up her brush and started working on her hair.

"You always had this uncanny ability to know just when I was finished dressing so you could brush my hair," She answered truthfully. "I figured you never lost it."

"Oh," He said as he continued to work on her hair. "Is this a problem? Me doing this?"

"I would have told you to not come in if it was," She shrugged. "I can't lie and say I haven't missed this."

"So have I," He said softly. "So goddamn much."

"Gabriel," She warned and he rolled his eyes.

"Fucking hell Trouble," He sighed, "I'm trying alright? I haven't said any fucking bad words around the girls, you have to give me some damn credit. I'm trying alright?"

"I'm sorry," She whispered, "Yes you have and I really appreciate it."

"Thank you," He sighed. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I just feel off, I didn't mean to."

"Maybe you should go have Sean check on you when you are done," She suggested softly. "If you are coming down with strep he can get you on meds so you can recover quickly."

"Alright," he nodded, "But let me finish this first please?"

"Gabriel," Sean said coming into the room, "everything okay?"

"I just feel off," Gabe shook his head, "but I want to finish Trouble's hair please."

Sean came over and felt Gabriel's forehead. "You are a little warm, go to the media room as soon as you are done but only because you are almost done already. No delaying it, I mean it."

"Okay," Gabe sighed in frustration.

"You can start brushing my hair every day again," Ashley smiled softly. "Okay?"

"Thank you Trouble," Gabe smiled as he passed the brush over to Sean. "I didn't touch anything other than this and her hair."

"Okay," Sean nodded. "Now head to the media room with the others."

"There's a brand new brush under the sink, Trouble," Gabriel said walking out of the room.

"Thank you for getting him to admit it," Sean said as he tucked her back into bed. "You know how stubborn he can be."

"All of you are stubborn," She rolled her eyes. She yawned and whispered, "All of you are stubborn."

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