Chapter 21

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"Hello Boys," Oma smiled softly as Silas, Nathan, and Axel walked into her room. Sean followed right behind taking everything in.

"Hi Oma," They said in unison.

"Are these your grandsons?" The doctor asked coming into the room to unhook her tubes. Sean came over to observe.

"Yes," Sean said before she could say anything. "Dr. Sean Green," he showed his name tag. "I am taking her to my place, is there anything I need to look out for?"

Sean and the doctor talked for a little bit then Nathan helped her into the wheelchair while Silas pushed her out to their car. Once they got down the road she asked, "So what is going on Boys?"

"I was telling the truth, we're going to our place," Sean said as they pulled out to the highway.

"Ashley actually agreed to this?" She asked shocked.

"She made it very clear that it was purely for the sake of the girls," Axel sighed. "She wants them to know the layout of the house for when the girls are allowed to come stay with us. Plus Gabe wants to put a few rooms together for the girls."

"You are still hoping that this new co parenting agreement will turn into you being back together aren't you?" She asked after she took a drink of her water.

"Yes," They said honestly.

"So what does the new place look like?" She asked curiously.

"We never moved out of the house," Axel admitted.

"Interesting," Oma smirked. After a few moments of silence she asked, "How bad was today?"

"When she wasn't in bed she was in the bathroom," Sean admitted. "That's another reason why she agreed, when I pointed out that it would be easier for me to keep an eye on the both of you she agreed to coming over to our place."

"Although she didn't like the comment Corey made about being cramped in the house and ours having more room," Nathan pointed out.

"Well you almost screwed everything up," Axel glared, "you better be glad Blackbourne explained before she kicked us out of the house."

"What happened?" Oma asked and Nathan sighed then told her what all happened. "Oh Boys," She shook her head. "You have a lot of work ahead of you in order to regain her trust. You do understand where she is coming from don't you?"

"Yes" they nodded.

"Gabe said he has your room all set up," Axel said as he looked down at his phone. "You even have a mini fridge in there in case you get hungry and don't feel like going to the kitchen."

"I will sleep most of the time but thank you," She smiled. "I'm looking forward to taking a nap."

"I bet you are," Sean said. "I just hope you will be well enough to care for the girls whenever Pookie has surgery. I'd rather us take care of them, purely in the sense so that you can rest if you still aren't over your infusions, and take care of her as well but she won't even tell when she is having surgery."

"I understood what you meant Sean," Oma smiled softly. "She is going to be mad at me for this but if you have managed to get her to agree to go back to the house then you are definitely making progress in regaining her trust a little bit so I will tell you. I will not be completely well enough to care for both her and the girls at the same time. Especially since it will take longer for her to heal than normal."

"So she does have an autoimmune disease?" Sean asked.

"Fibromyalgia," Oma confirmed. "With some signs of possibly having lupus as well."

"Okay," Sean nodded. "I will start researching and try to speak with Dr. Jones to learn what I can."

"Her surgery is Friday," Oma said as they pulled up to the house. "But you didn't hear that from me."

They nodded and Silas came to help her up to the house.

"Oma!" The girls beamed as they rushed over to her. "Miss you."

"I missed you too Girls," Oma hugged them. "Now I need to go sit down, okay? Will you show me my room?" She asked and they nodded then took her hands. Silas followed close behind to catch her in case she started to lose her balance. Oma got comfortable then Silas set the girls on the bed so they could tell her about their day.

"So what did North send us?" Nathan asked as everyone but North regrouped in the living room.

"No know," Raven shrugged. "Wait have girls."

"Well let's listen real quick while they are with Oma," Sean said as Owen pulled out his phone. Everyone gathered around and he hit play.

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