Chapter 29

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A few weeks passed and everyone was getting into their new routines and life. Oma moved back to her house once she felt well enough and Erica and Jess liked to make frequent unannounced visits to see the girls. Kota made the comment that they no longer existed, and Jess said that it was right since they were jerks and now her and Erica had someone to dote on all the time and spoil.

Sean came in while Marc was heading into the kitchen to start making coffee. "Just coming in from a late shift?" Marc asked and Sean nodded then yawned.

"Girls sleep okay?" Sean asked and Marc nodded.

"So far they are still asleep," Luke said as he came into the kitchen.

"That's good, I was worried since they like to get into bed with Pookie," Sean yawned again.

"Daddies!" Nova shouted as she raced into the kitchen.

"Morning Care Bear," Marc smiled as he hugged her, "no running okay? I don't want you to slip and fall."

"Morning Care Bear," Luke smiled, "Salem still sleeping?"

"Yeah," she nodded as she curled up into Sean's lap. "Daddy seepy?"

"Yes I am," Sean smiled, "But it's okay, I'll take a nap later. What do you have planned for today?"

"Payin," She smiled as she started playing with his stethoscope around his neck. Sean smiled and placed it on her correctly then put it against his chest so she could hear his heartbeat. He beamed as fascination and awe crossed her face hearing it. She moved it down and burst into laughter when she heard his stomach growl. "Daddy hungee!"

"Here you go," Marc smiled as he placed a plate of French toast in front of them then another smaller one for her.

"Come on Care Bear, let's eat," Sean smiled as he shifted her and they began eating.

Once they were done Salem came walking in rubbing her eyes. "Good morning Bunny," Luke smiled as he picked her up. "Did you sleep well?"

She nodded and yawned causing him to chuckle, "Are we not awake yet Bunny?" Marc asked and she shook her head as she laid against Luke's chest. "Here's some French toast when you get hungry."

"Otay Daddy," She mumbled as she curled up in Luke's lap.

"Sawem no feel good Daddy," Nova said after a few moments of silence.

"What?" Sean asked as he, Luke, and Marc looked up from their plates.

"Sissy no feel good," Nova repeated like it was no big deal.

"How do you know that Care Bear?" Luke asked curiously as he looked down at Salem who was sleeping in his lap.

"Twin bond," Corey and Brandon said at the same time as they came into the kitchen.

"Oh," Sean nodded, "Do you feel okay Nova?"

"I otay no hurt wike Sissy," she nodded.

"What's going on?" Ashley asked as she came into the room in Owen's arms.

"Mommy, mommy, Sissy no feel good," Nova said hopping out of Sean's lap. "I tell Daddies Sissy no feel good, I otay Mommy."

"Oh dear," Ashley said getting out of Owen's lap. "Okay, thank you My Love," she hugged her, "I want you to finish eating with Daddy then I need you to stay away from Sister so you don't get sick, okay?"

"Otay," She pouted, "I no like."

"I know you don't like it," Ashley hugged her, "But I don't want you to get sick also. Sister will be okay Daddy Sean and I will get her all better then you two will be together again, I promise."

"Otay," Nova pouted.

"Come Baby Kitten," Raven said coming into the kitchen. She rushed over to him and he picked her up. "We go walk Max, he awake."

"Yay, otay," She beamed and got out of his arms then rushed to get Max and his leash.

Ashley walked over to Luke and placed her hand on her forehead then frowned, "Hmmm, well she isn't running a fever."

"So she isn't sick?" Luke asked confused.

"Oh no," Ashley shook her head, "I firmly believe Nova when she says Salem doesn't feel well. She could be sick and just not have a fever yet. I don't fully understand the twin thing but they have a special bond. Maybe Corey and Brandon can explain it better."

"Well I can't for sure since we are identical twins and the girls aren't," Brandon shrugged.

"But twins do tend to have a deeper bond because they are together from the get go," Corey shrugged. "We've already seen that they talk like us. There have been times where I could tell something was wrong with Brandon and he with me and we haven't even told anyone, we just knew. This could be one of those things where they just know. Nova could have picked up that something is going on with Salem and maybe Salem doesn't even know it yet since she's sleeping."

"We will just keep an eye on her," Sean said as the rest of the team came in.

"What?" Victor asked so Sean told them what was going on.

Ashley grabbed the chair as some pain radiated through her stomach. "Back to bed Peanut," Nathan said placing his hand on her back.

"No," Ashley hissed, "I have to make sure Salem is okay."

"We got it," Silas said softly. "Doc is off today so he can keep an eye on her. Let us do this, please?"

"Fine," She sighed, "But come get me if need to."

"Only if we absolutely have to," Nathan nodded. "Now back to bed, we don't need you catching whatever she has and getting sick too."

Just then Salem sat up, looked at Luke, burst into tears, and threw up all over him.

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