Chapter 13

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It had been a few days and the guys hadn't shown back up but they had blown up the house phone with tons of calls to explain that they were busy with work but they wanted to come back when they could. They tried talking to her but she would just hand the phone off to the girls then go about doing whatever she was doing. They would ask if they could come over for dinner but they usually didn't get off work until after she already fed the girls or they were already in bath or something.

They quickly realized that she wasn't going to let them come over every day so they had to try and take what they could get. She allowed the phone calls so that was what they looked forward to at the moment. They wanted more but they knew they had to take what she allowed. They were just grateful she even allowed them into the girls lives and a little of hers even if she really didn't want to. One step at a time they had to keep reminding themselves.

Ashley woke up and groaned, she reached for her phone and called Oma, "I need you to care for the girls today," She moaned. "It's a bad day."

"I'm sorry Ash, I'm having my infusions for my Lupus today, remember?" Oma said as Ashley heard the doctors in the background.

"Fuck, yeah, I forgot," Ashley bit her lip to try and keep the tears at bay.

"Call the guys," Oma said softly. "Make them learn how hard every day is. You've been doing it every day now it's their turn. It's just for one day."

"Okay," She sniffled. She took a deep breath and pulled her cellphone off the charger. She pulled up the image of phone numbers Luke had her take and dialed the first one.

(Blackbourne Mansion)

"Hello?" Sean mumbled half asleep as he laid back down in bed.

"Sean," Ashley sniffled and he sat up instantly awake.

"Pookie what's wrong?" he asked concerned which woke up Owen. Owen grabbed his phone and sent out a group message. Within seconds everyone was coming into the room and Sean switched it over to speaker phone.

"I'm sorry for waking you up," she trailed off and everyone frowned as they heard her sniffles. "I don't know how to say this...."

"What's wrong Pookie?" Sean asked gently, "talk to me please?"

She took a ragged breath, "I know I said they are MY girls and no one is on the birth certificate and I've been taking care of them by myself well with Oma's help but Oma is having her infusions for her lupus today. She is actually having them right now..."

"Do you need us over there to help with the girls Pookie?" Sean asked hopefully.

"Please," She burst into tears, "I'm so tired and I hurt so much today. I won't be able to care for the girls that well today. Normally Oma does it when I'm like this but she's at the hospital getting her infusions. Ugh she got a ride there and I'm suppose to go pick her up when she's done but I won't be able to if I can't even care for the girls today. I can barely get out of bed."

"Oh Pookie," Sean sighed, "Let me get everyone awake and dressed and we will immediately be over."

"I'm sorry never mind it's super early and all of you have work," She sniffled as she tried to pull herself together, "I'll manage, I've done it before. I shouldn't have called. I'm sorry just forget everything."

"Ashley," Sean called out before she could hang up, "We're not working today, it's our day off, I swear, we have no problem coming to help out. They are our girls as well, please let us help."

"Please Darling," Owen begged. "Please?"

"Thank you," She sniffled.

"I will get everyone up and dressed and we will be there," Owen said and she hung up the phone. "Cancel any plans you had today. We're not screwing this up."

"I already sent out emails and texts," Kota said as he tossed his phone on to the bed.

"Your clothes are on your bed," Gabe said forcing himself not to cuss.

"No cursing?" Luke asked and he shook his head.

"I can't around the girls," he explained, "need to go ahead and try now."

"Shocker but good," North said nodding, "It's bad isn't it Doc?"

"I don't' know," Sean said honestly as he slipped his shirt on. "It has to be somewhat if she's actually reaching out to us but I won't know until we get there."

"Um guys?" Victor asked as he came back into the room dressed, "how are we going to get in her house? I'm sure her door is locked and she sounded exhausted."

Just then Sean's phone beeped. He picked it up and smiled, "The door is unlocked going back to bed thank you."

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