Chapter 42

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"Wookie Mommy," Nova said as she brought a piece of paper over to her.

"What do you have?" Ashley asked as she looked at the picture. "Wow, this is wonderful," She smiled at the drawing of swirls in various colors.

"Dis us Mommy, me, Sissy, all Daddies," Nova smiled up at Ashley.

"This is so wonderful," Ashley smiled as she hugged her.

"Wub you," She bounced up and down then raced back outside with Salem and Max in the backyard.

Ashley looked down at the drawing of their "family" and sighed. Things were so confusing right now. She had to admit things were easier on her with them staying with the team, the girls seemed happier and as much as she didn't want to admit to it, she was kind of excited that all fourteen men made sure they were off tomorrow to go see the girls' ballet recital. She tried telling them that they were only dancing two songs so it was only for a few moments but they put their feet down and were adamant about going. Gabriel even took the girls to go pick out presents for their teacher for after the recital. She also tried telling them that she wasn't sure when they were performing and they weren't going to be dancing back to back, they would dance one song then another group or two or three groups or even more would dance then the girls would dance again, but the guys shrugged and said it didn't matter, they would stay for the whole recital, they weren't going to miss seeing the girls dance even though they saw them practicing at home numerous times. She eventually ran out of excuses and just gave in, they were going and she couldn't stop them. It secretly made her happy that they were standing their ground but at the same time her mind couldn't stop the what ifs filling her mind, like what if this was just a one time thing or just long enough that the girls started expecting them and then they stopped showing up or a million other what ifs.

"Hey Doll, the girls need to come in and get cleaned up if they are going to make it to rehearsal on time," Axel said knocking in her doorframe making her jump in surprise and break out of her trance. "Sorry, were you lost in thought?"

"What?" She asked snapping back into reality, "Oh yeah, I'll go get them."

"No need, Luke is chasing them down and Gabe is starting their bubble bath," Axel smiled softly. "Is everything okay Doll?" he asked as he came into her room and sat next to her on the bed.

"What?" She asked gently shaking her head, "yeah everything is fine." She started to stand but his hand on her wrist made her stop. She turned to look at him, "What?"

"What's on your mind Doll?" he asked gently. "Talk to me, please? You used to talk to me all the time."

"Well, that was then," she snapped then sighed, "Sorry, I just can't. Everything is different now."

Axel nodded and smiled softly, "Yes it has but it is also the same. I still have an open no judgmental non bias mind if you need to talk. And if what is bothering you is anything about this," He said pointing down to the drawing in her hand, "we will prove all the what if's wrong. We are here to stay Ashley, we mean it and we will keep proving it everyday over and over and even when your mind has finally convinced you that you are it for us and we want this family, we will still keep showing you. We love you and we love those girls, this working on keeping our family together has nothing to do with obligations or guilt for being stupid and everything to do with you being our one true love. You are our wife and our Queen and those girls and you are our hearts."

"I'm not your wife Axel," She shook her head and stood, "and you need to stay out of my mind. It was creepy then and still is."

"It's not my fault I can read you like a book still," he chuckled and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He felt her tense then slowly eventually she relaxed into his hold. He smiled and whispered in her ear, "You may not have a ring yet, but in our minds and hearts you are already our wife, it's just a matter of time until it happens legally. We're just waiting on your mind and heart to heal and for you to see that we still love you and to earn your love back."

"Axel...." She whispered sadly.

"One day it will happen Doll," He said as he held her just a little bit tighter. "We are willing to wait, no matter how long it takes, even if it's years."

"North and Raven aren't that patient," She shook her head.

"When it comes to you Baby," North said from the doorway making her jump in surprise.

"We wait, Da," Raven nodded coming up behind North. "Years da. No like but you worth wait, we wait."

"Wookie Mommy," the girls rushed into the room breaking up the tense talk. They spun in their costumes and she stepped out of Axel's hold.

"Oy, come on we don't want to be late for therehearsal!" Gabe shouted from downstairs.

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