Chapter 32

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"I can't rest," Ashley said as she shut off the TV, "I need to get on some of my business orders for my customers, it will help distract me from worrying about the girls."

"Will you tell me about your business?" Owen asked and she nodded.

"I needed something that I could do while working from home, so I had some sort of income while also being able to care for the girls," She said while looking out the window. "Some of the ladies in the hospital were talking about wanting to pass down their baby blankets but they had tears and holes and the idea came to me that I could repair and enforce them since I knew how to sew. So I started with the ladies in the hospital and they referred their friends and pretty soon offered to set up a social medias account and website for me. So that's how Salem Nova Creations. I repair blankets for customers, sometimes I create blankets, and I also make wreaths in my spare time."

"That is amazing, I'm actually surprised Gabriel hasn't come across your account," Owen said as he helped her to the craft room. "As much shopping as he does, I am shocked he hasn't ordered a wreath or blanket from you."

"I actually kind of am surprised as well," she admitted, "but then again he likes the more expensive things so I'm not at the same time."

He helped her sit down in front of the sewing machine then got the quilt she was working on out and helped her set it up how she needed it. She looked up at him and just watched him for a few minutes.

"What is it?" he asked intrigued.

"It's just weird hearing you call everyone by their first names, that's all," She shrugged softly. "It's oddly comforting to hear you call them by their first names finally."

"I started shortly after we realized we messed up and we couldn't find you," Owen admitted. "Sean blamed me for keeping you at arm's length and if I didn't straighten my act up then we were at risk of never being able to possibly earn your forgiveness one day. Momma Lee and Jess also gave all of us an earful at the hospital once we left for the night."

"Oh I wish I was a fly on the wall during that," She smiled softly. "I can only imagine what the two of them had to say about everything."

"Apparently Kota got quite the earful when he called to see if she could come to the hospital," Owen smirked. "Knowing Jessica it was very colorful. Is there anything I can do to help you while you work?"

Ashley shook her head, "Not really." She thought for a few minutes then sighed and said, "Actually, if you want to look over all the business information you can. I usually just pay someone to handle all the financial and business stuff since I don't really understand all of it. I just know we are doing okay right now and that's all I need to know. Too much in my brain about it on top of everything for the girls stresses me out and gives me migraines."

"I would be glad to look over everything for you," Owen smiled. "If you want we can start handling it for you so you could solely focus on your crafts."

"I'll think about it later," She said. "That's too much right now." Owen nodded in understanding and sat back to get some reading done but he was also watching her as she worked. After a few hours his phone went off notifying him of a facetime call from Sean.

"I put in a rush order and I have the DNA results for the girls," Sean said holding up the packet. "I'm on my way home, they are sleeping right now. I got their fevers down for now."

"Okay," Ashley nodded. "Thank you."

"Of course Pookie, see you soon," he hung up and she sighed.

"Keep working, I will let you know when everyone gets here," Owen said and she nodded then went back to working on the quilt.

About thirty minutes later his phone pinged that Sean was at the gate. He slipped out of the room and headed to the stairs.

"Take the girls to their room so they can nap together," Sean said as he opened the front door and stood to the side so Raven and Nathan could carry each sleeping girl in.

"How are they?" Owen asked as he came down the stairs.

"Sleeping," Sean sighed. "They feel like crap, which is to be expected with strep. We have to be careful Owen, it's highly contagious and I worry about passing it on to Ashley. With her already weak immune system, she is highly susceptible to catching it. Do you realize how hard it's going to be keeping her away from them right now?"

"We will do our best," Owen nodded. "All of us have been around the girls at this point so we all have a chance of getting it even with our high immune systems. We will need to start taking vitamins to be on the safe side and I will go ahead and cancel everyone's work schedules to lessen the chance of exposing anyone else or increasing our chances of being exposed even more. How long do you think?"

"Let's say two weeks to be on the safe side," Sean said and Owen nodded. "I need to go update her on how they are doing."

"She is in the craft room right now working," Owen informed before moving over to where North and Kota were to let them know of the new plans.

A few minutes later Sean came into the living room while carrying Ashley. "So what does it say?" She asked nervously.

Sean opened the packet and everyone held their breaths.

"Salem Hecate's biological father is Silas Korba and Nova Rain's biological father is Axel Toma."

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