Chapter 9

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Owen watched the girls eating while also feeding their dolls. He still couldn't believe that Ashley had twins and they never knew. He was so mad at himself. He knew the team was mad at themselves as well. They had so much guilt about refusing to listen to Ashley all the times she tried to get a hold of them. They were just so focused on the proof that they now know was doctored and their pain of betrayal. They needed to find a way to get her to forgive them.

He sighed, he guessed it was a good thing that she didn't bad mouth them to the girls so they could possibly have a good relationship with them one day but what about her? He needed to talk to Sean about this cancer battle of hers as well. How could she not tell them about it once she found out especially since they were the fathers of the girls? Well he could understand why she didn't but if they had known about the cancer and the girls then everything would have been different. They would have been there from day one and she wouldn't have had to go through everything alone. Why didn't she tell them? Did she think they would have ignored her again? Well, he could see her thinking that but it wouldn't have happened. If he knew the others then she was in for a rude awakening, they were going to be with her and the girls from now on. He just had to get her to be okay with it.


Two baby kittens, they had two baby kittens and they missed out on them growing up because they were stupid. He wanted to punch himself over it but he couldn't. He want Kitten to forgive him but he hurt her too much now he had to get her to forgive them somehow. First he had to prove to her that they weren't going to leave again, no matter what. Doc had to get rid of the cancer and fix Kitten NOW.


Pookie had ovarian cancer? Why wasn't she more upset about it? Sure, she said it was still early but exactly how early and who were her doctors? Exactly what tests had she had done and what appointments had she gone to? How could she be so calm about it? Did the girls know? He had to get a hold of all her records and see everything so he could do more research to help her overcome this cancer. He couldn't lose his Pookie now. God he was so fucking stupid to ignore all her pleas back then. He couldn't believe they had twin girls and he missed out on so much. How could they believe that idiot of his Pookie and now look what it cost them. Well he wasn't going to lose out on any more. He was going to be there for them and for Ashley no matter what, no matter how mad she was at them he would push through and show her that she wasn't alone anymore.


Baby had twin girls and he knew nothing about it. God he was a fucking idiot and from the looks of everyone else watching Baby care for the girls they all felt the same way. And she was sick on top of that but she was so damn stubborn that she refused to acknowledge it around the girls. God she was so fucking beautiful and strong and he was a damn fool for falling for the lies and deception. He wanted to fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness but if he knew his Baby she was so hurt that she would refuse to listen to him or anyone else's pleas. Those girls were so beautiful and they missed out on so much. He was glad she refused to talk bad about them because he didn't want to miss out on anymore of their lives and he knew the rest of the team felt the same way. Now that they knew about the girls and her sickness they weren't going to leave their sides for anything. She may be stubborn but they were more stubborn. Doc had to get rid of this cancer NOW so they could have Baby and their girls back in their lives and be the family they always wanted. They had a lot of making up to do and he knew they were ready to do whatever it took to earn her forgiveness.

(Luke & Gabe)

She has cancer. They have twin daughters. Fuck, how could they be so damn stupid and not see the deception that bitch created. Guess it was a good thing she disappeared and they haven't been able to find her since because they wouldn't stop Raven from whatever he wanted to do now. They wouldn't leave Ashley and the girls anymore. She may be mad and try to push them away now but they weren't going anywhere. They had a lot of making up to do and they were going to do whatever it took to help her beat this cancer and be there for her and the girls. Doc had to make her better, he just had to.

A glance around the room told everyone they wereall thinking the same thing.

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