Chapter 4

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"Thank you," Ashley said as she grabbed her prescriptions and put them in the cart. She went down a few aisles grabbing some food and other things that she needed. As she was picking out grapes she suddenly remembered that Halloween was coming up so she headed over to the seasonal section to start looking through the decorations and other things that they already had out. She grabbed a few Halloween lights and a couple of the little projectors that could go in the girls' room. She was looking at the decals that can go on the windows when she felt herself being watched. She looked up to see Luke, North, Victor, and Gabe staring.

She sighed and tossed the decals in her cart. She started to turn when Luke called out, "Wait Cupcake, please?" She stopped and rolled her eyes for giving in so easily. "We stopped by your house last week."

"So I heard," She said as she clutched the cart. "I have to go."

"Can we please talk Baby?" North asked softly as they walked closer to her.

"Just like I told Owen, Sean, Kota, and Axel, there is nothing to say," She shook her head. "Now excuse me, I have to go." She started to walk away when she spotted the black roses with glitter on them. She grabbed two and put them in her cart. She forced herself to keep walking and not look back.

She loaded everything to be scanned and got a little dizzy. She grabbed the cart and closed her eyes to try and get grounded. She let out a slow breath then opened her eyes to see Victor paying for her stuff. She looked at him confused then felt Gabe's hand on her lower back, "Drink this Trouble," he said softly as he handed her an apple juice.

"I'm fine," she said after she took a drink.

"Okay," He said not believing her but didn't want to start an argument either.

"I am," she said as she grabbed her keys out of her backpack purse. "I just...."

"What?" North asked as he pushed her cart to leave the store.

"Nothing," She shook her head and popped a jolly rancher in her mouth.

"Did you forget to eat lunch Cupcake?" Luke asked as he loaded up her stuff.

Gabe picked up her prescription bag and looked at her. She took it from him and sat it in the passenger seat of her car. He opened his mouth but her phone rang. "Hello? What?" She glanced down at her watch, "Yes, I'm leaving the store now, I will be there in twenty minutes. Thank you for notifying me." She shut her passenger door, "Thank you but I really have to go. Something urgent came up."

"Wait, Princess," Victor said as he held her door open. "Can we please have your number so we can at least try to be friends?"

"I can't," She shook her head. "If I find out you put a tracker on my car..."

"We didn't," North shook his head, "Honest."

"Please Trouble," Gabe pouted, "I miss you."

"Well I missed all of you five years ago but you shut me out," She shrugged, "guess now it's payback." She started her car and glanced at the clock, "Shit, I really have to go, I'm running late. Do NOT follow me! If you do, you will never hear from me again."

"Okay, Cupcake," Luke nodded. "Here is our numbers," he said pulling out his phone and pulling up a saved memo with all the numbers on it. "Please take a picture and just call us from Oma's house phone so we at least know you got home safe. I'm worried since you got dizzy earlier. Please?"

She huffed and took a picture then shut her door. "Fine, now go away."

They backed off and watched her drive off. "I don't like this," North growled as they headed back inside to finish their shopping.

"Neither do I but we have to go by her rules," Victor shook his head.

"Something isn't right," Luke said as they started shopping all over again.

"No shit Sherlock," Gabe rolled his eyes as he tossed things into the cart. "She's on medicine for one fucking thing, she got fucking dizzy for two, and third she's fucking hiding something."

"Corey and I also tried looking up what she has been up to these past few years and there is absolutely nothing," Victor said as he picked up something then sat it back down.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked.

"Like there is absolutely no kind of paper trail for her since we broke up with her," Victor shrugged.

"How is that fucking possible?" Gabe asked as he picked up some Halloween lights and put them in the cart. He picked up some other decorations.

"Easy," North said, "She learned from us and is now using it against us."

"Fucking hell," Gabe sighed in frustration. "We have really fucked up."

They paid and headed back to their house. They informed the rest of the team about running into Ashley and what happened. They were concerned to say the least.

"There's one more thing," Victor said as they sat down. "She got dizzy while she was paying and when we loaded up her stuff for her to try and get her to talk to us, Gabe found something."

"What?" Owen asked and Gabe sighed.

"She had picked up some sort of fucking prescriptions and it felt like more than one," he admitted.

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