Chapter 22

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"I can't believe she would have thought that we would take the girls away from her," Gabe sighed as he paced the room.

"Can't you though?" Kota shrugged. "Think about it. We didn't give her a chance to explain herself, we weren't there for her when she needed it, we have to admit the fact that we haven't been the best boyfriends to her. She has every right to fear anything that we could easily do. Think how she would feel, she was alone, struggling financially and emotionally and then she gets the scare of her life. Any reasonable mother would fear that if the father, or fathers in our case, had the money and means to take the child or children away then they would do so. It's really not that hard to think she would think that way after everything we put her through."

"Well we aren't going to do that," North growled. "We are going to help her raise the girls not take them away from her."

"How is she doing?" Sean asked.

"She is still sleeping," North sighed. "She keeps whimpering in pain though."

"Oma said she has fibromyalgia so she may be in a flare up," Sean sighed. "She can have a pain pill in an hour if she wants it."

"Did we ever figure out when she is having surgery?" Owen asked. "She says she wants Oma to care for the girls but we need to take this time and try and see if we can convince her to let us care for the girls while also helping her recover. Since she is having surgery, she is going to need help caring for the girls while she heals. If Oma isn't well enough by the time of her surgery, we can care for the girls as well as helping her while she recovers."

"Oma let it slip that surgery is Friday," Sean smirked. "But we aren't supposed to know."


Ashley stirred then froze when she felt someone next to her. "Easy Kitten," Raven growled then she felt his hand on her back.

"Raven," She groaned as she shifted to sit up. He pushed her hair out of her face, and she smiled softly at him as she woke up a little more. He could tell the moment she realized where she was. "We're not home anymore."

"Nyet," Raven smiled softly. "Bring home where belong."

"We don't belong here Raven," Ashley shook her head.

"Wrong," Raven smirked. "Do belong here. This home."

"Where are the girls?" She rolled her eyes and got out of the bed. "Where's Oma?"

"Follow," Raven chuckled as he took her hand and gently led her down the hall. He opened a door two doors down from hers and found Oma sleeping in a bed. She smiled softly and shut the door. Raven took her hand and led her down the hall some more. She froze when she came to the door that was between Owen's room and Sean's room. Raven stopped to see why she stopped and froze as well. "No go in there since you gone."

"You left my room as it was when I left?" She asked shocked and he nodded. "All my stuff is still in there?" He nodded again. "Why didn't you empty it out and turn it into something else?"

"It didn't seem right to do," Owen said coming over to them. "Even though we were hurt, it still didn't feel right to mess with your stuff. We just shut the door and left it alone."

"That's kind of weird just so you know," She said as she opened the door. Her galaxy bedding was still on the canopy bed and her pictures of her with the guys were still on her vanity. Her hoodie she had tossed on the bed was still exactly where she left it. Their cologne bottles were still on her dresser and her makeup was still laid out on the vanity. Her star lights were still hanging on the wall along with the book she was reading was still on the bay window seat. Everything was still exactly the same. She sighed and shut the door. "Empty it out and make it for the girls."

"What?" Owen and Raven asked shocked.

"It would be good for the girls to have that room. They will be right where you can hear them and it's the one room that is connected to two of your rooms, everyone else's rooms aren't connected so they will be extra protected in that room. It just makes sense that they have that room."

"What your room?" Raven asked and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't need a room here, this isn't my house," She said as she continued to the stairs. "I'm assuming you didn't touch my office as well then did you?"

"No," Owen confirmed.

"Then give that room to the girls for a play room as well," She said as she held on to the railing and started to go down.

"What if you come to stay the night for something?" Owen asked.

"Then I will take a guest room," She answered. "Now where are my girls?"

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