Chapter 27

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"There you go, Peanut," Nathan said as he gently sat her on the couch of their living room.

"This isn't permanent," She seethed as her stomach erupted in fire.

"We know," Sean nodded as he handed her a pain pill then Kota slid a heating pad between the couch and her back. "This should help in just a little bit."

"Mommy!" The girls shouted as they came running down the hall.

"No running," the men said in unison making the girls slow down.

"Easy," Erica warned as she grabbed the girls hands and slowly led them to Ashley. "Remember we have to be careful hugging Mommy."

"I'm okay," Ashley shook her head and opened her arms. "I need all the hugs and kisses I can get from my girls to help me get better." The girls gave her hugs and kisses then sat on the floor right beside her.

"Let's color Girls," Jessica said softly and they followed her to the play room after giving Ashley another hug and kiss.

"Open Kitten," Raven said as he sat in front of her with a bowl of soup.

"Not hungry," She mumbled shaking her head.

"Just little," Raven held the spoon in front of her mouth. "Few bites help medicine no make feel sick."

"So damn persistent," She glared. "Just as bad as North."

"We're just looking out for you, Baby," North said coming into the room.

"I'm fine," She huffed then pouted as the pain protested the huff of annoyance.

"Please stop fighting us caring for you for just a few days," North asked kneeling beside Raven. "Just for a few days Baby, then you can go back to fighting us. But right now just let your body heal for a little longer. Please?"

"I don't like this," She glared at them.

"We know," Owen nodded. "But it's for the best right now for you and for the girls."

"I know that Owen," She glared. "I'm only doing it for the girls," She loud whispered, "but it doesn't stop the fact that this keeps reminding me of the past before you broke my heart and everything in me keeps screaming you are going to do it again but this time it wont just be me that will be hurt." She gasped when she realized what she said then glared, "I don't like this medicine. I refuse to take it anymore."

"Okay Pookie," Sean nodded. "I'll look into something else but I don't know if there is anything else that will be strong enough for you that your body tolerates."

"Whatever," She mumbled as she tried to fight against a yawn. "It's too hot," She whimpered.

"Up Angelos Mou," Silas smirked as he gently picked her up. "Let's go rest in my room so it will be quiet and they won't keep bothering you."

"Yay," She yawned as she curled up into his arms. "Being mean to me Superman, make them stop."

"Okay Angelos Mou," He fought back a chuckle as the rest of the team shook their heads.

Once they were out of the room Erica came back into the room, "So what are you going to do to get yourself out of the shit hole you put yourselves in?"

"I have no idea Momma," Luke pouted. "Help please," he pouted.

"I can't," She shook her head. "You did this yourselves and she has every right to be mad at you."

"We know," Kota nodded. "We were just wondering if you had any ideas that could help us show her we've changed and want to be a family."

"Well, you can start with telling her the truth about those rumors around town," Erica shrugged. "Then just show her how much you have matured over the years. She doesn't believe your words so she needs physical proof, so find ways of showing her but you also need to make sure you aren't just trying to take over and cross any boundaries. It's a fine line that you are just going to have to learn as you navigate this new territory when it comes to her and the girls."

"Making the girls a room and playroom will show proof, as well as getting things for them to keep here so she would see she wouldn't have to bring stuff over," Victor suggested. "Also, we need to set her up a room and office to show her our determination to make this work."

"That's one way," Erica nodded. "What else do you have?"

"Just show her every day that we aren't leaving," Kota shrugged. "Even on the hard days, we will still be here for her and the girls."

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