Chapter 11

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Ashley finished with the laundry and headed back to the dining room. The guys were still with the girls, Sean walked over to them and she quickly snapped a photo before glancing at the clock. "Fifteen minutes of playing Girls then you have to get ready for class unless you want to get ready now and get there extra early."

"Yay!" they beamed, looked at each other and giggled, "now Mommy now peas."

"Okay," Ashley smiled. "Can you please pick up your stuff while I get your snacks and drinks ready?"

"Otay," They nodded and started putting all the cookie cutters in one pile. They carefully got out of their seats and carried the cutters to the sink of water Ashley had ready.

"Thank you," Ashley said as she grabbed two personalized water bottles. She filled them up with water then started adding propel flavor into them.

"What class are you going to?" Luke asked as he helped them put the correct playdough in the containers while Gabe put the lids on them.

"Dace" the girls said in unison.

"What?" Victor asked.

"Ballet," Ashley said as she set the snacks out. "Girls can you go wash your hands please while I get your stuff ready?"

"Otay," they said as they took off down the hall.

"We can put this stuff up if you like," Kota said softly. "I saw where you got everything."

Ashley bit her lip then sighed, "Fine," she walked off to the girls room. She pulled out their leotards, clean panties, tights, slip on shoes. The girls came in and shut the door. After she helped them change she opened the door, "Go to the living room and start brushing your hair, I will set your bags by your snacks then I will be in there to help put them in your ballerina buns," she said as they entered the dining room.

"I can do their hair," Gabe said nervously, "please?"

"Fine," she sighed. "The girls are tender headed so no bobby pins and they have certain scrunchies to go over the buns that they like to wear. Girls, it's a little chilly so you will need to grab your ballerina sweater and leg warmers once your hair is done. I will help you put your shoes back on again after we get them on okay? I'm sorry I forgot to have you put them on before you put your shoes on. I just have to check that dinner is doing okay in the crock pot first."

"We can help them," Axel said, "Please?"

Ashley scoffed then cleared her throat, "Girls, you will have to teach your fathers how to put your sweaters on correctly, okay? They have never dealt with dancer sweaters before."

"Otay Mommy," The girls said in unison.

Ashley sat the ballerina bags on the table, brought over their snacks and drinks and laid them in front of their bags since the girls liked to prep their bags themselves. She also took their extra tights, leotards, and slippers out of their bags and laid them out so the girls could put them back in their bags. She grabbed extra hair ties and scrunchies and put them on the table.

She headed back to the kitchen and lifted the lid to the crock pot. She stirred the vegetable stew a few times then put the lid back on. She smiled softly when she heard Salem telling whoever that the long strip goes through the hole of the side of the sweater and wraps around then they have to tie it into a pretty bow. She then heard Nova telling them that those were Salem's leg warmers and those were hers. She grabbed a water bottle for herself then grabbed her phone. She sent Oma a text that she was about to take the girls to ballet early so she knew what was going on.

"Girls, Oma said she will have cookies ready after your class and she can't wait to hear and see what you learn today," Ashley called out as she grabbed her hoodie and car keys. "I am going to go warm up the car, get your bags ready once you are done please."

"Otay Mommy," they called out as she headed out the door.

She started her car and sat there for just a couple of minutes trying to gather herself. Once she felt strong again she got out of the car and jumped in surprise to see Owen standing by the car. "What Owen?" She asked as she leaned against the car.

"Can we please come to their ballet class?" He asked yearning to reach out and hug her but knew better.

She shook her head, "It's a small school it's not big enough for all of you plus the other parents that want to stay and watch. Besides you wouldn't be allowed to enter since you aren't on their pick up/drop off forms. I will let you know when they have a performance and you can go to that."

He opened his mouth to say something then thought better and closed it. He nodded, "Okay," He relented and she nodded then headed back to the house.

She stopped in the yard then turned around and pointed a finger at him, "None of you better follow me or hack into their school stuff to edit their forms or watch the cameras. If I find out you do then I will change their schools and you will never be allowed to go to any of their activities and I will press charges for whatever I can. No father is listed on their birth certificates so none of you have rights to the girls. In all senses they are MY girls so it wouldn't look good for any of you if you try anything."

"Understood," he nodded, "we would like to one day alternate so we all eventually can take them, watch, and pick them up but it's all on your terms."

"Just make sure EVERYONE understands because I know how all of you can be," She said and he nodded.

"I will," he agreed and they headed back inside.

"Wets dough Mommy," the girls said as they zipped up their bags.

"You have everything?" She asked as she glanced to the table and sure enough it was empty.

"Yep Daddies hep," Salem said.

"Okay, tell them bye," Ashley said as she locked the door behind them. "They have to leave and you have class to get to."

"Daddies ee wif us?" Nova asked and Ashley froze.

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