Chapter 15

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"Alright Girls," Luke smiled as he sat a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of each girl. "Where is your syrup? I'll help pour it for you."

"Silly Daddy," Salem shook her head. "No no sicky syrup."

"You don't want syrup for your pancakes?" Kota asked and both girls shook their heads.

"Peaut bubber, santa cwream, fwuit on pantakes," Nova answered.

"Oh," Axel nodded. "Will you show us?"

Salem got down and grabbed the whipped cream from the fridge while Nova started putting peanut butter on the plates.

"That has to be you," Luke grumbled to North as he watched them make messes while spreading the peanut butter on the pancakes. Owen helped them clean their hands while Gabe started shaking the cans of whip cream.

"Smiey faces Daddy, Mommy make smiy faces," Nova clapped.

"Got it," Gabe nodded as he made two spots for eyes then a curve for the smiley mouth on the pancakes on each plate.

They watched as Nova grabbed sliced strawberries and began putting them on her plate while Salem grabbed blueberries for her plate.

"Who wants runny eggs?" Marc asked coming over to everyone. He got everyone's orders then went back to the kitchen while Brandon followed to make everyone's drinks.

Meanwhile back in Ashley's room Silas moved her hair out of her face and softly kissed the top of her head. She stirred and sat up. Sean stood and helped her stand, "Bathroom," She groaned as Sean helped her into the bathroom. She came back out and pouted as she got back in bed, laid down then sat back up, "Girls."

"The girls are eating breakfast right now Angelos Mou," Silas said softly as he gently turned her over to her stomach and started rubbing her back being careful to watch every flinch or knot he felt. "The only thing they really need to know is when a few of them need to go pick up Oma from her appointment."

"Three," she whispered as she whimpered in pain.

"Do you think you can eat something so you can take some pain meds?" Sean asked softly.

"I don't want to but I'll try," She admitted as she slightly shifted closer to Silas.

"Thank you," Sean said as he sent off a text. A couple of minutes later North, Victor, and Nathan came in with plates and drinks. "Alright Pookie, let's get you to eat a little bit."

She managed to eat about a third of her plate before she shook her head. She laid back into Silas and closed her eyes. "Is there any allergies we need to know about for the girls?" Victor asked softly as they watched her whimper in pain until Silas shifted her to where he was sitting up and she was resting against his chest and in his lap.

"Penicillin," she whispered. "I haven't tried tomatoes or oranges yet and oh yeah, any time they take any kind of liquid anitibiotics they get upset stomachs for a couple days after they are done taking them. They have weak immune systems so they tend to sick easier than other children. Tired now."

"Okay," Sean nodded as he typed it on his phone. "Get some rest Pookie."

"Can't, girls lessons," She mumbled trying to wake up.

"We have the girls Baby," North said softly. "We will make sure they learn today, you rest."

"Mhm okay," she mumbled as she held his hand.

"You go bond with the girls Doc, I'll stay for a little bit," North whispered.

"We will switch out throughout the day," Victor nodded then Silas told North about her symptoms.

"Daddy," The girls smiled as Sean came into the living room, "Mommy otay?"

"Mommy is fine," Sean smiled softly. "She is just very tired."

"Girls, it's warming up, why don't we go outside to play for a little bit?" Axel said as he looked out the window and read the thermometer on the porch.

"Otay," they smiled as they picked up their toys. "Wook berries!"

"Yes, let's look for fairies," Luke beamed as he opened the closet and grabbed their hoodies while Gabe went to the room to find their shoes.

They spent the next couple of hours playing outside looking for fairies and playing in the leaves, playing on little playground and any other little adventure they could think of.

"How is she?" Owen asked Sean as they watched the girls play with the rest of the team.

"Exhausted and in pain," Sean said honestly. "She's frequently going to the bathroom and feels bloated even though she had very little appetite."

"What do you know?" Owen asked and Sean sighed. "Very little honestly. She won't give permission to Dr. Jones or Dr. Johnson to release her records. All they would confirm is that she is both of their patient. Dr. Jones is an autoimmune disease specialist and Dr. Johnson is a female cancer specialist. Obviously, Dr. Johnson is seeing her for her ovarian cancer. I'm assuming with Oma having lupus and the fact that I saw Ashley leaving Dr. Jones' office that she has some sort of autoimmune disease. Take into the fact we heard the call saying Dr. Jones notified her of the surgery to remove the tumors, it's safe to say they are collaborating for the surgery so it's going to be even more serious than just removing some tumors. I can't say more than that without seeing her records. Both doctors are the best in Oklahoma so we just must have faith in their skills when it comes to the surgery, but I know we would all feel better if I could join in but without her permission, I can't even gather more knowledge of her case."

Owen nodded sighed, "Then we just have to find out when her surgery is and then be there for her when the day comes."

"She told me the girls have weak immune systems," Sean whispered, "With Oma having lupus and Pookie most likely having an autoimmune disease, there's a very high chance the girls will have something as well."

"That may be," Owen nodded, "but all that means is that it will give us a better chance to be there to help her when they are sick. We will just have to keep showing her any way we can that we want to be in their lives, no matter the restrictions she gives us. As much as we want to just step in and take over, everything will have to be on her terms right now to gain her forgiveness."

"It will be hard, but it will be worth it," Sean nodded.

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