Chapter 25

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"We can't take it personally," Sean said as they stepped out of the room. "Remember she always had trouble waking up from anesthesia and it would make her feel sick. She's lashing out for multiple reasons. She's hurting and she wasn't expecting us to be there."

"We know," Owen nodded. "Let's just give her a few minutes then go back in there."

"Maybe we should have to girls come see her, I'm sure she's worried about how they are," Victor said. "We know she trusts us with them but Momma Bear instincts I'm sure are in full force also."

"Good idea," Sean nodded.

Victor pulled out his phone and stepped to the side.

"Who has Momma Bear instincts?" Owen and Sean turned to see Erica Lee standing there.

"Um..." Sean trailed off. "Let us fully explain before you freak out please?"

"What is going on?" Erica asked crossing her arms. Owen took a deep breath then explained everything. By the time he was done Erica sat down and nodded. After a few minutes she sighed and stood, "Well I certainly understand her perspective, let me go check on her."

Ashley looked up as the door opened. She paled seeing Erica standing there, "Momma Lee?" She whispered half in shock and half in worry.

"Oh you poor sweet girl," Erica smiled and hugged her. Ashley relished in the hug then burst into tears. "It's okay Sweetie, just let it all out."

"What?" Kota asked as the team showed up. He looked into the room and sighed, "Oh."

After a few a while Ashley pulled away and sniffled. "There you go," Erica smiled softly as she wiped her face with a tissue. "Now let me just say, I completely understand, you have nothing to worry about. I will also explain to Jess. She will understand also. Now tell me about the girls."

"I've got a better idea," Kota said knocking on the door.

"Mommy?" Nova and Salem asked nervously after Kota moved to the side.

"Hey My Loves," Ashley beamed holding her arms open. The girls rushed to the bed after Erica stepped to the side. North and Raven helped them get on the bed and sit on each side of her.

"Hur Mommy?" Salem asked cautiously.

"Yes but both of your hugs are making me feel so much better now," Ashley smiled and kissed them. "This is just what I needed. I missed you girls so much."

"Miss too," They smiled and shifted to sit with her better. She ran her fingers through their hair and smiled in content. After a couple of minutes she kissed the tops of their heads and asked, "Do you remember me telling you about Nana and Auntie Jess?"

"Yep," Nova said as she played with Ashley's hand. "Nana wort wif docters hep people. Annie Jess go school learn lots."

"That's right," Ashley smiled softly. "Well that lady over there is Daddy Kota's mommy, she's Nana."

"We we?" Salem asked excitedly.

"Yes I am," Erica smiled as she came over to them. "I came as soon as I heard Mommy was here so I could help take care of her. If you want I can call Auntie Jess and see if she's done with school for today and come see you."

"Otay," the girls nodded and hugged Erica.

"I already called her," Kota said as he came back into the room. "She is on her way." He looked at Erica and mouthed After she yelled at me of course. Ashley smirked and sighed in relief as the nurse came in.

"Good news, Dr. Jones is switching your pain meds so hopefully this will help," she said as she came over to the IV.

"Was dat?" Salem asked watching in interest.

"This is medicine that is going to help Mommy not hurt anymore," the nurse explained.

"My huggies kisses mate hur go way," Salem frowned.

"Yes they do," Sean nodded. "But this is magic medicine that is going to make sure your hugs and kisses last all night long so they still work even after you go to bed."

"Oh," Salem smiled and laid back down with Ashley.

Good save Erica mouthed to Sean who nodded.

"So tell me all about swimming with your daddies," Ashley said as she held their tiny hands in hers. About fifteen minutes later the door opened and Ashley smiled softly. "Jess, hi."

"Hey Ash," Jess smiled softly.

"Annie Jess?" Nova asked and Ashley nodded.

"Yes, she's Auntie Jess. Jess this is Nova and Salem," Ashley smiled softly.

"Hi Girls," Jess waved softly.

They spent the rest of the day spending time with Erica and Jess getting to know the girls better.

"I'm going to go get her something to eat," Marc said after an orderly came in to tell her dinner was almost ready.

"She has to eat what is approved by the doctors Sir," the orderly tried to say.

"It's fine, I approved him getting her something," Sean said coming into the room.

"Yes Dr. Green," The orderly said then left.

"Alright Momma Lee, you are now switched to caring for Pookie while she is here," Sean said as he looked over her chart. "Marc get her a light soup to see how her stomach handles it before we try anything else."

"Got it," Marc said standing, "How about my chicken noodle soup?"

"I guess," Ashley yawned.

"Beddy time Mommy?" the girls asked in unison.

"Almost," Ashley nodded.

Marc came back with food for everyone and they ate dinner together. After everyone was done Sean noticed Ashley was trying to stay awake. "Time to leave so Ashley can get some sleep."

"I want you to mind your daddies when it comes to bedtime, okay?" Ashley said as she hugged the girls. They nodded, "give Oma, Belle, and Rose hugs and kisses for me, okay?"

"Come on Girls," Axel said softly. "Give Mommy hugs and kisses then it's time to leave."

"I'll come back as soon as they are asleep to check on you," Sean said and she nodded but the look she gave him when the girls weren't looking told him she didn't want him to.

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