Chapter 43

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"Where Daddies?" Salem asked as she pulled on Ashley's shirt.

Ashley finished fastening Nova's check in bracelet and stood, "Um, I don't know Salem," She said honestly. "They said they were leaving work last I talked to them. I'm sure they are just running a little late because of traffic."

"Daddies pomis," Nova said as she pouted. "They no wort."

"I know they promised My Loves," Ashley sighed, "I'm sure they are trying their best to be here to see you dance. They were so excited to see you dance last night, they are just as excited to see it today, it's not their fault all of them got called into work this morning because of emergencies. Remember they are very important people in their jobs, they have very hard jobs helping other people. They weren't happy they had to go to work but they will try their very best to be here to see you dance Girls, okay? Mommy is going to record it just in case they can't get here. We can't be mad at them if they can't make it okay? They did promise but sometimes emergencies happen that we can't control. We can always show them the video when they get home and there will be more dances they can come too in the future."

"Thankfully this isn't one of those times," Owen said from behind the girls. Ashley looked up to see the guys standing there holding flowers and the girls spun around in excitement.

"Daddies," They squealed and rushed over to them while Ashley let out a sigh of relief.

"Look at you Care Bear and Bunny!" Gabriel beamed as they watched the girls twirl in their costumes.

"We have a surprise for you girls," Kota smiled and Ashley looked at them suspiciously.

The guys moved out of the way and the girls squealed in surprise then started hopping up and down, "OMA! NANA! ANNIE JESS! PAPA!"

"Hi Girls," Erica smiled and hugged them as they rushed to hug all three women then hugged Uncle Ben that they call Papa. They stopped cautiously when another man and woman stepped up to the group.

They looked at the couple cautiously, "Mommy wookie," Nova said holding Ashley's hand.

"Wookie Daddy Waben," Salem finished nervously and Ashley smiled.

"That's because this is Daddy's Raven's Mommy and Daddy. This is Dedushka Aleksandr and Babushka Natasha, they came to see you dance as well. Hi Mommy and Daddy." Ashley hugged them tightly and blinked back tears. "This is the best surprise."

"Hi Daughter," Aleksandr and Natasha said hugging her tightly. "We surprise."

"You definitely did," Ashley beamed.

"Dedu? Babu?" Nova and Salem asked and Ashley nodded. "Ober ocean mermaids Russia?"

"Da," Raven nodded, "They come see you dance."

"They did fly over the ocean with the mermaids from Russia to come see you girls," Ashley smiled and the girls held Raven's hands then walked over to his parents.

"Stay afer dance?" Nova asked and Natasha nodded.

"We stay few days," Aleksandr nodded and Salem smiled.

"Otay Dedu," Salem beamed.

"Nova? Salem?" A dance instructor called out to the girls. "It's time to get ready backstage."

"Excuse me everyone, I have to go escort them to the back," Ashley smiled and wiped away a tear, "best surprise, thank you."

Ashley walked the girls to the backstage then checked them in with their dance instructor. She slipped back into the audience and glanced around. Spotting her large group she let slip a small smile at the thought of them being hers. She had to admit they were slowly working their way back into her heart with moments like this. She walked over to the group and sat between Aleksandr and Natasha. They each held her hand and gently squeezed.

Ashley glanced around and spotted Aleksandr's best men throughout the audience. "Safe," he whispered into her ear and she nodded as the lights dimmed.

Sure enough the everyone stayed for the whole recital even with the girls having one dance in the middle of the recital then their last one at the very end. Once the girls were done dancing their last dance Ashley stood and whispered, "I have to go pick up the girls, they will only be released to me, I'll be right back." She walked back stage to get the girls and beamed as the instructor released the girls and they came rushing into her arms. She cherished these few moments of it being just her and the girls since she didn't get them that often now. She knew she had to get use to sharing the girls so she loved these moments when she got them. She kissed each on the cheek then stood, "Come on Girls, everyone is waiting for us. I'm so proud of you, you danced beautifully."

"Wub you Mommy," They said as they walked down the hall. They soon spotted everyone and rushed out of her hands to their fathers. Ashley smiled as she watched the guys fawn all over the girls.

"Glad they know about them now?" Oma asked coming over to Ashley.

"Yes," Ashley sighed in defeat. "But still..."

"You have to let go," Oma said softly. "Trust me I understand the hurt and betrayal, but can you honestly tell me they are the same boys they were five years ago?"

Ashley shook her head, "No they aren't," She said. She caught North looking her way and she scrunched her eyes in suspicion. North looked away and she frowned slightly, was he ease dropping? "They have proven my fears wrong over and over when it came to the girls but I still can't help fearing the past repeating itself over again."

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