Chapter 49

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Ashley smirked and carefully got off Sean's lap. She walked over to Gabe and knelt down in front of him, "Can I lick my lollipop Meanie please?" She pouted and blinked up all innocent like at him, causing him to groan.

"Fucking hell, yes," He nodded then moaned as she ever so slowly started licking all around his cock without actually taking him in her mouth. "Trouble, please," he begged as she gently cupped his balls. She took pity on him and started sucking him off, internally grinning as he moaned and tangled his fingers in her hair. Finally he couldn't take it any longer and started fucking her mouth. "Fuck Trouble, your mouth is so fucking good. God damn Ash, feels so fucking good. Fuck, fuck, fuck."

"Fuck Cupcake, can I please?" Luke asked and Gabe took her off his cock for just a second so she could answer. "Please Cupcake?"

"Yes please" She smiled knowing what they wanted. "It's been too long. I haven't been with anyone since all of you."

"Fucking serious?" Gabe asked and she nodded.

"We've only been with each other," Luke smiled, "I swear it. Now come here." Luke picked her up and held her as she eased down on his cock. Gabe poured some liquid onto her ass then slowly entered her ass while helping Luke hold her up between them.

"Fucking hell, so damn good," Gabe groaned as they started fucking her.

"Fuck Cupcake," Luke groaned as he and Gabe made her bounce on their cocks. "Fuck."

"Luke, Gabe," she gasped as she wrapped an arm around both of them. They kissed her wherever they could. "Oh Luke, Gabe, fuck your cocks feel so good in me. Fuck it's been too long, fuck please, I'm so close, please, please, please, fuck, fuck."

"Don't fucking cum yet," Gabe growled as they moved her faster. "Don't do it."

"Please," She gasped, "I can't, both your cocks feel so good in me, I can't."

"Don't do it, Cupcake," Luke bit on her neck that set her off.

"Luke! Gabe!" She gasped as she came which set them off.

"We said don't," Luke growled holding her face in his chin.

"I'm sorry," She gasped, "You just felt so good."

"We'll allow it tonight," Owen said coming over to them. "It's been too long for all of us, you aren't in trouble, Darling."

"Fuck yeah, Trouble," Gabe gasped. "We just didn't want to cum yet that's all."

"Come rest for a bit Baby," North said taking her from Owen. "You just took four of our cocks, you need to rest." He sat her in his lap and started running his fingers through her hair. She sighed in content as she started to feel fuzzy and light. Silence and peace surrounded her. She felt North stop running his fingers through her hair so she started whining and pouting until he started again. He chuckled, "I think someone has entered subspace."

"Looks like it," Silas smiled as she started pouting when he stopped again then smiled when he started. "You know we can't do that all the time, right Angelos Mou?"

"Maybe," She whined, "But right now you can."

"True, Baby," North smiled as he kissed the top of her head.

"I'll be right back," Owen said, "I'm going to get us some more water."

"Rest Baby," North whispered as he continued to run his fingers through her hair. Before she knew it, she drifted off to sleep. "She's asleep," he whispered as he continued to run his fingers through her hair.

"I still can't believe we're finally here," Gabe said as he took a drink from his water bottle.

"Same," North whispered. "I'm just glad she finally let us in."

"Let her sleep," Owen whispered. "It's been five years for her, her body has to readjust to being with all of us again. We can continue when she wakes."

"You can't be rough, her body will be sore I'm sure," Sean whispered. "Be gentle unless she says otherwise, but still we can't be too rough until she is use to us again."

"Got it Doc," they mumbled as North got into the bed with her. Silas got in bed with her and North while the rest went to their rooms with promises of texts when she woke so they could continue showering her with their love.

Ashley slowly woke and turned to see North asleep in front of her while Silas was sleeping behind her. She gently reached out and traced North's face while he continued to sleep. "Oh my North Star," She barely whispered, "I love all of you so damn much. Please don't break my heart again."

"Never, Angelos Mou," Silas whispered into her ear making her gasp in surprise.

"Never ever again Baby," North whispered opening his eyes and leaned forward to kiss her softly on the lips. She moaned as he nibbled on her bottom lip causing him to groan. "Swear it."

Silas wrapped his arm around her and started rubbing her clit. "Oh Superman," she gasped as she moved closer to him. She reached up and wrapped her arm behind his neck making her breasts arch forward. North leaned forward and started playing with her nipples. "Oh North," She gasped as the fire started to burn in her. "Silas, please," She pouted as North started leaving hickies along her body while Silas sucked and nibbled on her neck.

"I got you Angelos Mou," Silas whispered in her ear as he removed his fingers causing her to whine. He chuckled and moved her to climb on top of North who rolled onto his back. She eased onto North's cock and started riding him slowly. Silas poured some lube onto her ass and slowly entered her ass. "Fuck Angelos Mou, so damn tight," He growled as he alternated thrusts with North.

"Damn Baby, so fucking perfect taking both of our cocks," North whispered as he started moving faster. "Look at us taking you at the same time, look." She moaned as they started moving even faster. "Such a good girl taking our cocks, Baby."

"North, Silas," She gasped as Silas wrapped his hand around her throat and pounded into her ass even harder. "Please," She begged as North started rubbing her clit. "Please."

"Cum," They said at the same time as they erupted in her which sent her over the edge. "Good girl," they whispered as they gently kissed her anywhere they could as she slowly came down from her high.

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