Chapter 3

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"Ash," Oma called out as she watched three Tahoe pull into the driveway.

"Come on, girls, it's bubble bath time," Ashley fake smiled as she rushed the girls down the hall into her master bathroom. She turned on the water and poured the bubble bath. "Now let's see who can be super quiet while Mommy goes to get popsicles. Remember very quiet, okay?" Both girls nodded and she rushed to grab a few popsicles then rushed back down the hall just as someone knocked on the door. She had to keep the girls quiet and hoped they would leave soon.

She handed the girls their popsicles and turned on Barbie's Diamond Castle on her laptop for them to watch while they played in the bath. Ashley came down the hall to the point she would still remain hidden and listened.

"Hi Gentlemen, what can I do for you?" Oma asked as she stepped out onto the porch.

"Hi Oma," Sean smiled softly. "I literally bumped into Ashley today at the hospital."

"I know," Oma nodded. "She told me about it and how you made her late to her following appointment because you wanted to talk and she made it clear she didn't want to. Tell me Boys, do you think it's kind of hypocritical that when she asked repeatedly to talk to you all those years ago you allow it but now you are trying to do the same thing?"

"We are very sorry Oma," Axel nodded. "We would just like to apologize to her."

"Well I am sorry but she isn't here," Oma lied.

"But her car is here," Corey pointed out.

"So she can't walk somewhere?" Oma asked and he looked down ashamed. "Or get picked up by someone?"

"She is with someone?" North asked shocked.

"I don't know," Oma said, "I may be her grandmother but I am not her keeper. She is 26 years old, she is an adult, I don't have to keep track of her movements."

"Sorry Oma," North mumbled.

"Can you tell me what her appointment was for?" Sean asked. "Is she okay?"

"That is between her and her doctor," Oma shook her head. "I can't rely information that she has not given me permission to tell. I'm sure you understand. If she wanted you to know she would have told you what her appointment was about."

"Yes Ma'am," Sean pouted.

"Lucian Taylor, you get back over here and quit trying to snoop around my house!" Oma scolded as she saw Luke go to the side of the house out of her peripheral vision. "There is nothing back there except poison oak and poison ivy."

"Sorry Oma," Luke pouted as he reappeared and North slapped him on the back of the head.

"How long as she been back?" Victor asked.

"Awhile," Oma answered vaguely. Her timer dinged and she sighed, "Look Boys, I liked all of you deeply and thought you treated Ashley like a queen so you can understand why she isn't the only one hurt by this but she is back home and I am going to enjoy my time with her while she is here. I will tell her you stopped by but it will be up to her if she reaches out and contacts you or not."

"What do you mean while she is here?" Axel asked.

"She no stay?" Raven asked.

"I don't know," Oma answered. "That girl follows her heart wherever it leads her. I'm just going to cherish my time with her while I can. Now I have to get the cookies out of the oven before they burn."

"Oh cookies," Luke beamed and North shook his head.

"No cookies for you," North growled. "You tried to snoop."

"And we don't want to piss Ashley off more when she gets back," Marc said. "Thank you Oma."

"Goodbye Gentlemen," Oma said as she went back inside. She headed to the kitchen and watched them through the dining room windows until they left. "All clear," she called out and Ashley let out the breath she was holding. "I don't like it Ash."

"I know," Ashley nodded. "I'm just not ready yet."

"You have to tell them soon," Oma said as she pulled out the cookies. "They are going to find out eventually, might as well go ahead and get it over with."

"I know Oma," Ashley nodded. "I just need a little more time." She headed back to the bathroom and laughed at the girls covered in bubbles and laughing. She took her phone out and snapped some pictures. She eventually got them cleaned up and started brushing their long hair. After she tucked them into bed she sat and watched them sleep for a little bit. She kissed them on the forehead and whispered, "I just need a little more time."

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