Chapter 26

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"I can heal at home," Ashley shook her head as Erica helped her walk around the room a week later.

"But it would be easier for you and the girls to just stay at the mansion with us that way I can make sure you are doing okay and we can help with the girls also," Sean tried to explain.

"You can just come by my home and check after your shifts and I don't need help with the girls," Ashley protested. "I have been doing fine all this time."

"Yes you have," Sean agreed trying not to upset her, "But what if you are in pain and need help?"

"Then I have Oma," Ashley sat on the bed and crossed her arms.

"And what if Oma isn't feeling well?" Silas asked.

"Then I will manage," Ashley glared.

"We need your help with a patient Erica," A nurse knocked.

"I'll come back later," Erica hugged Ashley then left.

"But you shouldn't have to manage," Silas said softly. "We are here now, we can help when you can't."

"I can do it," She glared at him, "at my home."

"Yes you can," Silas said sitting beside her and taking her hand in his. "But don't you think it will be nice to have some help if you are hurting in the middle of the night and one of the girls needs something to make one of us take care of them so you can rest?"

"What do you mean?" She asked cautiously.

"Think of it this way," Silas shrugged. "We would be the ones to have to get up in the middle of the night if they need something. If they get sick, we will have to be the ones to care for them, you can get a break and we will have to learn how to care for them. We can't do that if you are at your place. Doc will have to be on doctor mode all the time since he will also have to care for you and Oma before and after his shifts here and we will be forced to change our work schedules so we can take shifts and care for the girls while some of us work then rotate. We will have to work around the girls' dance classes and make sure they stay on the routine you have set up for them. You said it yourself, you have done everything for the past four years, we don't know anything about them. This could be your way of forcing us to learn how to be dads."

"And say we do stay with you," Ashley asked, "then after I heal and it's time for us to leave, then what? I have to be the bad guy and break their hearts? Think logically about this. If we were to stay there they would get attached to that dynamic and lifestyle, it would upset them when I get better and we have to leave. It would just be better to stay home and prevent all that. They won't get their hearts broken."

"Or," Victor said and held his hands up in mock surrender, "Just hear me out first before you instantly deny the idea please."

"What?" She eyed him suspiciously.

"We could use this time to try and be a full family," He offered. She opened her mouth but he interrupted. "Just listen please." She shut her mouth, so he took the chance. "I'm not saying we instantly jump into being in a relationship, we know we have a lot of making up to do. But we could use this time to try and rebuild the trust you use to have in us, as well as get to learn how to be fathers and be a family. We could co parent right now and relearn about each other at the same time. We can clearly see how independent you have become so we can learn the new you and you can learn what we have become while helping you heal and you can teach us how to be parents. It would benefit the girls and maybe after the six months it will take you to heal we can see where we go from there."

"And what if we don't work well?" Ashley asked, "What do I tell the girls that isn't going to break their hearts? They are so sensitive. They are already getting attached to you, I can't break their hearts. It would just be easier to prevent it from even happening."

"What if it could work?" Luke asked. "Do you really want to run away from the chance that we could be together again? Be a family?"

"Too much has changed Lucian," She shook her head. "I'm not the same girl I used to be. I'm too different. Besides we don't even need to be having this conversation, I've heard the talk around town, I know you have girlfriends. We just need to keep coparenting like we are and you visiting. I'm not going to come between you and your relationships but we will discuss at a later time about introducing the girls to your women."

"Wrong," Raven growling storming over to her.

"What?" She asked rolling her eyes. "Instead of multiple girls you are sharing again?"

"Nyet," he cupped her chin forcing her to look into his dark eyes. "Nyet women. Only you Kitten, no after you never again. Date yes but no same no relationship. Only you in hearts. Only want you, still only want you. Always you." He pressed his lips to her making her gasp in shock. He moved his hand to the back of her neck and gently pulled on her hair tilting her head back to allow him to deepen the kiss. A soft whimper escaped her lips causing him to smirk.

Reality flooded her mind and she shoved him away. "How dare you," She seethed. He shrugged and kept smirking. "That is not going to happen again."

"Da will," he said stepping up to her again and gently ran his finger along her jawline. "Truth always you Kitten, always. Prove you hear wine vine wrong." Corey started to open his mouth, but Gabe put his hand over his mouth. "Only you in hearts. Baby kittens now too. Prove we family we work. Take fruit cup one day. Prove always you our love. Give chance please Kitten."

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