An Update for Everyone

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    Two days passed of what happened with Dine.

  Swap was always, ALWAYS, checking up on Dine to make sure their alright and always make sure Dine is eating, sleeping and even mentally doing well. It went something like this, "Dine! When did you woke up and when did you slept?" He commanded as Dine groaned in the background. Or went like, "Dine, did you ate all of your food?" Swap huffed as Dine gave a small pout and said yes. Swap was on extra guard of Dine, he's even their when they get their check-up.

   As for Fell, nothing big really change. Dine and Fell still spite each other, but with a little bit more respect you could say. You can still hear them yell or swear about radical things, or them conversing about something those two could only understand. And to be real, compared from then to now, they kinda have been insulting each other less compared then. But then again, in the past Fell still had their questions about Dine. 

   The samething with is with B. Nothing much changed about them. But he does have more concern then Fell does. You can see him regularly asking if they're ok. The difference between B and how Swap asked Dine is that, Swap checks up on Dine like every 15 minute interval while Blindy only ask about every few hours. 
  They still do the same activities when they can, like listening to music, judging each other music taste, Dine gossiping all of the school drama they knew off (even spilling their own drama!!), and Blindy giving advice them what to do if someone insults them. Blindy seem to find Dine endearing.

    Wingdings still finds them as the annoying kid. But, strangely enough Dine been more helpful lately. They been helping more and more about his theories, hypothesis, experiments. Wingdings somewhat apprectiate their help, but can't help to find it annoying. They occasionally argue with chemical to pour, or to stir it clock-wise or counter clock-wise. And all of them settling with Star's help. (Star's is the tie breaker!! And if he isn't around, Swapfell is, buuutt Swapfell is extremely biased.) 

    Speaking of Stars, Stars usually hang around Dine when they get bored. Especially if Fell is paying attention too the tv, Blindy is doing his own things, and Swap cleaning, cooking or scolding others. 
   Stars talk to Dine. He still questions about the human world and what's it like. He has a full book of questions, and it seems to never end. Some questions even Dine can't answer themself since it's so specific. Dine just had to shake their head and plainly look at Stars. And just say, "Calm down." Star just chuckles and have a small blush. 

       And finally Swapfell.

It definitly been interesting development for  Swapfell and Dine. 
  Swapfell was mainly quiet around Dine, and Dine called bullshit of course. Dine confronted him and well, Swapfell spilled. They both talked for awhile. Asked questions and well, somethings seem to be, new and old in their relationship. Swapfell saw a new perspective in Dine. A Dine perspective huh. 
   But overall, the kid around like always, telling jokes and even mocking each other. It was tame and all. Swapfell and Dine.

    Dine. Dine looked across the dark and inky depths of the void. They didn't said a word. Dine was still as they ever were. 
  A small hiss came from the side, it was Tupu. Dine smiled as they saw the small child that was infront of them "What are you doing here?" They questioned as  they picked him up and perched him on them. 
  Tupu was quiet, he just snuggled on Dine like it was nothing. Dine gave a sympathetic smile. 

  "It's weird, y'know?" They started as they looked across the dark horizon. 
"I've been here for a year. And not once I even had a look back and said, 'I want to change myself'... 'Not once I want to change myself for the better..'" 
Tupu just hissed, not sure what to say. 
 Dine blinked and bit their lip. 
"Now realizing, the gang barely had change either.." Dine laughed. "They almost stayed the same, the only change that happened that they were tolerable with me. There was no chapters ending or even begining of a chapter.." Dine said like she was making a false break through. 

  " Swapfell tries to change but somehting is always holding him back. Making him start over from square one."
Dine stared as they looked into the palms of there hands. " I wonder, is this what happen when you're stuck all alone in a place with no walls, ceiling or windows.. You can only learn to tolerate and adapt but never fully changing." Dine put their hands up on the sky. 
 "I mean, you changed, you used to be a snake but now you're a human.." Dine noted as Tupu just blinked. "But that doesn't mean you change on the inside.." Dine whispered. 

   Dine closed there hands. "You know, I hope when we get out of here, we all change. For the better. Y'know?" 

    Tupu just looked up at Dine, "ye!" he spouted with a happy tone. 

Dine laughed, knowing Tupu could only comprehend less than half of what they said. "Now go on out, you little rascal." They smiled as they let go of Tupu and he ran off.

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