A Meeting

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         ! No one's P.O.V !

A week happened since, Dine fell into the void. It was the morning time, then. "Ay Swapfell!" Dine smiled as she slide in. "Yes?~" Swapfell asked. "What do you give a sick bird?" Dine smiled. Swapfell sighed, "A tweetment.~" He smiled at her. "FUCK YOU!! I thought I got you there!" She yelled. Since Dine says a lot of jokes, usually Swapfell know the punch line to these jokes. Now it's a competition to make sure to fully say the joke. "Anyways.. I after this I need you to take your pill." Swapfell said to her. "Yessir." Dine lazily slurred.

Swapfell playfully rolled his eyes.

After Dine took her pill next was a check up. "Hm.. Could I check your soul?" He asked me. "Yeah go ahead." She easily complied. he looked out their soul, it was Maroon.. Meaning of Confidence. "Well there's a lot of reason why it's like this.." Swapfell noted.

"What does it mean?" Dine asked. "Confidence." Swapfell said. "Ohh!... Make sense," she smiled. "Well of course it does, I won't be surprise if you tried to talk to an anomaly." Swapfell muttered which gave him a punch on the arm.

"Ok.. Could I ask you something?" Dine smiled. "Anything.~" Swapfell responded.

! Dine's P.O.V !

"You said that.. You messed up with the other people here. And what was that was so messed up?" I asked. Swapfell contemplated for awhile, "Well if I tell you.. Could you tell me one of your secrets?~" He asked me. I thought only for a second.. "Ok! Who's first?" I asked. "You." He said.

Quick choice.. "Well..in my universe, there was this.. er.. protest where it's about monthers being upon the surface and I may or may not accidentally set off.. Tear." I nervous explained. I mean. It was an accident of course.,.

"Well- Wait how did you got tear gas?" He asked me. "NO QUESTIONS NEEDED! OK YOUR TURN." I smiled. "Well..~ One of there room mates were blind.. And well.." He went on and said his end of the story about fucking up a lot of people when he was their.

"Damn.." I smiled. "What a girlboss move." I said with irony.

"Well thank you.~" He responded.

"Oh yeah! When you first fallen down here.. I found this." He swirled his hand around which showed a notebook. My notebook!.. "Bitch, have you been looking through this." .

I looked through the pages making sure nothing is stolen.

"Hey- Uhm. Where's the other photo?" I asked sort of upset. I flipped through the pages back and forth making sure I didn't missed it.

Swapfell gave a blank face before remembering, "Oh yeah..!" He pulled it out from his pocket and gave it to me. I took it and gave a quick glance, "Thank you my good samaritan." I playfully stuck out my tongue as I once looked back the photo with the two skeletons on it..

I looked back at it, and back at Swapfell. Somethings clicking, I swear there's something going on in my mind. "Stay still.." I muttered. Swapfell raised a quick little skeleton brow but complied. I took a step back and look at Swapfell and the photo. "No way... No fucking way." I muttered as I kept looking at the two.


"Correct..!~" Swapfell chriped, without finishing my setence. "I- what- I-" I blinked. Papyrus and Sans don't act like Swapfell at all! Papyrus is sarcastic and pessimistic while Sans is a little greedy snob.. In a good way of course.

"But you two don't act the same at all!" I exclaimed. I smack my face with my notebook as Swapfell just gave a low chuckle. "Why are you so surprised?~" He smiled, knowing the answer already. "My ass thought you can't take care of children.." I muttered. Swapfell irked and looked at me, "Dine, dear, I'm taking care of you right now." He shook his head. "...Doesn't mean you're doing it well!!" I teased as I stuck out my tongue which earned me a sigh and an eye roll.

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