Under the Facade

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                                    ! Swapfell's P.O.V !
   Dine was in the hospital today. She said she'll be staying here for a few days. Though I'm a little annoyed that she've been spending more time with the gang.. Though..~ What I've been seeing, her emotional and mental state been kinda off lately. 
   She'd been waking up more late then expected, been in a mood for a while. And I doubt it's puberty. 
 It maybe from nightmares but.. I can't say for sure..~ 

  What I gather from her, she won't precisly say out her feelings. She'll most likely will drop obvious to non-obvious hints.
So my goal is to Dine to spill.. I would say easy but it won't be.. The fact that Dine can easily lie her way just to hide her feelings and how she can change situations, especially with her powers. 
  So there's only a few ways to get to her.. Forcing her wouldn't work. But getting close to her might. Or just checking her mental waves... Mm...~ Checking her brain waves seem more of a simple apporoach.

   Walked into Dine's room, she was still asleep.. How cute..~ 
I slightly shook her. Dine groaned and looked at me, "FFFFFFFFFF- Go away." Dine frowned and put her blanket over her head. 
   "Dine,cupcake, c'mon wake up." I smiled as I shook her again.
"FUHHHHH- no." She pouted under her blankets. "Hm." I sighed. I then picked up from under her blankets. 
"You're still pretty light." I teased. "Thank you." Dine said in a mono-tone voice. 
"Mmmmm..! I wanna sleep!!" Dine whined. "After I do this procedure on you, you can." I compromised. She looked at me with dead eyes, "...What procedures?" She asked.
   "Mmm...~ Just some normal procedures, blood draw... More." I explained while I carried her. 
"FUUUUUC- you ok." She groaned as laid limp in my arms. 
 As I carried Dine into a different room, which she quickly noticed. "MMMMMMM!!!!" She hummed and rolled off of my hands. "OW- WHERE- WHAT-W-" 
"Shhhh..~" My eye glowed and she slowly falled asleep. 

    This hospital have many useful things, even though it's a chuck of it. It's still really useful.
I placed her down, and hooked her up to the machine, this will be a while.. 
  Brain checks is where you find abnormal activity in the mindset, it ranges to mental disorders example depression. And can also find brain tumors. 
   I have to wait 'till I get the frequency of it.
I waited until all of the frequency stop- But.. I looked at Dine, her breathing turned uneasy. I examined her. 
 Her breathing is uneasy, she's scared. I looked at Dine, up close. 

   I brushed her cheek, she didn't react. 
"Very interesting.." I said as I examined her. I sighed and looked at the frequencies. The begining of it seem pretty good. But as it reached to the end it seemed to be.. Glitched. I looked at it more to see what it means, as I read it the system let out a few electric sparks. I backed out a little.. Until it fully combusted on me. 
"What the hell..." I muttered. 
I looked over at Dine. She's still suffering in her nightmare. I sighed, I un-set her up. I carried her to the main room, and I laid her in a hospital bed. Waiting until she wakes up.

      "Mmm.." She groaned as she slept. She's going to wake up soon. 
"Nnnn...!" She quickly sat up and looked at me. "WH-WHA-WH!!" She looked at me with deadly eyes. "I THO-"
"Shhhh..."  I hushed her. "Like I said, I just done some procedures..~" I reassured her. Dine looked around confused. "Mmm..~ I'm going to cook some food. Why won't you just sit here." I smiled.
  I looked at Dine once more just her seem more confused.

                           ! Dine's P.O.V !
  I looked at Swapfell.. "What the literal fuck?" I questioned. "No- He's pullin' somethin'." I said to myself. "I know I'm not trippin'" I stood up and looked around. 
 I can barely remember anything- I still feel tired, my limbs are crippled and hurting- Fuck-
Well I could look around to see what was going on... OR
  I could take a break and like not be tired. I sighed in relief as I sat down. Oki I'm ready.
I walked around in confusion, I stumbled around looking where Swapfell tooken me before. 
"ok where did he went.." I muttered to myself as I looked around the place. 
There were a few specified places where Swapfell didn't wanted me to go.
So it must be one of them.. But a few months ago, I tried to go to them, but Swapfell caught me in the act. I'm not even sure I can even make it.
  I walked around in forgien places. 

   "So..." I looked around to see anything strange. I went into the one of the rooms the Swapfell didn't let me in. I saw a few cages- what the fucking god..? I know that Maestro used to be Swapfell's specimen.. 
  Anyways which fucking hospital have cages. I brushed the caged, it was cold as Swapfell, and fucking dusty as this hospital.
I hope Swapfell input these metalic bars in, because I don't wanna see a hospital with cages.
  As I was about.. ABOUT to turn around, I felt something brushed my back. I smiled out of being nervous.  I felt some hands gripped on my shoulders.

   I smiled and turned behind me, "Heyyy.. Swapfell." I waved. "You better be glad this is one of the lower..~ Threatening places..~" Swapfell smiled. I was still frozen, crying inside. "Anyways, foods ready..~" He said as he placed his forehead on my neck. 
   "Now.. Go on." He said as he motioned. I quickly held on to Swapfell's jacket, and started to fakely sobbed. 
"wahh." I cried. "Im sca-scared.." I sobbbbbed even more. "Do you want me to carry you?~" Swapfell sang. 
"Wait wha-" I looked at Swapfell, and then he picked me up. 

    "NO  THIS IS THE OPPOSITE REACTION!!" I whined. Swapfell then patted me into his sweater.

              ! A painful..ish time later !
OK!! I am now free. I obviously can't sneak in any of the other places, without Swapfell stranggling me- 
 NNnng, what else I could do..? I went into deep thought trying to figure it out. I finally came up with... A very very very very simple plan. 
I sighed, and rubbed the back of my head. I then went into Swapfell's workplace. "Heyyyyy Swapfell." I waved as I walked into there.
"Yes?" He said as he focused on his work.
"So..." I said with a nervous smile as Swapfell began to look at me. "What happened when you knock me out?" I asked him. 
"You actually asked for something then actually doing a impossible scheme!" Swapfell gasped. "Stop teasing me!" I cried. 
Swapfell sighed and stood up right in front of me. "Well...~ I guess I can't hide it from you!~" He smiled as he booped my nose. 
"The procedure I did was a mental check. You seem to have some well mental problems while you sleep- And no I didn't done it because I care for you, I did it because I care for my own living and you not paralyzing me- And seems like.. It gave me a unusual answer..~" Swapfell told me as he handed me the piece of paper. I looked at it. 

   "Yeah I don't know what you expect when you handed me this. Because I actually don't understand this." I replied.
"Well at the begining and through the middle it was usual. But near the end...~" He said as he went behind and rested his head on my head.
"It's..." I read the waves, it skipped and it read over or under the chart.. My smile quickly faded away, and it turned into anxiety and fear.

                ! Swapfell's P.O.V !
  I watched as Dine's reaction turned into fear. Now this is new.. Is she afraid that'll I know..
 I then had a small frown, as a thought came across my mind... "Dine are you o-"
"I-I'm fine." She tried to smile.
"I really don't...-" She lost her own words. She knows that making a excuse or a lie won't work, since her expression gave it all away.
"Aw. You want to talk it out?" I asked her, as she turned away from me. I saw her tremble. Her.. Reactions seems quicker, this doesn't usually happen unless...
I put my hand on Dine's shoulder.
She turned around to me, her eyes speaks of fear. She's not even trying to hold upa smile. 
"N-No. I mean I'm fine." She tried to smile a reassuring smile. 
"Are you sure..?~" I asked, seems like I putting more pressure on her.
   I looked into Dine's eye, her eyes quickly went into pain for a split second. I stepped away from her. 

   "Well if you say so.." I said as I stepped back to her. 
 I hate it when I have break away from a vunerable specimen.. I sighed and continued my work, looking at Dine as she left the room.
  It's strange how her emotions were.. Quick. She once told me that her mental state is, what she says higher then her emotions, and specifically stated how her reaction state can be kinda late. 
But all of those symbols were way to quick, even for her. 

    Though her trembling is unknown to me, and her fear. She'll have no reasoning to be afraid of looking at that paper, she might aswell lie to escape out of it.

   As nigt arrived and Dine laid to rest. I quickly walked into her room, as I saw her sweat. "Interesting.." I muttered. "Very interesting."

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