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                                 ! Dine's P.O.V !

I slept nicely.. Surprisingly. Something weird is going on, why did I sleep nicely. Hmm.. A coincidence..? Or something haunting me.. It can't be because I was relaxed or something.. Or...-.. And what the hell is shinning all of the sudden..?                                                                                             I turned around to see the tv turned on. Hm,this is what I've been looking forward.                                                                                                                          "..Turn of the god damn tv." I said. Nothing he said nothing.. Hm.. I quickly gotten up, dizzy and tired. I walked over to Fell, "Fell..?" I asked him. I looked over him, his eyes was dark. "... Yeah I'll leave you to that." I muttered as I walk to the kitchen. 

     I grabbed the jug of milk. I was in space for a moment, ". . ." Basically I was looking at a milk carton.. ". . ." I shook my head, I looked at the milk jug again. I started to smile.. I looked around the kitchen for anything. There it is!! I maybe drowsy or excited for something..                                              A few minutes doing something special!~ My eyes darted to Fell who was standing in front of me. How...? HOW!?! I DIDN'T NOTICE HIM!!.. "What the hell are you doing with these wine bottles..?" He lowly growled. 

...How do I say this nicely. "Well.." I started as I drop the wine glass bottle. "... I really wanted to see there reaction if I spike the milk.. But with that I might get unconscious and forgot what I done... For a prank." I said. He growled at me and summoned a red bone.                                                         "Tch, I'll show you a prank." He said to me. "THAT AIN'T A PRANK FELL!!" I yelled. I grabbed the quickest wine bottle I saw. "UH.." I quickly open the cork, and shoved down the wine in Fell's throat. NOW GET DRUNK!!!!

   ...Hehe get drunk on. I look at Fell, he seems angry. Welp, gotta run. I started to run away from Fell. "GET HERE YOU LITTLE BULLSHIT!!" He shouted. WHEN IT'S GONNA KICK IN!?!                                                            Something struck him.. His stamina is getting more low and low. It's kicking in.. What happen if..? Nope, I ain't gonna do that, I looked at Fell.. "Hey, Fell." I said. ".. What.. I was doing?" He said. Hell yeah, "Hm, having a little talk with me." I said as I pulled him to the kitchen.

    He lowly growled.. But in a good way? This might be the only time when we get along.. Tops. 

     I sat down. "Anyways, Fell.." I said as I slide him a cup of milk. Oh yeah, I spiked the milk. I started to drink the milk and started to get drunk. 
   "How'ya feeling?" I asked him. "Finne." He said as he kinda slur his words. "That's nice." I smiled. We started somehow talking about some weird crap, he started to cry for no reason.. I think. 

   "Tch.. Noice.. Talkin' to ya." I said as I drank some more milk..Wine? I kept looking at him while he get wasted by milk. We both suddenly heard the lights turned on, "OH SHIT ITS THE POLICE!!" I said as I duck down to the table.                                                                                                                         I standed up, Fell didn't get a word I said. Oh well.. "Fell..? Dine?" Oh, that's Stars. "Yesssss?" I said as I slid on the table. "Are you two ok?" He asked as he stared at Fell. 

   "We're doing oki! For yourrr information." I said. We both heard snoring, shit Fell got knocked out. "... I'm ok.." I responded. Stars chuckled, "Well are you tired?" He asked me. "No. I look awesome." I said as I was insulted.                                                                                                  "Hm.." Stars smiled at me. T H A T S M I L E. "YOU'RE THINKING OF SOMETHING!!" I hissed. Stars, sighed. 

Curiosity  (Gaster gang and OC interaction) [OLD - Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now