O h. S t a r s

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     ! No one P.O.V !
Dine woken up but some yelling  from downstairs, "The hell?" She muttered. She then walked downstairs to see, Fell and Swapfell arguing. They're both were yelling which made Dine question, what the hell was going?!
  She sighed at the argument, but then done nothing, she looked at those to shout at each other. She then shrieked as she felt Stars hand on her shoulder, "Uh!- Oh hey Stars." She waved. "Hi Dine." He smiled at her.
  Dine saw a gleam of tiredness. 
But she then shrugged, and looked down at Fell and Wingdings. She saw Blindy and Swap in the kitchen downstairs.
  "Ah, so no one is breaking this up." Dine noted. "Well yes... What've we know.. When Swapfell was here... He and Fell.. Everytime they argue.. It.. Gets  serious." Stars told Dine.

   "Oh shit! fist to fist!?" Dine spoke with excitment. "... Yes." Stars answered Dine. "ooooooooooooooh." Dine smiled.
Fell's and Swapfell's right can easily escalate so fast, that in three minutes Fell can punch Swapfell, then Swapfell retaliat.
  And with that a fight, which usually leades one of the bruised,scratched or in a broken bone. As Dine stare into the fight, Stars sighed, and went to the kitchen.
 As Dine jumping to see a fight break out. As she was watching she see that Fell punched first, "...that gotten deadly quick." She muttered.
Swapfell then smirked, and quickly attacked... "It was like at  a 5 then it went to a 1,000."  Dine muttered as she watched  them. 
  "Welp..." Dine muttered, she then, skipped downstairs. 
"Oi should I stop.. whatever those couples are doing?" Dine asked Stars as she peaked in the kitchen. "Uh.. Sure." Stars giggled. 

Dine smiled, then went and looked at the argument. It was about Swapfell annoying Fell, seem cliche.
  Dine then gotten some ice, "...." Squinting, trying to find the timing, the movement, the air... And.. She'd attacked then with ice cubes.
"WHAT THE HELL!?!" Fell yelled. 
"Ice." Swapfell said. 
"What it's ice,Fell? I could've done something worse." Dine muttered towards.
"And I could too!" Fell barked to Dine. 
"Like what?" Dine taunt.  Swapfell began to back out and see the unravel. 
"Like this..!!" He then grabbed Dine's wrist and hit her to the wall. "ACK!!" She yelled. "What woken up the wrong side of the bed?" She taunted even more.

   "Fell stop!!" Swap yelled. And pushed Fell away, Fell growled and left Dine alone. 
Dine seemed to slump down on the ground.. "Ow..ow everything hurts.." Dine smiled painfully. 
  "Thats why you don't get in between fights!~" Swapfell teased. "This is why I'll hit you where it hurts!" Dine growled. She then stood up, and kicked Swapfell in the crouch.
 "The hec..k!" He groaned.

 "Ok I'm going to my room." Dine muttered as she left Swapfell in pain.

      ! Tupu's P.O.V !
I, walked around and saw Swapfell on the ground, and Fell anrgy as Swap was wheezing up the stairs just to scold Dine. 
  Woahhh, what happened!!? I was amazed and dashed to Blindy, while slapping the table for details. " :D" Blindy looked at Tupu with a smile, "Hm? What is it?" He questioned. Tupu slapped the table more, "Hiss!" I hissed happily. I asked what happened. 
 Blindy then nodded, and started to tell me the whole story.

   As he was telling the story, I saw him couging and sneezing. I pouted, "T- What's wrong?" B asked me. 
 "... Hiss, hiss!!" I exclaimed. Before he could say anything else, I dashed down and gave him a cup of water, ":D" I smiled as I leaned on my seat. 
 "Could you not do that?" Swap said to me. I nodded. 

     ! Dine's P.O.V !
   I went into my room, I suspect that Tupu should be talking to Blindy in his ancient language, and that something else if gonna happen.. with Tupu in it.
 I sighed and relaxed myself on the bed. Wondering how much sick children I could take, probably not a lot anymore, this have been going for a week, and if our tank, Stars, goes out we'll might aswell be doomed.
 I mean Swap's fever still staying the same, Blindy is kinda cooling down. Swapfell and Fell can't stand each other. And I'm pretty sure Stars is almost at his breaking point.

   "Hey there..~" Swapfell cooed behind me. "F U CK" I yelled, as I falled of my bed. "HOLYCHRISTDEMONICSATANPLEASESAVE- oh you." Swapfell then picked up me and place me on top of the bed.
 "What's your game here?" I asked. "Well I was just wondering why you kicked me.." He answered.
"Because, i can." I huffed. He then pouted, and cover me with a blanket. "wHat ArE yOU doIng?!" I panicked.
"Well, I just see you.. A little. Tense." He cooed to me. He then started to snuggle me, "STO P, CHILD N O!!" I then stop trying to push him off, wait so is he doing those things where his soul needs heat or whatever. Or he's teasing me since I hit his dick?
"...Wait.. Hol' up-"
"What?~" He chirped. "Are you doing this since, I hit your dick or..?"
"Mm.." He smiled. "Oh.. ok." I answered. I then kicked Swapfell off of me, "WHA!!-" He yelled as he fall off. "P EDO!!" I yelled. 
"Awww someone-"
I then left and went to the kitchen. "Hm, oh hi Dine." Stars waved as he cooked. "Sup." I waved as I sat next to Swap. He then proceed to scold me through his coughing. "Jfc save your breath." I hissed.

"Are you ok?" Swap asked. "Noope!" I smiled harshly. "I'm fucking tired since I stayed up until like 3 o'clock helping Wingdings, and I gotten woken up by two motherufuckeers." I flipped.
 Swap sighed, "Why were you helping Wingdings?" Swap coughed. 
"He needs help with the medicine." I told him. Well yes but mostly no. Since, I just spinned around a chair.

Swap just sighed, and just gave me that 'I'm disappointed in you' face. I shrugged it off, and looked at Tupu who was talking to Blindy.
  I sighed, and as the day went on and helped every sick person, I helped Wingdings out, talked to Stars, I fu- I messed with Fell, and finally I helped Wingdings.

   "Bro Wingdings do you need som-"
"No. No I don't." He answered with a hiss. 
I've been bothering Wingdings about adding this chemical. I stick my tongue at Wingdings. "jesus ok." I huffed. 
I then watched Wingdings do his stuff, I again started to spin on the chair, everyone was sleep so everything is quiet.
I sighed, I stood up on the spining chair and started to spin on top of it. 
"Hey Dine could yo-" Wingdings looked back at me. With a strange look, "The hell are you doing?" He questioned. 

  "I'm just spinin'" I responded.
"I hope you hit your head."
"Just you watch!!" I smiled.

  I stepped back down, and whipped my hair at Wingdings. "PlEh. Why?" He questioned. 
I then walked away and somehow ended up in Wingdings and Stars bedroom. "Oh shit how'd I got here?" I asked myself, I looked down to see a coughing Stars. A H HHHHHHH  HH HH H HH H H H H H H H H HH H H HHHHHHHHH HH H H H H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I felt Stars forehead it was a weak fever, I need to do this quietly, "WINGDINGS GET THE FUCK OVER HERE YOU BIG ASSHOLE!!!" I yelled.
  Wingdings groaned over here, "What is it?" He asked. "yo stars is almost sick give him some fucking pills or I'll choke you." I threatened. "Jesus christ ok." He backed out. He then gave me some pills, and I then shoved it down Stars throat. "WHAT WAS THAT!?!" Wingdings barked at me.
"WHAT!? What was I suppose to do? Wake him up? Because I pretty sure for the whole day, he was facading us." I told Wingdings.
Wingdings looked back down at Stars then to me. He then sighed, "Well hopefully he doesn't get to sick." He told me.
"Yeah or we'll all die," I added.

  I wasn't wrong. With Swap,Blindy and if Stars is sick. This won't go down well, especially when like Swap is in bed for half the time, so Fell and I can swear. And I'm pretty sure Wingdings and Swapfell don't swear a lot. but they still can.
   And well.. A lot of bad things can happen, that could destroy all of us.
... Swapfell and fell will kill each other... woah. that'll be something.


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