Next Week

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                                                                   ! No one's P.O.V !

Next week happened. Dine did reminded herself to meet Swapfell's friends. "Wow.~ You're really taking this serious." Swapfell said to her. "Hell yeah. Why wouldn't I?" She asked. "Well.. You're an immature teen." He said as he pat her head. "WELL YOU'RE A-.... I got nothing." She said.                                                                                                                                "Hehe..~" He said lowly. "Anyways, could ya teleport me to the house?" Dine asked. "Yeah sure.~" They were both teleported to the house. "Welp I gotta go.~ Bye bye~" Swapfell said as he disappeared. "Mhm." Dine went to the door and leaned on it. 

    "Knock knock." She said as she knocked on the door. "Who that might be?" Said a voice. "Oh! It might be the girl!" One chirped. ".. You're supposed to say who's there." She muttered. She felt the door knob turned. When the door opened she suddenly went on the ground. "AH!" She said. "Oh toriel almighty! Are you ok?!" Said a orange and blue skeleton. "...Yeah." She smiled.                                                               She suddenly stood up. "That was one good first impression." She muttered. "Anyways my name is Dine. What's.. All of yours?" She asked. "Wait! Lemme get down the rest!" The cheerful one said. "Ok." Dine responded.  Dine waited for a second, where she saw two other skeletons.

   "Hi!" She waved. "Hello, human." A tall skeleton said. "Hm.." A tired skeleton said. 

   After a few minutes of introducing each other. "So you'll only visit here.. Sometimes." Wingdings said. "Yep." Dine answered. "Do you know which au are you from?" B asked. "Yeah. The world of Swapfell." Dine smiled. 

    Everyone turned quiet. 

 "..... Nice silence." Dine said breaking it. "Well.. I'm going to cook breakfast!" Swap chirped. "Oki!" Dine said. She walked over and sat on the couch, "Hey, Fell." Dine said. He completely ignore, Dine. She smiled, she didn't care if Fell ignore her. She started telling puns non-stop.

   "Will.You.Shut.Up?" Fell growled. "... No." She smiled. "Anyways, here's a bone-us pun. But I'll keep it straight and marrow." She joked. "JUST SHUT UP!!" Fell yelled as he summoned a few red bones. ".... Blindy give me some... Backbone ." She joked. Blindy only lowly chucked. "Why you little.." Fell started to flare up.                                                                           Dine screeched and ran as Fell chase her. She ran into the lab, and hid behind Fell. "STARS HELP ME!! FELL GOT A BONE TO PICK WITH ME!!" She said as she mentally cried inside. Stars laughed, Fell only growled and left.      "What did you done to make Fell angry?" Stars asked me. "I don't know! I guess there pun isn't ticking isn't that humerus. And he didn't gave me a spine," Dine said.

      "Ok, could you be quiet." Wingdings said. "See I don't know!" Dine smiled. 

  Stars laughed. "Well.. I think.. You should go to Swap and tell him your fibula-ous jokes." Stars chuckled. "Ok!" Dine laughed... Stars now noticed Dine acted like an child.

    Dine ran downstairs to Swap. "Hey Swap, what thyme is it?" Dine asked, smiling. "Uh-" Swap looked at her smiling. "What? I left you s-peach-less?" She said. Swap giggled and kept on cooking. "Heheh. You remind me of my son." Swap smiled.                                                                   "I do..?" Dine smiled. "Mhm! He really like telling puns. And Sa-.. Oh yeah! The older one is name Papyrus and the younger one name Sans." Swap smiled remembering those times. 

  Dine kinda laughed. "Well.." She got her notebook out. "Look on the very last page." Swap skipped through the last page. Suddenly his eyes blast into stars. "Woah!" He gasped. "In that au and timeline where the monsters escaped from the underground. And what I think, since it happened in that timeline.. It happened in rest of yours." Dine smiled. 

   Swap happily smiled at her. "Now thinking.. I think I accidentally copied Papyrus's personality. Or it's was the influence." Dine said thinking. "You could check more in my notebook for any other pictures. Just don't question them." Dine smiled.

      She left the room. And went to Blindy, B started a conversation. And when, Dine says a joke Fell literally just gets out of the room. They talk about a few things for an hour. "Lunch time!" Swap chirp. "Ok." They all went to the to the kitchen. 

   "I'm curious,Dine. What did you do before you fell down here?" Wingdings asked her. "I was going to school." She responded. "Oh." Dine was quickly done eating. "One more question." Wingdings added. "Yes?" Dine said as she turned to Dings.                                                                                          " Could Stars and I do a check up on you?" Wingdings asked. Dine gave off a dead panned stare. "...Sure." She said in mono-tone.   After lunch, Wingdings,Stars and Dine went upstairs. 

    Stars literally telling his name in his eyes. "Why he excited?" Dine muttered to Dings. "It's just I never researched a human before!" He said excitedly. "Hm, ok." Dine said. "Could you strip,please?" Ding said. Dine was giving off a cold stare, "You're ok?" Dings said. ".... N o. I will n o t strip." She said deadly.                                                                                                    Wingdings sighed. But nodded. He done a few things while Stars asked a lot of questions. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-" Dine spazzed. 

   "Well I'm done with you. Stars doesn't seem to be." Wingdings said. "YES I CAN SEE THAT." Dine smiled. "... Tall ass." She muttered. 

   Stars sighed. "Well then.. I'm done." Stars smiled. "Ok." Dine said as she left. "Oh yeah! I'm leaving tonight." Dine said. "Uh..Ok."Stars responded. When Dine just left she heard Fell and Swap arguing. "Actually let's make that now." She lowly muttered.                                                 She heard a lot of yelling. She went to B, "Why are they yelling?" Dine whispered. "Well uhm.." Blindy said nervously. "Something about you." B said. "Cool!" Dine exclaimed. 

She went up the stairs. "Could all of you shut the fuck up!" She yelled. Swap and Fell stared at Dine. "Now shut the fuck up." She smiled. Fell just scoffed and sit back on the couch.. She was glad that was over. 

      Dine sighed. Swap was thinking what to cook for dinner. "I was pretty boned there." She said as she let out a anxious sighed. She quickly remember something, Swapfell left her a bag, it was next to the door. She quickly grabbed it,

    There was a pill case. She hid it in her pocket, and went to the bathroom. "..Why do skeleton have toilets?" She asked herself. "Swapfell gonna tell me next they have dicks. And girl skeletons have tits." She muttered. She swallow the two pills and shove the case down her pocket,

    Not a lot happened that night. Swap begged, Dine to stay for one more night. "Yeah I see what Swapfell meant as I was annoying." Dine whispered. Dine agreed with Swap.

    Dine slept in the living room floor. Swap insist her to sleep in the couch. While Fell gave her an death glare, "✡⚐🕆 👌☜❄❄☜☼ 💧✌✡ ☠⚐📬 (You better say no.) " Fell said to her. Dine said no quickly.

      What some nice people.. Isn't that right Odine?..

Curiosity  (Gaster gang and OC interaction) [OLD - Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now