Too Deep

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Just imagine laying in your bed, there's a few out there that might be doing that right now. 
 Imagine nothing was happening in your still house, you see a small picture frame, inside of it was a group of friends. 3 girls and 2 boys. You see a girl had a blond pixie haircut, another with black hair, fully grown out, with braids on her, finally another one with mixed with brown and black hair, only reaching down her neck.
  You see a boy with, blond hair, with a blue fade at the end, another boy, with dirty blond hair, his hair seemed messy so you can't what type of hair style he have. 
You took out the photo to see it fully.  
The girl with the blond hair, and pixie haircut, behind the photo it said right on that girl "Harmonee Amazer", the one with the braids, it said, "Novalie Fewehnt" The other with the short hair, "O'Dine Iomasach". The boy with the faded hair was named, "Percy Shinks" the other, "Ferris Shinks". 
    You looked at the picture, but some reason lingered on O'Dine. She was similing brightly, somehow.. You recognize her. You put the picture back in the frame. You stood there motionless looking at the picture...

You saw the door opened on it's on. Curiousity took you by the hand, and led you outside of the room. You saw a long hallway, it was decorated by picture frames on the wall, like every family cliche.
You saw many pictures, of what it looks like O'Dine. Some what seems like her mother sometimes in it, and what you guess relatives. The hallway was dusty and it seemed like it was endless, but finally you saw  5 weird photos you saw, all five have dates. 
   The first one read, "September 30th,2015, O'Dine's First Day of  Middle School" 
 You saw a kid who's  4'10, and wearing a pastel blue shirt, over that a dark blue jacket. She was smiling brightly with her eyes closed, she seemed a bit nervous. 
     The second one read  "September 30th, 2016, O'Dine's Second year in middle school"  You saw O'ine who's 5 feet, and looking still pretty bright, still wearing a unzip jacket and still smiling. The third picture read, "Janurary 13, 2017, O'Dine Mid-Second year in middle school" You saw O'Dine with a different face then all the others, you saw O'Dine, one hand was on her right eye as the left was left open with tears coming at it.
    You saw her tired, and stressed, what laid below her was papers, you can't determine what the paper say but it looked like tax paper. 
The forth one said, "Third Year of Middle School, November 4th, 2017." You saw O'Dine with a chill grin, what look like taking a selfie with another kid, the other  kid was a girl who had  blond hair, and wearing a blue leather jacket, and her hair was about to her shoulders,  her hair was covering her left eye..
  The fifth one read, "October 5th, 2018  The first week of being in the void"  It showed O'Dine have a mischief smile, and a skeleton in the background, his head was laying on a head rest but it was turned enough to see his face.

    You thought all three of them were weird, except the Fourth and Fifth one. 
You saw a tunnel opened up, you kept walking, you then tripped, you falled in a hole, and endless hole. 
   Somehow in your mind you saw flashes of images. You tried to see what they all mean, but just as you saw them, the memory of them seem to fades away. 
You were unable to breath, there was something pulling you down. Guilt? No. Remorse.. No.. Then what could it be, those are the few feelings you couldn't feel or reach. 

     You glanced up to see a yellow light, you swept your hand to hold on the light. All of the sudden, everything felt still. It was peaceful. The light was shining through your hands, it was memerizing.. 
  You sighed, and let it go. 

 You safely fallen on stone,cold,floor. You slowly stood up, to see a small room, there was a dark green bean bag right infront of you. You saw a small Tv, and the stand of it had an Xbox 1s, and a PS3 consoles. 
   This place felt familiar... You had nostalgia deep in your heart. You brushed the PS3 console and tooken a brief sigh. When you turned, you saw bunk bed, but the bed under it wasn't a bed just a filler in for a table.
  Right on the middle of the table had a composition notebook. When you open it had millions of notes in it. As you flipped through two photos fallen out. One of the photo was blurred, it was a white,black and a few parts orange, but you can't really see what it was. As you pick up the second one it seemed to disappear right in front of your eyes.

   You were surprised but didn't done anything to stop it. 
As you look around the room, you saw a quick flash of light. You turned to see the TV turned on, static. 
  You touched the screen of the TV..
You gotten sucked in the TV. Everything was flashing black and white. You couldn't concentrate on one thing everything was so fast. You heard a few voices in the background, "Hey Dine. Why were you called O'Dine. Your fucking name sounds like you're going at a breakfast place." "Shut up. And my name is O'Dine, since my dad was irish, and it gotta do something with that norse myth... What uhm,  fuck what was the guys from marvel who was the dad or thor and loki?" "....Wait...Who?" "OH YEAH FUCKING ODIN" .Finally, you fallen down right on your back. 
  It had some harsh impact on you but quickly faded away. 
    You looked up to see another black place, you groaned and fallen back down. 'when this suffering will end..' You thought to yourself.

     You stood up to see a hospital right infront of you. 
You stepped in, just so dust can fill up your lungs. You coughed but then saw chemicals right infront of you. 
 You heard bottles shattered, and saw chemicals drip on the floor. You looked up to see a skeleton pinning O'Dine to the wall. "Now now..~ What were you doing around my chemicals..?~" Swapfell muttered towards Dine. Dine was straining a smile, "I was just looking around..  Before you scared me." Dine hissed. Swapfell looked bottom to top of Dine. 
"Oh..~ Dine. Now stop faking that 'chill facade'." Swapfell sang. Dine gave off a giggle, "Fast aren't you. I really shouldn't  be surprise, I mean you were from the same AU." Dine laughed. 
"So..~ What's your goal here.." Swapfell hissed. "Why should I tell you." Dine dropped her smile, and everybody surroundings turned still and cold. 

    "We both know, that I'm stronger then you. Just one cut to your neck can make you spill..!~" Swapfell chirped as he gotten a little excited. "So you're a sadist and a sociopath now.." Dine muttered. "Sociopath..? Rather be called a physcopath." Swapfell chuckled darkly. "Nope you're clearly a sociopath, deep in your eyes.. You still hold the feeling of guilt." Dine laughed. Swapfell death stared Dine, and growled at her. "Let's just answer my first question. What's your goal here?" Swapfell said. "It's really nothing, I'm just a sadist or megalomaniac. But..~ I guess while I'm here I could have some fun..." Dine smiled. "I mean I'm just a kid, my goal is to get out of here." Swapfell stared at her, "Anything else.." Dine just laughed but her smile again quickly dropped. 
   "Well since I've been staying and to count that we have to make friendship. And by the story you told me.... Even if you try to betray me, I can easily cut ties with someone." Dine growled. "And hence you mean literally too..~" Swapfell sighed as he looked at Dine.

   "No wonder you know the difference between sociopath and physcopath... But I'll be darn. A teenage girl being a sociopath.. Mm..~ Never heard off." Swapfell muttered. "True true. But as generations grow and sprouts new people, meaning new worlds you can explore. As people began to despise more people, the more people fall. The more people fall the higher risks.. People in school only care about popularity, but they don't know the condtions of it. It's having an attitude and being excluded." Dine smiled. "As stars fall down, more stars shows up... But some of the stars have an itch.." 
Swapfell stare down to her. "You interest me..~ Probably I won't kill you right away..~" Swapfell smiled, and therefor he walked away.

    You saw a cloud of smoke passed you, you were now falling again. This time it feels peaceful, again. Everything felt different, you were confused. But not.. At the same time. You can't make up you mind. 
  You felt sick. 
But you felt relieved. 
 You knew how to control youself, you knew every weakness you had and turned them into advantages, you were in the top classes, you were....

    You wanted.. To be ahead of everyone. But after falling down in the void, you had to quickly change your personality and your perspective in life. You never knew how much hard work you've put yourself. 
  Isn't the right Dine? You..Yourself, pushed yourself harder. When you were young you wanted to be a hero, but as years went on, you saw only lies and  dirty truth's. 
  Though, after join Esper, you knew you were to far, but it was a happy thought that you can be a vigilante..


Curiosity  (Gaster gang and OC interaction) [OLD - Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now