Oh Fr-

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   "Hey!! Give me that!!" A small girl yelled. Somehow another girl stolen something, I didn't know what. The girl was teasing her about something..? I don't really know, I only know I was a few years older.. About.. 3? 
   .. My name is O'dine or Odine it doesn't matter. I'm.. Nine, I'm right now behind and over-hearing this happen.

  Should I intervene?.. I don't know. I turned around to see what was fully happening, a one girl against a whole group of girls..? Something like popular versus unpopular.
  I see what's going on, so the group wants the ball that the one girl was holding.. Really much stealing it by now.
   The one girl doesn't want to because.. She's playing with herself. And that's all, I hear and watch them.

I finally decided.

"Oi, stop." I said coldly.
One of the girls stepped up.
"She's b-
"Yes,yes I heard it all." I said.. Slightly smiling.
 "But in.. Sense she should have the ball because.. Well it's her's." I continued.
They all looked at me.
Confused I stepped back.
Of course I'm older then them. They should be afraid, but it doesn't work like that around here.
 Holy shi-..... Shoot. I'm getting ganged up.
By now I don't know what to do. I'm literally can't survive a punch... Shit-


"Dine are you ok?" Swap asked that. I was in the dining room, I guess I was eating breakfast.
   "Yep. I was just distracted!" Weird I never have a flashback.. Ehh I landed her like a two weeks.
But in other notes.. Swapfell is still here that bitch ass been harras- BEEN annoying the crap outta Fell.
 I didn't really do anything since well, I'M HUMAN. So I've been watching them, fighting, fist fighting... Sexually fi-.... ANYWAYS!!

 Everything seems alright. Swapfell says he'll be leaving tomorrow.. For sure. Anyways! I'll be going with Swapfell.
   While I was doing my monologue I heard a knock on the door. "Wasn't me!" I joked. "Ooo~" Swapfell said. Shit, he knows what's going on.

   "So.. Uh." Swap opened the door. Another person..? No- WAIT WHY AM I ACTING SERIOUS!!
K so.. A person came in. Looks like them.. But with music notes?? That seem 'ight. I walked over to him, Swap seemed to hurry and talked to him about stuff.. In wingdings of course.
  "Hey.. Swap who's this?" I smiled.

"Oh! This is Maestro!" Swap exclaimed. A tine bit nervous, probably from Swapfell. 

"Mk, hey there Maestro. I'm Dine." I smiled at him. "Hello, Dine!" He said with a smile. "Ok, so is there anything I need to know about him?" I asked. Swapfell kinda raised a skele-brow at me, "Oh yeah! He doesn't like touching or germs." Swap said to me.
"K," I looked up and down at him.

"I got a few questions." I said. "Go ahead." Maestro smiled. "Which au did you came from? And.. How'd you got here?" I said.
   "I'm from Underbeats.. And well..." He told me that's there's a rift in the void.. But one thing confused me.. WHAT LANGUAGE IS HE TALKING IN!?!
  "Doth thee know where thou came from?" He asked me. "What he said?" I said to Fell. "Prissy pants..-" Didn't even let him finish his sentence. 'Till I burst out laughing, "WHY DO YOU CALL HIM P..PRISS PANTS?!?" I yelled laughing.

  Maestro gave off a blue blush. Swap hit Fell with a pan, "Sorry,Maestro." Swap smiled.
"Anyways what he said?" I smiled. "Shit.." Fell muttered." He said, which au you came from." Fell told me.
  "Oh!" I exclaimed. "The au Swapfell." I smiled.

 "Hm.. Ok!" He said to me.

  "Heeyyyy there,Songbird..~" Swapfell said as he sneaked up on Maestro. Maestro stayed still, was he afraid?..
"Oh.. Hi there.. Swapfell." Maestro said.. Trying to smile. "No worries I know." I said chill. There was a tense atmosphere. "OKTHATSMYQUETOLEAVEBYE!!" I dashed to the lab.

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