...Secrets Unfold...

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                           ! Dine's P.O.V !
  It was late at night, I was tired and weak. This day kinda have been a rush.. I sighed and sat on the kitchen table and drank some milk. 
  I couldn't sleep.. I don't know why, it's now nightmares. Usually my nightmares are about getting vored.
Definitly not Tupu he've been a good boi. 
 That ghost... nah.. 
 I groaned, I can't tell why I can't sleep..? I lowly growled, probably I could drug myself. 
I lazily walked upstairs to that lab. As I kept walking I ended up in Stars and Wingdings bedroom. 

Oop- Walkin' to far. 
  Before I could get out something I saw, it caught me by the eye. 
I looked around the place, before I made a move.. I bent down, where Stars slept. ". . ." I slowly but gently rolled up his sleeves. 
 "Oh my god.." I muttered in amazement. I founded white plae skin, with tints of purple like a galaxy.
 I stared at Stars.. Skin..? For a while, "... I mean I guess Stars kinda have a pass if he have a dick with this skin.." I muttered at acknowledgement. 
 I heard Stars started to groan, oh shit. I quickly stand up, but from my fucking unblance sleepy fucking legs, I gotten dizzy and fell. AHHHH SHIT!!
 Stars quickly woken up from the impact of my fall. He looked at me for a quick second. "Are you o...k?" He asked. He tooken glance at his arm which his sleeves are rolled up. 

   I gave off a nervous smile, "I can explain." We both said in unison. 

                        ! Earlier that day !
   I relaxed in the kitchen, it was a normal afternoon. I huffed, as a few seconds ago that Swap saved my ass, from Fell's yelling,swearing and me running away. I gave off a cough, I hummed, as Swap calmed down Fell, after I judge him. 
  That was fun.

 I huffed, and a quick thought passed behind my head. What happened to the demonic ghost?
           As I thought of ways what happened to that, half serious half inane. 
  I felt a slight tap on me shoulder which made me quickly jump, I lost my trian of thought and looked behind of me. 
 "Oh did I bother you?" It was a short skeleton, Wingdings. "Er.. No." I huffed. "Well then, Stars and I need to do a quick check up on you. Is that fine?" He asked me. I nodded, and remembered the last time I had freaked out all over the place since I was in a mood..

   That was fun.

Wingdings lead me to the lab, then I sat. 
 As the test went by, I tried to remember what I was think. WHY DO I FORGET EASILYYY!!!
I mentally cried as I tried to remember. 
 "Dine.. Dine." Wingdings snapped his fingers in front of me. "Uh- Yeah." AND POP THERES GO THE THOUGHT.... Wait that sounded wrong-

    "Yess?" I questioned. 
" Ok, I just need to ask you one last thing.." He told me. I gave off a nod.
He gave off a nervous expression. 
"How old are you?" He first asked me. "Fourteen." I responded. 
"...How'd you haven't hit puberty yet?" He asked me. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
I have off a blank stare. I tried to look through my mind palace to find some sort of.. Answer. 
 Though he is right.. I was always a late bloomer. 
Even when I tried to get to class... Though Wingdings is worried or find it strange at least. 
  Even in my whole life I never had hells niagara falls.. 

   I sighed, which there's no answer to this. No wonder why Swapfell always call me a kid. 
I shrugged, "I don't know." Wingdings nodded not pushing this farther. "Okay. Thanks." he nodded and there he left.
 I went back downstairs, now I need to remember again..

                ! Somewhere around night time !
    I was in the living room, jesus!!
I've kept getting distracted, by Tupu, me teasing Fell, talking to Blindy and Swap. FUCKKK!! What was I wanted to do?! 
  I huffed, I said goodnight to Swap,Blindy Fell, and went to my room to see Tupu sleeping in his cage. 
 I sat on my bed, thinking what I wanted to think. WHY MY MIND CAN'T WORKKKRkRK!!!
I pouted at myself.
Hmmm... I started to feel sleepy, it was 10:32 pm. I started to mummble what I was trying to think but my mind wouldn't let me. 

  I groaned as I felt my eyes weighed down, I gave off a soft yawn...

   "EEE" I then shrieked up as I remebered what I was doing.. 11:23 PM... I mentally inhale.
 "I hate myself that I can't remember." I muttered. As time went on thinking it was now 2:34.. 
Can't sleep, my mind all over the place...

                               ! Present !
    Stars and I was in the lab, saying nothing. 
"... So.." I said trying to spark up a conversation. "Ok so I was in here trying to drug myself.. Since I couldn't sleep.. And I'd forgotten why." I hissed the last part. Stars looked at me and sighed.
  "Dine.. Just don't tell the others but... I have some alien genetics on me." Stars said in a quiet tone.
I gave off a small squel of interest. "Whaaaaat?" I beamed. I went up close to Stars with sparks of interest in my eyes. 
 "Uh.. I got it from my dad side." He responded with a hand on his head. "... Your dad was a alien."  Stars seemed to nod. 
 I smiled some more. He then gave off a sigh, knowing how interest I will be. 
 "... Ok.. I'll tell you." He is sighed sounding defeated.

   " In my universe.. I was in a grouping called 'The Order'... Where they destroyed lower life, and create life. I was one of them who can do both. But our species was running our of.. You could say female. So our species relied on others, but it was a very slim chance they'll survive..." Stars explained.. 
  I gave off confuse face.
" My mother, died right after I was born, or laid. Our species used eggs, but it takes some where around 3 billion years to hatch.." Stars told me.
".... The fucking hell, thats about how old earth is.." I muttered in surprisment. I heard Stars gave off a small nervous chuckle.
  "And as I was saying, I was treated in a harsh disiplince, and well never thought in the emotional side, you could I was cold and harsh." he said with a very tiny smile.
"But.. How... How H O W?!" I questioned.
"Let's say someone opened me up and well helped me change." He told me with a bright smile. 
I seemed to quickly take it in. 

   "Wait.. I do this friends to make it fair. If we either find a secret on accident, we got exchange a secret." I spoke. He seemed to nod, as he looked down on me. You litte-
 It took me a while to think, but then I remembered one. I turned quiet... "Whatever we both say stays in this room." I said towards Stars.
   "... The only real reason why I went with my friend Esper, and went out with a crimes.. Since.." I felt my breath was unsteady. 
"Since.. To... Keep my mom on life support. And yes, I don't have a dad, they divorced it happen when I was young somewhere around elementary years..." I sighed. 
  Before I could say a word, I felt a hand on my head. "You don't have to do this-" 
 I quickly cut him off. "Too bad I am." I scoffed.
"Anywho. The reason why she's on life support is because.. From a car crash.. Which I wasn't in during then. I was at school.. In the first year of middle school." I shook my head.
"... She was in a coma, I thought it'll be for a week. Wrong." I muttered. "... I barely made it out of first year, since everytime I go out of school, I have to do some type of job to get money." I told Stars.

   "But when Esper came to me.. It was more easier to get money from.." I explained.
Stars seemed to nod end looked right down at me. He smiled, "Pshhh.." I scoffed with a tired smile.
  "Ok.. So whatever stays in this room is in this room, deal?" I questioned. I pulled my hand out. ".. Deal." He stated.
"K now... Do you have some drugs so I could go to sleep..?" I smiled tiredly. 

   Hmmm.. What was I questioning? I know it's something.. My mind wonder off, and hadn't notice Stars gave me two pills. "Ok thanks." I nodded. "G'night" I said and then left..
  I swore I was thinking of a question in my mind... 

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