Bits of Blood and Dust

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                           ! Dine's P.O.V !
   My body ached all over, I was on the dark floor. Tears were pouring out, Im wearing a dark black coat, with some black jeans. I don't remember looking like a edgy kid, nor remember being here. 
   I felt my stomach turning and twisting, and black and red substance leaking from my mouth. 
I sat up, everything went blurry and twisty. My arm was shaking and tired, and I fainted back down. 
 I curled up on the black floor, as I cried. I felt more black substance poored over my mouth. 
"ACK!!" I coughed. I looked at my darken clothing, it had bits of blood and dust. 
My eyes turned into confusion and fear. 
Dust and blood could only mean... My mind flashes between images, true or not.. They were horrific. Blood splattered, horrific screams that echoed through my mind. 

    I felt the darkness around my mind grow, louder thoughts seem to echoe and create more. 
My breathing became fast. I could barely move myself, I could barely understand anything. 
   Everything is going to fast... I can't keep up. I felt more tears ran down, as I cough. 

  My breathing became thin and I felt my eyelids seem to be heavy. 
W-... My mind is scared and confused. My soul is distracted of all of the thoughts, and my body is tired. 
  The only big thing was going on was death.. T.. This how didn't imagine I'll go down. I wanted to go down on my fault. 
Oh well... Everything went darken and black.

              ! ?????? P.O.V !
   I gasped as I saw Dine laying on the ground, I fretted as I felt her arm, it was cold and freezing, almost cold as Swapfell.. 
 "Dine!?" I said in concern as I dropped down and shook her. I then looked at my gloves with bits of dust. "AH!" I yelled in disgust and surprisment. I quickly rubbed my hands on the dark floor. 
 My soul felt surprise, and confused. "No.. Dine couldn't do that.." I said to myself
 "..." I hoped for the best and I looked around. "She's pretty far from the house.." I muttered as I looked around. Then something popped up in my mind. 
"Hm..." I muttered. 
I picked up Dine, which she was pretty light. "Hopefully this will work..." I said. I walked into my portal, I looked at Dine for a full minute.. 
  I sighed in relief, she didn't disappear or anything yet. "Hmm.. So Sans went out with his friend.. And Papyrus is taking lessons with Undyne." I noted to myself. So the house should be empty.

     I open my house and placed Dine on the couch. 
I shrieked as I saw, black liquid coming out of her mouth. "Oh Dine..." I muttered as I felt her again. She warming up, probably from the house. 
   I rolled up to saw bruises and cuts, they seem very new.. "Oh dear.." 
I checked her other arm to see bruises and cuts. I sighed, and looked at Dine, her expression is stressed and relaxed. 
Why was she out in the void? Why is she covered in bruises and cuts? Why did she have blood and dust on her jacket...
  I quickly bandage her arm, and some other places. I took off her jacket to see her wearing a grey sleeve-less shirt. I put the black jacket in the laundry.

   I checked Dine's temperature, she seem to be alright.
I saw her again, curl up... I frowned as I saw her suffering, what else could I do to help?

                         ! Dine's P.O.V !
  I quickly sat up, in fear. I looked around the place... I then again, hit confusion. 
"Oh! Dine your awake!" A short skeleton chirped. 
"Hm.." My vision focused, to see Maestro. 
"O-Oh hi maestro.." I said rubbing my head. "Mmm.." I groaned.. God a fucking head ache. "Dine, I would be careful if I was thou." Maestro told me while handing me hot chocolate.
I sipped it, just to burn my tongue. 
".... Dine art thee ok? That was still hot." Maestro muttered. 
"...Im ok." I responded as I slurped the hot chocolate.
  Maestro sighed, and looked back at me. "Thee seemed very hurt where I found thee." 
I sighed, "...."
"Dine do thou know what happened? Thee seemed to be very bruised." Maestro said with gleaming and questioning eyes. 

   I looked at him. And I looked down. "I-I'ts okay, thee don't have to-"
"Nah, the only reason why I'm not answering since..." I rubbed my head and looked at Maestro. 
"I have no idea."
   Maestro looked at me in confusion but then shook his head. "Well sooner or later thee'll find out." Maestro beamed. 
I gave off a small smile. But something deep inside of me, doesn't want to know what I did..

   I saw Maestro left into the kitchen. I looked at my hand and examine it. I'm surprise that I can stay here without non-existening afterward. 
 Some reason it doesn't work with the gang, but works with Swapfell. I know it's not where I'm from makes it like that... 
Maestro then placed down a plate with food. "Thou've been here for a while and well.." He smiled. 
I looked down and started to eat. "Aren't you worried that your Sans and Papyrus might..  You know?" I questioned. 
"Hmmm... Kinda of. But Papyrus is out training and Sans is out with a friend." He smiled. 
"And... Well Grillby's can always stop them.." I tried to infer who's and what Grillby in this universe then it clicked on me. 
  "Oh.." So he must the Muffet of this Universe.

  I sighed. And then squinted at myself. "Mmm.." I groaned. "Whatever I did must haven't been me." I muttered. 
"What do thee mean?" Maestro asked. 
  I turned quiet, and looked at the open window. I see snow gently pulling down. I sighed. "...It's kinda complicated."I shrugged. 
"Hm.. Well thee can't stay here a lot longer." Maestro told me. "Papyrus will be here in a hour or so."
I sighed. "Well I guess.. I could tell you."

   I filled him with all of what happened recently. 
Maestro seem to quickly understand, and the fact that I made a quick deal without thinking full over it. 
  "But thee don't know how you got dust or blood on you." Maestro told me. "Yeep." I nodded. 
"...I suppose the thing took..con...." I began to lose my voice. And looked at my hands. 
"What else I'm surprise, Fell or Swapfell hadn't killed me yet." I muttered. 
"Fell would never hurt a friend." Maestro told me. 
"Then what happened to Swapfell?" I asked. 
".... Eh.." He said while thinking. 

    I gave off a snicker. 
"But anyways..." I stood up. "... I may need your help.." I looked at Maestro waiting for an answer. 
"I'll gladly help!" He beamed. 

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