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                                                      ! Dine's P.O.V !
I woken up from myself laying on the ground. 
Anways, I quickly stood back up to see Tupu taking the whole bed, how the living fu-...
Ok... I sighed and sat near my bed, recently Wingdings and Stars been having daily check ups on my power to make sure there's no spikes in it. Like bigggg jumpsss. Like- 
  But during those check up, I usually, somehow, in some way, I always. . .  throw a tantrum...
It's the same shit everyday, I kept getting into tantrum about something.
And it's fucking lit. 
But getting off topic, Fell would make me excercise, and when I met my expectations. Fell will abort me, and give me to Swap.

   Annnd now I'm outside, how did I got here? Oh yeah, I fucking passed out on my bed when I was thinking.
Did Fell literally dragged me out here. Anyways, Fell explained to me that he trains the gang on the physical side. 

He said he does one or twice a week. I somehow never actually see.. Since I'm always in my room sleeping, or spinning on a chair.
"Huh.." I muttered.
"Wait what about Swapfell?" I asked Fell. He turned quiet then answered. "I locked him in a room." 
"Can't he just teleport?"
"That's gonna me hard. I knocked him out." He answered.
"WHA!!" I laughed. 
Anyways I stood in a like between, Swap and Blindy. Fell said to pair up and those two will spar. While he take cares of me. "Hahah what do you mean by take care?-"
"Shut up and come a long." He growled. 
"Damn thats a mood right there." 
I followed Fell into a distance. "Sooo...?" I questioned. 
"Try to do one push up." He told me. "Oki." I nodded. I fell on the ground and done the push up position. 
"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked. 
"bro what do u mean?" 

   He told me I was doing it wrong... 
"No wonder why my phys ed is so low.." I muttered. 
He groaned, and tooken a glance at the others. He quickly taught me how to do a normal push up. I nodded and tried to do it.
I did one.
"Next do three."
I done three and quickly gotten tired. He stared at me as I can't do a fifth one, yes I did done a fourth somehow. 
"...." He stared at me while I was laying on the ground already huffing. 
"Hmm..." he clicked his tongue, "Dine run around the house, three laps." He said at my dead body. The living fuck.. 

   I ran around the house... Once, "Ok Im done." I  smile. "The fucking hell, you only done one." He growled. "So..?" I sassed. "I'll make sure you won't have lunch." He threatened. I quickly back up, "WOAH OK OK!!" I yelled. 
  Hahaha just kidding I don't care... Kinda.. totally n o t.
"I L L. D O. I T." 
I ran two more times and laid on the ground breathless. Fell let me take a break, while  he talked to the rest
"You ok Dine..?" Stars asked me with a slight smile. "No. I ran around the house three times, my lungs already tired from doing five push ups, and fucking Fell threatened me with no lunch >:CCC" 
Stars gave off a small giggle but then Fell called him over.

   I groaned as I laid on the ground. 
I closed my eyes for a second, and felt someone/something loomed over me. 
"Anddd,,," I looked to see Swapfell. "Awoken from your nap?" I quiry. "..yep." He answered plainly. 
"Soo..~ How things gooing?" He asked me, with a smile. "Peachy, Swapfell. Everything is peachy." I scoffed. I then stood up with a wheeze. 
"I could probably help with that..!~" Swapfell sang and went towards Fell. Fell with either kill him or me. 
Fell seemed annoyed already, but looked at me and back at Swapfell. They stood there talking, finally Fell faced palmed and went over to me. 
I stared at Swapfell.
"Lets just get this over with this." He growled and pointed some red bones at me. "er.. Go do five laps. Or else.." Fell said, very unsure. Swapfell smiled innocently.  
"Pffffft!" I laughed. "Or else w h a t." I smirked. 
I felt a ripped on my t-shirt. Right on the fucking hip part.. 

    I turned quiet as there was a small tear on my eye. 
I then dashed around the house as the bones followed me. "See...?~" Swapfell sang to Fell. "She only get physical or... Her endurance get increased by adrenaline." Swapfell explained. "Yeah yeah.." Fell muttered.. 
  A few minutes passed. 
"...What happened to Dine?" Fell questioned. 

   HAHA I escaped his red bones. By sneaking into a window... The kitchen window thats now broken! My elbow hurts now... 
  I sneaked into my room, but then I was stopped by... I saw a red glare behind of me. Fell. 
"Hahhaaa.." I laughed nervously. 
I dashed into my room. 
I locked my door and waved at Tupu who was playing with a tiny ball.
I open the window, before I headed out. I mouthed to Tupu, "Kick him in the shinnn.."
He nodded and played with the ball still. 
I went on the roof of the house. 
"DINE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" Swap called out. 
"FELL IS ABUSING MEEE!!" I yelled back.
"How can she break a window, but can't do five push-ups?" Wingdings questioned.
"DONT FU-HUCKING ASK!!" I screeeee- 
I sat down on the lowest part of the roof.
"Dine! Get down from there!" Swap worried over me? Pffffft I'm fine.
"Pffft, until u tell fell to stup abussing m e." I scoffed. 
"...You know she won't get off unless you threaten her,persuade her.. Or she gets hungry." Swapfell informed. 
Everybody looked at me. 
Anyways, I saw Fell outside now. Who was getting lectured by Swap. "Hahhaahahhaha.." I laughed.

"And you!" Swap called out on me. "Ah fuck." I muttered. I felt Swap teleported behind of me. "Fuck." I muttered. 
He held my shoulder and teleported me down, next to Fell. "You two are so reckless!!.." And etc. As they went on for thirty minutes, Swap was finally finished, as I went inside I heard Swapfell snickered at me. 
"I'm going to punch you in the throat." I scoffed. "Pfft. First try to reach my height." He responded. "FELL COULD YOU PUCH SWAPFELL IN THE THROAT!!" I whined. I sound like a kid telling there mom about this kid who won't put there toy away. 
Fell glanced at me, ".Yeah ok sure." He nodded. 
"WA IT!!" I laughed.

    ! Time skippy !

   "Thank you Fell, for saying that." I said in a sarcastic tone. "You really made my appetite." I smiled. Fell was telling us a morbid story to us, while I was making comments between them. 
 It's usually Fell's job to do that, but I'm feeling it today. Not to mention it's also fucking dinner time.
 "Fucking shut it Dine." Fell hissed at me.
"Nobody cares!!" I yelled. 
My head stinged as Swap hit both Fell and me, "Owww..." I saw Swapfell smirking at us.  "Stop  being fuuuuuu...reaking  sadist." I hissed.
"I don't know...~ Probably when you actually grow up." Swapfell sassed back. 
"WOAHH!!!" I yelled. Bruh he didn't fuhucking said that to me.
"FUC- OUCH SWAP WHY?!" I whined as I fell to the ground.
"Because you don't follow the rules!" Swap huffed at me as he helped me up. "RULES ARE FOR LOSERS!!" I protested. Swap sighed, "No there not!" I scoffed that off. "Ok but atleast don't do it that hard it fuu- freaking hurts." Swap thought what I said for a while.

    "Ok. Then what can I do?" He asked me. 
I shrugged, then everybody looked at Swapfell. "Hm..?" He hummed. "Well.."
"I either locked her in a room, or make her go in a corner." He remarked. 
"What do you mean by make. You freaking enclose me in a corner..." I replied.  He once fucking trapped me in a corner of bones since I was being annoying.
  ".... Wait you locked me in a room?" I questioned..

         Anyways dinner passed by and I stayed flat on the ground. I felt spikes of electricity go on and off of me. 

I looked at the time, 9:53 PM. I groaned and stood up. 
To get on with the point, Fell told me to get at the exact physical.. uh way so I can control my powers, is to fucking do it everyday.
   Hahahha yeah no.
There must be a short cut, I could ask Swapfell for steriods- Hahaha.. I'm not the one to stay on schedule.. And Fell will point a bone at me if I don't do it...
There's no way of skipping this.. And shit I hate exercising, the only reason why I'm so thin because I have a fast metabolism.
I scoffed. Then Tupu sat next to me, "Hiss!!" He chirped. I looked down at Tupu, "smol child.." I muttered.
I looked down at Tupu, I pat his head as he hissed at me. "Hiss!!" He used his hand to show me what he want. "I really need to teach you how to speak." I sighed.

Curiosity  (Gaster gang and OC interaction) [OLD - Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now