Bits of Blood and Dust (PT.2)

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                                ! Dine's P.O.V !
I walked outside of Snowdin, and dashed towards where the portal was, while Maestro peacefully walked towards it. 
As I waited for Maestro, I watched the monsters peacefully go on there way. Some went into the misspelled library. Others went to Grilbz. I watched them in curiousity. 
  I then suddenly felt something crawled on my arm. I looked at my arm to see a mini spider. "HOLY-" I stopped myself, and looked at the spider in deep concentration. 
"Waaait... You must be Muffet's spiders.." I muttered. The tiny spider seem to nod. 
"Wait so you know that Maestro sneaks into portals?" I asked even more. 
It nods again. I turned quiet, I then saw Maestro was close enough to the portal. "HEY! Maestro did you know that Muffet know you go into portals?" I said with a smile. 

     "Wai-.." Maestro sighed. "I'll ask her later." Maestro told me as we went into the portal.
As we both sunk into the portal, and darkness surrounded us.
 I looked around to see the usual darkness. "The house is over here!" Maestro exclaimed.
I saw Maestro point over that way. How does he... 
"How.. Do you know?" I asked. 
"Hm? Oh..! Well I can feel there sound waves from here." Maestro explained to me as we walk towards the distance. 

    "Is there any ratio of it?" I asked. "Hmm.... Well as long there is sound." He answered. 
 Hm. Now realizing, a lot of AUs seem different then others. I always thought they are kinda the same. 
Like Undertale and Underfell. The only thing, or what I know thats different is that, in Underfell everybody is like mean. And monsters feed on human souls. 
In UnderSwap they swap postions, example Sans and Papyrus basically swapped minds. 
  Anyways, as I followed Maestro to the house. I felt a quick shiver down my spine.. Like I wasn't welcomed there.

   I stepped back, my breathing went uneasy. And something deep down in my soul, felt like I've done something... Bad..?
 As I followed Maestro, I stepped back for a second. "Art thou ok?" Maestro asked. His innocent eyes gleamed with concern. I had a feeling I could squirm myself a lie. 
"...N..No." I muttered. "I don't know why.. But I have a feeling I'm.. Not welcomed." I whispered in fear.

                  ! Fell's P.O.V !
              ! A day or less earlier !
           I've jerked up, to see myself pelted at the wall. I looked around myself, to make sure there wasn't any open wounds or fractures. As I stood up, with different body pains everywhere. But... It wasn't the worse of pain.. Either the best. 
   I looked around the living room, to see cracks on the wall, and bones shards. What the hell happened in here?
 As I quickly turned my head, my head started to hurt. Shit! How hard did I hit the wall?! 
My eyes glared red for a quick seconds, but I then calmed myself down. 
  I glanced in the kitchen, to see Blindy, laying there. He was about damaged as I was. So.. Thats better what Swapfell did to him. 

   I kneel down, and gently shook him. "Hey..! B!" I tried to wake him up. After a few shakes and shooks he finally stirred. "HISSS..!" He violently hissed. He quickly bounced up, and bonked on my head. 
"AH!-" I rubbed my head for a quick second, so did he. His eye flashed to his predator mode, but he then went to his normal eye form. 
  "Nghh.. Sorry Fell." He apologized. 
"Tch, it's ok." I muttered. I stood up, and handed B a hand. He stood up and his reaction became worrisome. 
  "Why do I smell... Blood..?" He asked. 
"Don't know." I answered. 
   As I creeped towards upstairs to the small hallway. I there saw Wingdings and Swap. 

   For the love of asgore... 
 I stared at Wingdings and Swap, there way more injured then B and I combined...! 
I glanced at B, his eyes turned to fear and confusion. This must be where he smelled the blood. 
  I clicked my tongue. There not going to wake up, even if I try. 

  "W..We got to get Stars.." I muttered. 
I looked into the lab, to see Stars. Stars doesn't seem to be that injured most likely a minor fracture in his arm and a few scratches.

   "Oi! Stars!" I yelled as I shook him. 
I left Blindy downstairs, to look after the two unconcious body. 
 He seem to quickly wake up, and looked around at the messy lab. "W..What happened? Fell are you ok!? You have-" He said as he quickly stood up. 
  "I'm not the one who matter right now Stars." I told him. He seemed to be confused be he then followed me downstairs. "Oh dear.." He muttered in surprisement. "Fell could you carry Wingdings for me?" Stars asked. I did what he asked. I laid him down on a beding in the lab. 
  Blindy walked upstairs with us. "So..? How are they?" Blindy asked. 
"....Well, the good news is that there only minor fractures and a few scratches here and there.." Stars explained to us.
"And the bad..?" I asked Stars. 
  "Well, I don't know who caused this.." Stars answered. 
"...Wait where's Dine?" 
 Blindy and Stars exchanged glances..

   I boomed into Dine's room. To see cracked windows, some stained with blood and dust.
I picked up a large shard of glass, to see blood and dust. 
  "Whatever happened.. This isn't Dine's power.." I muttered to myself.

                     ! Swapfell's P.O.V !
      Agh.... Mmmm...!

I've slowly stood up, as I held, what feels like a broken ulna. My head hurts, and not in the mental way. "I swear to toriel if it's another crack on my skull.." I growled lowly. 
   I felt no bumps or crevices. 
I sighed in relief. But that doesn't answer everything though. As I slowly healed my broken arm, I opened one of my journels to see if, or anything happened recently. 

   "God dammit." I muttered. Nothing happened.. Or well at recently.
I wrapped my broken hand with a bandage. I glanced around the hospital to see it in destrcuction. I saw chemicals that were spilled everywhere.
   As I looked around the counter I see Tupu, who was unconcious, laying down on the floor. I kneel down. I quickly looked at Tupu, only a few scratches and bruises.. Or what atleast look outside. 
  Of course Tupu is in his human form. He likes being a kid. I carried Tupu to a hospital bed. 
Thinking: 'Dine will end me if she find Tupu dead..'

    "Wait... Where's Dine?" I asked myself. If Tupu's here... Where's Dine?

                   ! Dine's P.O.V !

     As we gotten closer, I was slowly keep on getting nervous. And while I kept getting nervous, Maestro ask me if I'm ok. And if I need a few minutes to get ready. 
  But re-assuring him, I was fine.
    When we met at the front doors at the gangs house. I sighed, and glanced at Maestro. Which Maestro have a concern face on. 
  I then took a breath, and I then..


        I saw the door creaked open. As it opened, I saw a red glare coming from... You know who. Fell! I felt a shiver went down my spine. Yep, its really obvious I done something wrong. 

Curiosity  (Gaster gang and OC interaction) [OLD - Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now