25-15-21 18-5 20-15 12-1-20-5

45 1 1

                           ! No one's P.O.V !
 Dine was back at the Gang's house. It was middle in the afternoon, but something been off lately. Dine haven't been bothering Fell, or really anyone else. The gang thought this as Dine being lazy or unmotivated. But after a few days so, it became worry-some. 
  The fact that Dine had some eye-bags, meaning from the lack of sleep. And how paranoid she is. 
 Even Swapfell is taking corncern of her, well- But anyways, Swap was especially worried about her, he was always asked Stars if he should check up on her. While Stars said to not to bother her to much. 
"Mmm.. Dine been kinda... Off lately." Swap said, as he looked at Dine's closed door. 
  "Tch your right, it's been 4 whole days without offing one of us." Fell scoffed. 
"And she've been in her room for all day.." Swap frowned.
  "Well what should we do? None of us know how Dine will tell us." B said
Suddenly a rare appearence, appeared in. 
  Everybody looked at him with defensive guards, "Well, I may know how to get to her." Hm who showed up?

   Everybody exchanged glances, basically saying could we trust him. 
A quiet surrounded the room. "Really? Nobody is going to say what..~" Swapfell smirked. "First of all, why do you wanna help?" Fell growled. 
"My poor Dine, is suffering in her mental state, which I can equally sympathize with h-"
"Get on with the point." Fell glared.
Swapfell sighed, "You need to confront her. " Swapfell muttered. "I- How?" Blindy questioned. 
"It's obvious Dine doesn't like to talk with her feelings. She can easily change her personality with one snap. But what I got from her, there is one way to get to her..." Swapfell explained. 

   "You need to confront her. She may pass it off and be stubborn, but like every person, they have a breaking point." Swapfell exclaimed. 
"So your saying, we got to annoy her." Wingdings said. 
Everybody exchange looks. "How are we sure, you're doing this just to get on Dine's nerves?" Stars asked. 
"I know many things to get on her nerves. It's not my intentions to find another way to get on her nerves." 
"Only if it's a way to make her blush...~" Swapfell grinned. 
Everybody once again exchange glances. One of the skeletons tilt there head, towards the lab. Most of them nodded and went up. 
"How are we suppose to trust Swapfell on this?" Wingdings asked. 
    "We can't. But Dine can." Fell said. 
Everybody looked at Fell, like he wasn't in the right state of mind. "If we can't figure out a plan. We have to go with our last resort." Fell explained. Of course the retired general knew what he was talking about. 
  Anyways to put some logic in Swapfell's plan, it was pretty simple. The only hard part is Dine. 
She could always ignore them, or let Tupu attack them.
 "Well we first need information what Dine been going through." Stars said.
"Didn't Swapfell said she was suffering on her mental state?" Blindy asked. 
Everybody again, looked at each other. Then Fell groaned. "We need his help, don't we?" Fell said, while he looked at the rest. They all seem to nod, and head back downstairs. Swapfell seemed to be sitting on the couch, grinning at the rest.

"You better wipe that smirk before I do." Fell growled. And which Swapfell did. "What do you mean by she's suffering in her mental state?" Stars questioned. "By that, what I got from her, she's been suffering some nightmares." Swapfell explained to them. "Is that just it?" Wingdings said in exasperation. "Well.. no." Swapfell said grimmly."Dine seemed to have visions of things, memories implanted into her for a while." Swapfell said with a smile and his eyes dark. "How do you know any of us?" Swap asked. "I recently.. 'confronted' her. Her sleeping patterns are off, so was her mental waves." Swapfell said as he gave the two scientist the mental wave procedure. The two seem confused. "But at the end it all.." "Yep, all glitched." Swapfell sighed, as he took the paper away. "We could.. Get information from her snake." 

    That is one sensible way to get information. Tupu does sleep with Dine, but there pretty sure Dine doesn't vent to Tupu. But it's worth a shot. 
  Swap went up to Dine's room, as the creaked open to see Dine sleeping on her bed, while Tupu is playing with a bunch of legos. 
"Tupu we need you for a quick second." Swap smiled. Tupu nodded and followed Swap like a duckling.
  "Do you know anything about Dine?" Swap asked him. Tupu thought for a while, then nodded. "S-She sleeps a lot-" Tupu stuttered. "A-A-And...-" Tupu seem to lose his voice as he saw everybody stared at him. "...Mmm.." He muttered as he climb on Blindy's lap.. "A...And.." 
"When did you made him learn how to stutter?" Swapfell muttered. 
"A..." Tupu then hugged B and whimpered. 
 "Are you ok Tupu?" Blindy asked in curiousity. 
"Hiss.." Tupu said as he stick his tongue out to speak in his original.. snake language.
  Blindy patted Tupu, and kept him on his lap. "He..Well..Uhm.. Have stage fright." B said. 
Fell groaned. 
  "Well so we only know she have occuring nightmares." Fell said.

      "So we need to confront her after dinner?" Stars asked. 
"Thats the only time she'll get out. So yes." Wingdings responded. 
"What you'll do Swapfell?" Fell asked. 
"Oh I'll just watch." He grinned. 
"You'll either help, or get out." Fell responded. 
 Swapfell eyes shift into annoyance, "Ok ok.." He slightly growled.
"I'll... try to help." Swapfell said as his eye twitched.

           ! Timeskip after dinner !
  After dinner, the gang nod at each other as they saw Dine lazily strut upstairs.
"Hey Dine we need you for a second." Stars kindly smile at Dine. Dine eyes squinted at Stars, Dine seemed to examine Stars from top to bottom. 
  Dine sighed, "Ok." She said with a tired smile. She sat down on the couch like the rest did. 
"Dine, we've been kinda worried about you.." Swap started. Dine then gritted her teeth, and gripped on the arm chair. While Dine have two deep feelings. One was leaving, the other was getting caught.

   "Were worried since, well, you've been lately quiet." Swap continued. 
"Are you ok?" Swap finally asked with empathy. As Dine was about to speak, fear flashing across her eye. 
  Dine expression turned into anxiety and fear. "I-I'm fine." Dine stuttered as she stood up. 
"Wait-" Dine was then pulled by B. "Please. You can trust us." It's true that they didn't knew what made her scared all of a sudden. 
  "We weren't hurt you.." B told her. Dine then quiet, and quickly yanked B's hand away. As she went mid-way upstairs, something gripped her arm. 
  She looked to see Fell. She knows all well that Fell can relate to Dine's pain. 

"Stop being so stoic.. If it's something thats hurting ya', then.. Tell us." Fell said averting his eyes.
Dine then stopped running away, and heard the foot steps of the rest coming up. 
 "Look a few of us don't know what your feeling, and some of us do. But.. You can trust us. We're not going to bite." Fell muttered. 
"I'm not ok.." Dine whispered. Everything went quiet. "... 6 to 7 months ago, after when I had amnesia, I made a deal, curious and yet bold. It was the remeins of the windigo. It's eating upon my mind, craving for flesh.. Implanting fucking memories in my mind, hoping I would commit sucide!" Dine yelled, looking down as her face slowly turned red. 
  "Windigos are poor souls without help, craving flesh and bad luck! The reason I was scared, because the fucking deal was it would let it control my body!" Dine continued, as water dropped down to the carpet.
   "W-What do you mean?" Swap asked. 
"IT WAS IMPLANTING MEMORIES OF YOU GUYS DYING!! AND I WAS.....I was the person who spilled blood." Dine said in a tired tone. 
"I WAS SCARED!! TIRED, CONFUSED...I-..." Dine seemed to loss her voice.. 

   "I.. can't see." Dine said lifting her head up. Tears were pouring out, her face seem to have a small blush effect on her while she was crying. "Iomasach means Intuitive. Foresighting you might know. But I can't fucking see that!" Dine yelled. 
   All of a sudden she felt Swap was hugging her. Dine frozed and looked up to see Swap. 
She then felt Fell's hand on her shoulder, still adverting his eyes. 
B and Wingdings was smiling at her, while Stars was patting her head.


  Here comes Swapfell, "O- Oh." He muttered. Fell eyes then glared and motioned his head at Dine. Swapfell rolled his eyes and pat Dine's back. 
 "Dine your fine. You have us around!" Swap smiled. Dine then smiled, but then frowned afterward. "H-How can I stop this..?" Dine asked them all. "I-I'm just 14. I barely know anything.." Dine croaked. 

  Everybody exchanged glances. "We'll figure it out." Wingdings smiled. 
Dine then gave off a tired giggle. She then hugged Swap a little tighter and tear bits falled off on his shirt. 

   "...Could we have a sleep over downstairs, I'm still scared." Dine said like a pouting kid. 
Everybody once again glance at each other with a small smile. "Sure whatever." Fell said. "I call the couch!" Swapfell chirped up. 
  "NO FUCKING WAY!!" Fell yelled. 
"And no fucking way you're staying." 

   Dine stopped hugging Swap, then started to hug Swapfell. "Could he stay?" Dine said with a innocent yet energetic smile. The tears seemed to quickly disappear.. 
  Everybody glance at each other with tired eyes, mostly from Swapfell. 
"As long you keep him under control." Fell muttered and rolled his eyes. 
"YAY!!" Dine exclaimed. 

Curiosity  (Gaster gang and OC interaction) [OLD - Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now