Some Quality Time

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                                            ! Dine's P.O.V !
  I was downstairs, waiting until Swap finished cooking. While I was waiting I was talking to Blindy, "You know. Politics suck." I joked. "Excuse me? You may don't understand it, but don't need to act like that!" B playfully hissed at me.
   "Eh, you're right. In a way." I smiled. "But they still suck." I said with pride. B just chuckled at me and stick his tongue out. "Hmph!" I done the same to him. "Hey could one of you wake up Fell?" Swap asked cheerfully. 
"Like how, violently or peacefully?" I asked. "Peacefully." He answered. "To bad I only know how to do one of those." I smirked.

   I just heard Swap's disappointing sigh.
I sneaked up on Fell behind the couch, "hahahha." I giggled. I could barely touched him, until something touched my face. "The fu-" 
  "Let.Me.Sleep." He growled at me. He threw a fucking pillow at me. "N o. I got a mission to do." I quickly try to smack Fell with the pillow but he literally just block it like it was nothing. He just glared at me. And the coward I am, I ran away.

   "I CAN'T WAKE UP FELL!!" I cried. "I failed le mission." I said with a small smile. I just heard a few chuckles from Swap and Blindy. "IT'S N O T FUNNY!!" I screched. 
  While I was screaming top of my lungs, Stars came down. "Hi Stars." I waved. "Goodmorning Stars." Blindy smiled.
. . .
"Hey Swap, could I make coffee?" I asked him. He turned quiet while he was cooking, and thought about for a few seconds. "No." He said.
  "Shit, time for the next option." I scoffed....

   "GIVE ME THE C O F F E E!!!!" I screeched, atleast waking up Wingdings and Fell. "Dine no!" Swap yelled at me. I was being held back by Stars.
  Ok so, I reallllllly like sweet coffee, and well. When I don't have, I'll have it- Wait a minute.
Anyways, you see here I'm 'fighting' Swap.
  "The hell is going on here?!" Groaned Fell.
  "NO ONE ASKED YOU F E LL!!" I shouted.
  "I wasn't talking to you, asshole." He growled
   "I'm sorry.. Did.I.Stuttered?" 
    Ok so.. This was supposed to be a joke. And well.. You see that I accidentally turn this into a fight.

    A few minutes later

I was 'crying' in the corner. "Fell!!" Swap scold. "SHE'S FAKING!!" He yelled back.
  Quickly standing back up, wiping some dust off of me. "Anyways, could I have my coffee?" I asked. "No!" Swap protested. I kinda pouted but, went back talking and joking.
  The end of breakfast came fast. I was caught up with Swapfell's condition. 

   I guess that's it.

 I was about to go back upstairs to my room. Until I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Hm.. Yeah?" I yawned. I looked back to see Swap, "Yes?" I asked. "Well I've been thinking..." He started off slow.
  "That I should teach you how to cook!" He exclaimed. 

  My mouth dropped. Teach me how to cook..?
That's like saying teach a pig to fly. "Uhhhhh..." I thought for a few seconds, I mean it'll be fun. "Oki." I shrugged.
"Could you please put this on?" He asked me. He tossed me a apron, I became blanck..
How do you put on a apron...?


"SWAAAP!!" I yelled, even thought he was next to me. "I... Don't know how to put on a apron." I told him, without staring him in the eye.
   The orange and blue skeleton turned quiet for a few seconds. "I could help." He slightly chirped. He'd slowly showed me how to do it, "tank u." I said to him.

  "You're welcome!" He smiled.
  "OOK.. So... What are we going to make?" I asked Swap.
  He turned quiet for a minute, "Hmmm.. I need something easy for you to do." 
  He kept on thinking for a few more minutes, then something popped in his head.
   He'd quickly smiled, "Dine could you get the tomatoes?" Swap asked me.
 "Er.. Yeah sure." I started to search for the tomatoes. "It's in the fridge!" Swap told me. "Oh! I totally knew that." I scoffed.

  I got the tomatoes from the fridge and place them on the counter, "What next?" I asked Swap. He got some.. Pasta and placed it on the counter, "Could you cut the tomatoes, like this." Swap was holding a knife and instructing me to cut the tomatoes.
   In all honesty, why does Swap trust me with a knife,if I don't trust myself.

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