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                                          ! Dine's P.o.v !
I was still in the lab, waiting for an answer P L E A S E. I had this thing about two weeks! I actually don't remember when did I got this to be exact.
  So it's two weeks I guess!!

  I waited for Dings to get an answer

 "Anythin' yet?" I asked. He had an irritated sigh, "For the fifth time N O." He said. I stared at him, the simply left. 
 I quickly grabbed 'my' pet, snake. And brang him downstairs, quickly skipped a few steps. I took a glance at the tv to see.. Something interesting.
Quickly, I saw down next to Fell.

"H i s s"

Fell quickly scooted away from that thing. 
"What?" I asked. "Get the damn thing away from me." He growled. I went quiet, then gave off a small smile.
 "Are you sure.." I said as I scooted near him. "I WILL KILL THAT THING!" He yelled. "Geez. Ok." I scoffed at him.

As you can obviously see that Fell hates me.
Actually, I think he'll hate any human that falls down. I gently put my snake back in it's cage, and fed it a few mouses.

 I walked back downstairs with empty hand.."Hiss." I smiled.
 Fell just glared at me. I turned quiet. "Ok..Ok I got your message." I stated hurrying back into my room.

   I got my snake pet, Tupu. And I quickly stared at him.

     We both locked eyes. We both were planning something, I stared at his crown.
Then we both nodded. I grabbed a lighter, and stuffed it in my pocket. I waited for a few hours.. 

   Uh why isn't is skipping?... Oh I don't have enough skip time passes. Uh while I sort this out, you could u h-

                                                     ! Flashback !

  It was a December 13th. A Sunday, freezing like crap. Laying down on my bed, hearing Tupu hiss. I was just watching some crap I can do with Esper. Also waiting until a snowstorm or something to get myself out of school.
    I just want a normal relaxing day- AWW C'MON!! My phone buzzed, from a 'important' text message from Esper.
  She said to meet at 4323W avenue in.. Whatever. I skipped down, with my winter jacket, packed up some gum and a lighter.

   Slowly walking there, while freezing to death. 

I'm finally here. I see about a normal house, I quicky went inside. "Hey Esper, why do you..." I took a glance around me. Half of everything seems broken. 
  "Uh Esper."

  There was an upstairs. Seems a good idea. I slowly walked up to see Esper very nervous, "Ah! Uh Dine!" She quickly chirped moving me to the side. 
  "Is Tupu fed?" She asked me. "Uhhhh yeah..?" I answered.

  "Hmm.. The reason I called you because..." She had a nervous tone in her voice. She's usually highly egotistical. 
  "Well you can see.." I saw the house mostly broken. "Ok first, what happened? And how you got here?" I said gripping her shoulders.
"WELL I 'rented' a house. Threw a party, gotten drunk then afterwards I gotten a Febreeze. 
  Then started yelling 'Febreeze the cheese'. Then I got a lighter and well burned it."

   Febreeze if fucking flammable.

   "This is why you left the fire to me." I smiled at her.
"So..." I'm her literal escape goat but ok. "...." I started to think what to do. Most of everything seems to be burnt. AND BOTH OF US HAVE NO MONEY. Were freaking broke. 
  "I only have one option." I muttered. She nodded at me, "We have to go with Code Falu." I said to her. 

  "HELL YEAH!!" She screamed and went Naruto running out. 

A few minutes later passed. I saw her with two gallons of gasoline, "Wait how did you got enough money to-"
 "MAAAGIC." She resonded as cash came out of her sleeve. "... You saw nothing." She said as she nudged it back it.

    We quickly put gasoline inside and outside the house. You might be wondering what's code falu.. No... To bad, it's our last choice of action if we can't do anything.. Or think of an excuse.
  So I got a lighter in my pocket. We done the perimeter of the outside, and some in the house.

  I quickly lit it on fire, and started to run away. In the blasts of Winter. 
                       ! End of flashback !
Here we go!! The timeskipped finally worked. After planning with Tupu I got an idea..

"Dine dinner!!" Swap yelled from outside my door. 
"Got it!" I smiled.
I Naruto ran downstairs. Fell just gave me a glare.
"Fell, just say something. Because your glaring is making me shiver." I said to him.  "Tch, why would I? You already seem damaged enough." He muttered to me. 
 "Atleast I'm not the fool who, dress like who's going to praise satan." I smirked at him. He growled out me, "Oh no.." I heard Blindy said.

    Swap right is trying to get Wingding's down her.

So it'll take a couple of minutes. Right now Star's is just watch Fell and I throwing insults. Blindy is worrying over a fight might break out.

  Hahah.. B was right. A fight did broke out.
Fell and I was still throwing insults. Swap came down and tried to break it up.. That didn't work.
 Then I accidently really insulted Fell.

  After I said that, his eye started to glow red. "...Shit." I muttered.  This wasn't part of the plan. He pinned me up to the wall. "FELL STOP!!" Swap yelled. He literally ignored Swap and Stars. "What did you said to me?" He growled.
  I was trying to get out, but ulitmatly failed. I turned quiet, and just stared at him. I wanna get out of this. 

   Without giving him a answer. I quickly punched him with my infected hand. He quickly let go, then I booked it.
  I quickly ran into my room and closed it. I felt Fell foot steps, and Swap's screams as he tried to calm him down. "Well shit look what I did." I muttered to Tupu. I heard a bang on my door.

   I quickly open my window, and look around outside. No matter what Fell find me. I looked up..
I smirked.
  I grabbed Tupu cage, and went up on the roof. "O H SHOO T!!" I yelled. I almost tripped, I slowly walked on it. And sat down making sure I don't crack my neck.

     I only heard a few people talking then, I heard the front door clicked, it was Swap. "Dine!!" He called. My eyes narrowed, "Up here!" I responded. He looked up to see me on the rooftop. "Oh toriel! How did you-" I stopped him right tthere. "Window." I told him.
   "Anyways, is Fell still mad?!" I asked. "... Uhhh..." He had a tint of nervous in his voice. 
"N..Nooooo?" He nervously smiled at me. 

  "..." I turned quiet and stared at him. 
".... He's still angry." I spoked. "Yes." Swap said as he looked deafeted. "Huh peachy." I muttered. "Call me again when he's not angry." I stated.
   Swap sighed either because I was stubborn or that he was sad. I can't tell which. "Dine could you just come down!?" He asked. "Nah." I answered.

   "Please!" I looked back down at Swap. I turned quiet. Thinking about the pros and cons.

I finally sighed, "Ok." I slowly went down the hard way. I surprisingly went down, easily. "Let's go!" I said. I went inside, to see Fell just gave off a small glare. 
  Swap pushed me over to dinner. 

".... You suck at punching." Fell said to me. I gave off a small laugh, "I mean, you're not wrong."


Curiosity  (Gaster gang and OC interaction) [OLD - Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now