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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy. This is the first chapter of a future book that I have yet to pick a title for.

I've been at this school for a little over a month and I can say that I'm not entirely impressed with the student population. I was hoping it wouldn't be like this but who am I kidding, it's high school.

Though most of the student body is nothing to write home about, I have managed to make a few friends. First we have Dinah. She was the first person to approach me on my first day at Miami High. At first I assumed that, just like the girls at my old school, she was just trying to get in my pants. I couldn't have been more wrong and I'm thankful for that. She just genuinely wanted to make me feel welcome because she knew what it felt like to be the new kid. Dinah, like me, plays basketball and soccer. She also runs track and is dating Normani, the co-captain of the cheer squad. They are honestly so cute together and I'm lucky to have them as friends.

After Dinah introduced me to Normani, the fashion queen of the group, they introduced me to the rest of their friend group which slowly became my friend group as well.

There's Ally, the other co-captain of the cheer squad and the shortest of the group. She's a little ball of sunshine and always ready and willing to help others.

Next is Lauren. She plays basketball and soccer with Dinah and I and she's the captain of the volleyball team. Most people would classify her as a badass because she wears mostly black clothes and a leather jacket and has a motorcycle but once you take the time to get to know her, she's just a big teddy bear.

And finally there's Camila, the goofy yet clumsy one of the group. She's on the volleyball team with Lauren but doesn't get much play time because of her clumsiness but she's the star of the swim team.

I wasn't sure I would fit in with the group at the beginning. Mostly because I'm different than the other girls. I was terrified they would kick me to the curb like a drunken one night stand when they found out my secret, but yet again, I was wrong. Sure they were a little shocked at first but once I explained it to them, they were okay with it and we grew closer as friends.

But someone overheard our conversation and my secret spread around school like wildfire. I started having flashbacks to my old school where girls were constantly trying to get in my pants and guys hated me cause all the girls wanted me.

That wasn't the worst part though. The worst part was finding out Lauren and Ally were both in relationships and that their boyfriends, Troy and Brad, didn't want them hanging out with a freak like me.

Before they could pull away from me, I pulled away from them, or tried to at least. That was two weeks ago and let's just say Dinah ain't having it. Which brings us to now.

"Dinah, I really don't think this is a good idea." I say as the tall blonde practicality drags me through the hallways.

"What are you talking about, Daphne? We're just going to your locker." She replies innocently.

Yeah, my locker that just so happens to be between Lauren's and Ally's. And it's also where they hang out with their boyfriends before first period.

I sigh, seeing the group a few feet away now. I make one last attempt to pull me arm from Dinah's grip but fail miserably and resign myself to being subjected to whatever insults Troy and Brad come up with.

Dinah releases my arm as soon as we stop in front of the group and hugs Mani, saying hi to the other girls. I on the other hand, keep my head down to avoid any eye contact with Ally and Lauren.

"Hi Daphne." Mani and Mila says in unison.

"Hi girls." I mumble.

"We don't get a greeting?" Brad questions and I can hear the slight anger in his voice.

I remain silent while Dinah speaks up.

"Hi toothpick dicks. How are you this lovely morning?" She asks in a sassy tone.

Laughter erupts from the students around us as well as Mila and Mani. I glance up quickly to see Brad and Troy are both red in the face, whether from anger or embarrassment I don't really know and Ally and Lauren are trying desperately to stifle their laughter.

I drop my glance before anyone notices me staring at the two beauties in front of me.

I look up again when I feel an elbow nudge my arm and find a smirking Dinah. She must have seen the way I was looking at them. Sighing, I shake my head and look down at my sneakers. I've caught feelings for the two most unavailable girls at Miami High.

All mistakes are mine. Vote, comment, and tell a friend! Hope y'all enjoyed this!
Until next time.
Much love!!!!

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