New Beginnings Scene 2

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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy this.

Daphne's POV:

"You two just get them there." I say looking at Gavin and Tamara from my place on the Lodges' couch my leg propped up on the coffee table.

Lauren sits beside me with her head on my shoulder. She can go home at any time but she's sticking by my side. I know she misses her parents and siblings so I'm gonna try to get her to go home again. She should be with them during her recovery.

"How are we gonna get them there?"

I look at Tamara and shrug.

"Tell my dear father that there will be opportunities to network." I turn my gaze to Gavin. "And tell my dear mother that you heard they need a photographer for the talent show. Think you two can handle that?"

The two look at each other and then nod.


"Lauren, Daphne, it's time to change your bandages." Mrs. Lodge says as she and Mr. Lodge stand beside the couch.

Mr. Lodge sits down beside me, takes the bandage off my left thigh, and starts cleaning the wound while Veronica and Mrs. Lodge help Lauren lay down with her head resting on my right thigh. Lauren wore a crop top today so it gives Ronnie and her Mom easy access to her bandage. I play with her hair to take her mind off of the pain she's no doubt feeling. The Lodges are thorough but gentle. Mr. Lodge puts a new bandage on my thigh and then checks the stitches on my forehead while Mrs. Lodge and Veronica finish up with Lauren.

"What's your pain level on a scale of one to ten?" Mr. Lodge questions us.

Lauren and I look at each other. We hate showing that we're in pain but in this moment we both know we need to be honest.

I sigh.

"Eight and a half." I respond to Mr. Lodge.



"I'll get their pain meds while you tell them." Mr. Lodge says to his wife before leaving the room.

"Tell us what?" Veronica questions as she sits down with Lauren's legs in her lap.

"The other parents as well as your father and I are grateful to Daphne for saving you all so we decided to throw a little party here as a way to thank her. Is that okay with you Daphne?"

I run a hand over my face as I think. I haven't seen the Blossoms or the Topazs since the fight with my mother. Hell, this is the first time I've seen Gavin and Tamara since then. I know Coach Blossom came to visit us in the hospital after that but I pretended to be asleep. I don't know why they're grateful to me for saving their daughters when all I did was lead search and rescue to where I thought they would be the same with Mama. It was pure luck that I was right. As for the Jaureguis, I saw them a couple of times after the fight but most of the time when they came to visit Lauren I would have my nurse take me outside or I would pretend to be asleep.

I look down at my best friend and see the hope in her eyes.

"That's fine, Mrs. Lodge." I look at Gavin and Tamara. "Y'all can come too if it's okay with Mr. and Mrs. Lodge." I say knowing they won't come.

"It's fine with us Daphne." Mr. Lodge says sitting a tray containing two glasses of water and mine and Lauren's pain medication on the coffee table.

"How are you doing Daphne?" Tamara questions as I swallow the white pill.

"I'm fine. I'm still in pain but my leg is healing nicely."

"I'm glad to hear you're healing well." Say Gavin.

"We'll walk you out." Mrs. Lodge says sensing the tension that still lingers in the air.

Mr. and Mrs. Lodge escort Tamara and Gavin to the front door. Once they're out of earshot Veronica looks at me.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"No but when do I ever have a good idea." I reply.

"Has Kevin decided the lineup for the show?" Lauren questions her girlfriend.

"Yeah, he wants you two to close out the show."

"How many songs are we doing?"

"He said you can do as many as you want."

"You still good to sing back up?" I ask the shorter girl.

"You bet."

"It's all coming together."

I relax against the couch. For now, all I have to do is get through this party.

All mistakes are mine. Vote, comment, and tell a friend! Hope y'all enjoyed this!
Until next time.
Much love!!!!

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