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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy. I'm running out of titles so yeah🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

Ally's POV:

"Guys!" Camila calls out as she skids to a stop in front of us, completely out of breath.

I pull the strawberry flavored sucker from between my lips. "What is it, Mila?"

"I just came from the parking lot where I watched Moretti and Jauregui turn down Stacey, Becca, and Bella. Those are three very angry girls right now. Here they come."

Mila moves from her spot in front of us to stand beside Dinah with her back against the lockers. We all try to stay out of the way of Stacey, Becca, and Bella. Not because we're afraid of them or anything, simply because we just don't want to deal with them.

The three of them are following close behind the school badasses Daphne, Lauren, and Kehlani.

I watch as Daphne rolls her eyes as the three preppy girls continue to talk. I know exactly why Daphne and Lauren turned them down. Mani and Dinah don't know that I know about them and the Cuban badass. I think they are just what she needs and they're cute together.

As for Daphne, she may be dominant in public but I can have her on her knees with a snap of my fingers. She's like putty in my hands. Speaking of, I make eye contact with said girl and decide to tease her a little. I swirl my tongue around the sucker before wrapping my lips around it and sucking. I know I have been successful when she gulps and cracks her neck. I can't wait to see what she does, especially since we decided last night to go public with our relationship. No more hiding behind closed doors.

She advances towards me like a predator stalking its prey. My back hits the lockers behind me as Daphne presses her body against mine. She grasps the stick of the sucker between her thumb and index finger and tugs. I release the sucker with a pop and watch as her eyes grow darker with desire.

"I've got something else you can wrap those pretty lips around and suck on, princess." Daphne says before holding the sucker up to my mouth.

"Maybe later." I wrap my lips around the sucker again, my eyes never leaving hers.

Daphne groans and buries her face in my neck.

I have to bite back a moan as she sucks on my neck. One of her hands slides up my bare thigh sending a shiver up my spine. Knowing I have to stop her before her hand can go under my dress I put my hands on her chest and push her back slightly.

"Being teased at school isn't very fun is it?" She smirks.

I whimper and shift slightly already wet from her minimal teasing.

She leans in to whisper in my ear. "I bet your pussy is already wet for me. I don't know if I can wait until after school to be buried deep in your tight pussy."

My breathing is so uneven right now. I'm so close to saying fuck school and making her take me home.

"What the hell is going on here?" Stacey shrieks.

"It looks like Ally and Daphne have been keeping a secret from us." Dinah says.

Daphne places a kiss to my temple, looks down at me and winks, then we both look at the girls around us.

"You mean like the secret you three have been keeping?" She cocks her head to the side.

Dinah and Mani look at Daphne in shock.

"What are you talking about?" Mani says nervously, shooting a quick glance at Lauren.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about and she didn't tell me. Y'all aren't as sneaky as you think." Daphne's gaze shifts to Stacey, Becca, and Bella. "As for what's going on here, I'm trying to spend some time with my girlfriend before class."

"Girlfriend?" Stacey, Becca, and Bella scream.

Daphne looks at me. "Did I stutter?"

I pull the sucker from my mouth for the last time since the bell is about to ring and toss it in the trash can sitting beside the lockers. "You didn't stutter, baby."

"I didn't think so."

"How long have you two been a thing?" Lauren asks, shock evident on her features.

"Four and a half months." I respond as Daphne slides an arm around my waist and pulls me against her body.

"How the hell didn't we know?" Camila questions.

"Because we didn't want anybody to know at the time. We just decided last night to go public with our relationship."

Normani, Dinah, and Camila share a look before fixing Daphne with a hard glare.

Dinah steps forward. "You hurt her and we'll break you."

"You gonna give me a poly beatdown?"

"Damn straight." Dinah crosses her arms over her chest.

"I love her too much to ever hurt her."

I smile and blush at her words.

Daphne sticks her hand out to Dinah. When Dinah clasps her hand in Daphne's, the older girl pulls her towards her and whispers in her ear. Dinah looks over her shoulder at Mani and Lauren then nods at Daphne.

Returning her arm to its rightful place around my waist Daphne looks at Stacey, Becca, and Bella.

"Why are you three still here?"

"We don't believe you're dating her." Bella states.

"That doesn't explain why you're still standing here."

"Prove you're dating her." Becca says.

"And how do you propose I do that?" Daphne growls.

I put my hand on her lower stomach and rub softly since I know she's getting pissed off.

"If you really are dating her then you should have no problem kissing her." Stacey smirks thinking Daphne won't do it.

"Apparently me almost fucking you against your locker wasn't enough proof." Daphne grumbles lowly so only I can hear her.

I grab the back of Daphne's neck, pull her down to me, and slam my lips against hers. Daphne licks my bottom lip and I eagerly part my lips for her. She slips her tongue in my mouth deepening the kiss. My hands thread through her hair and hers drop down to my ass.

"Okay lovebirds." I feel a hand on my shoulder pulling me away from Daphne.

Daphne and I are both panting as we look at the person that pulled us apart.

"They stormed off and the bell rang, let's get to class." Lauren says.

Daphne nods. "You guys should come over to my house after school and chill. We can swim or watch movies."

"I think that's a great idea, baby." I peck Daphne's lips.

The other girls nod and agree to meet after school to go to Daphne's house.

Daphne smacks my ass causing me to jump and nearly moan in front of the girls. I glare at her and she simply smirks.

"Let's get to class, baby girl."

She takes my backpack and slings it over her shoulder then grabs my hand and tugs.

I'm so happy we decided to go public with our relationship. Now I can be in her arms no matter who is around.

All mistakes are mine. Vote, comment, and tell a friend!
Until next time.
Much love!!!!

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