My Safe Place

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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy. And it won't come up during this but I'm gonna say it anyway...g!p Daphne. Don't like it, sue me🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

Daphne's POV:

I sit in the chair in the front office with my backpack in the chair next to me waiting for my case worker. I look up when I hear the door open. My caseworker is here, yay.

She walks over to me and stands in front of me. Boy, does she look pissed.

"I had to leave work to come up here cause you were fighting. How stupid are you?" She growls but I know the other adults in the office heard her cause I can feel their eyes on us.

I'm done taking shit from her. I stand up from the chair and get right in her face.

"It wasn't even really a fight. This bully was picking on this girl and he went to punch her so I blocked it and pushed him back. I know what it feels like to get the crap beat out of me and not have anybody stand up for me and I wasn't about to let that happen to her. As for you coming down here, that was your choice. You don't ever come when I actually need you. You're a crap excuse for a social worker, Heather."

She slightly raises her hand and I flinch out of instinct.

The principal, Mrs. Hernandez, steps forward. "There's no need to be rude to her, ma'am. She stood up for someone else and that's admirable. However, since she did put her hands on the young man she does have detention today after school."

Heather rolls her eyes and leans in to whisper in my ear. "You better be at the foster home right after you get out of detention or you'll regret it." She hisses.

She straightens up and storms out of the office without another word.

I guess we can add that to my long list of regrets, the top regret is being born.

"Daphne, you can head on to class." Principal Hernandez says softly.

"Since this period is almost over and she's in my next period, why don't I just go ahead and take her with me to my classroom." Mrs. Jauregui says.

"That sounds fine to me. Daphne, are you okay with that?"

I look up at Mrs. Jauregui. She gives me a soft smile which I somewhat return. She's one of the nicest teachers here.

I shift my gaze to Principal Hernandez and nod.

"Okay. I'll see you two around."

She turns to head back to her office.

"Principal Hernandez?" I call out.

She turns around to look at me. "Yes?"

"Am I still going to be able to play Saturday?" I question, fidgeting with my fingers.

"I'm not sure. I'll speak with your Coach and we'll see."

"Okay. Thank you, ma'am."

She smiles. "You're welcome." She goes to her office.

I grab my bag from the chair, slinging it over my shoulder and turn to see Mrs. Jauregui with her arm stretched out towards me, motioning me to her. Once I'm close enough she gently places her hand on my back. I flinch but immediately calm down at her soothing touch and release a deep breath.

Once we enter her classroom, I start to head to my seat at the back of the room.

"Daphne, can I speak with you for a minute?"

I turn around and approach her desk. "Of course, Mrs. Jauregui."

"I was hoping you could help me with something. You're my best student and I have a few girls that aren't doing so well grade wise and I was hoping you could tutor them."

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