The Ties That Bind Pt.2

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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy part two. The pic below are the dance teams outfit. The boys just wear a pink and black t-shirt.

Lauren's POV:

I run a hand through my hair and sigh. This reunion didn't go as planned.

"She really isn't happy we're here." I say aloud somewhat dejected.

"Can you really blame her?" Mani questions.

"You basically abandoned her." Dinah chimes in.

"You're not helping."

"I'm not trying to help you, Lauren. The only one I'm interested in helping is AJ. I've watched her grow up and I've watched the light in her eyes slowly go out the less time you spent with her. She tries to hide it but you broke her. You haven't been a parent."

"I hired a bodyguard to protect her."

"Somebody give her an award for parent of the year." Dinah says sarcastically and rolls her eyes. "You are not the same person you were when you adopted her. You've changed and nobody except Ally knows who you are now."

"What are you trying to say, Dinah?" I question my former bandmate.

"I think she's trying to say that something needs to change."

I turn my head at the new voice.

"Stephanie Davis your daughter's therapist."

She holds out her hand and I shake it.

"Whatever decision is made I stand with AJ." Dinah states.

"You all feel this way?"

Mom, Dad, Chris, Taylor, Mani, Mila, and even Allie nod.

Not only do I have to repair my relationship with my daughter but I have to repair my relationships with everybody else too. Shouldn't be too hard. Right?

"Introducing the West Miami High Cougars!" The announcer's voice booms through the gym.

"I'm going to make things right. I promise."

"You better. I don't like seeing my granddaughter like this." Dad says.

"Has anybody noticed that she's been acting more secretive lately?" Questions Chris.

"I definitely have. She's usually an open book with me." Taylor says.

"Has she said anything to you, Stephanie?" Mom asks.

"All she would say when I brought up her secretive behavior was that she couldn't tell me what's going on yet."

"How long has she been acting secretive?" Asks Ally.

"It started around probably the third week of school." Replies Mom.

"So it probably has something to do with school then." Ally deduces.

"We've got to get her to tell us what's going on." Chris says.

"Now introducing your home team the Hill Crest High Jaguars!"

We all cheer as Avery runs onto the court with the rest of the team.

"Unless something has drastically changed Avery is still like me in the respect that she won't tell you what the problem is until she's figured out a solution." I say.

"Lauren is right. We have to let AJ tell us what's wrong in her own time. If we push her she very well may shut down and not tell us at all." States Stephanie.

Everybody nods at her words.

"Please rise for the national anthem."

Once the national anthem has been sung we all sit down. the announcer starts introducing the players for the Cougars.

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