High School Book 2 Scene

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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy it. It's just a little something.

Daphne's POV:

"Ally! Can you come here for a second please?" I holler from my position on my back under the kitchen sink.

"She's busy!" Lauren hollers back.

"I need her!"

"I need her more right now!"

I lift my head and look towards the doorway even though I can't see into the living room from this position.

"Are y'all fuckin?"

My question is answered by a loud moan from Lauren.

Of course, they're fucking. That's all they've been doing since Lauren got pregnant. Neither one of them has let me touch them since. All I do is cook all the meals, do home repairs, go to work, and work out. I don't even sleep in the master bedroom with them any longer. Lauren doesn't even tell me when her doctor's appointments are anymore but thankfully I get reminder texts from the office. Ally's been to every appointment and I know that's part of the reason she's been upset. Lauren getting pregnant was easy but I've never been able to get Ally pregnant and I know she blames me. I want to get her pregnant. I think a mini Ally running around would be adorable but I can't tell her that because we barely talk anymore. It's like I'm their servant and nothing more. I'm starting to question if they still love me if they ever even did.

With a sigh, I finish fixing the leak under the sink and climb out stripping off my wet shirt in the process. I step over to the doorway of the laundry room and toss my shirt on top of the washing machine. Returning to the stove, I finish supper as I try desperately to block out Lauren's screams of pleasure.

The two women walk into the kitchen with smiles on their faces as I'm making their plates. They sit down at the kitchen island and I place their plates in front of them before grabbing the bottle of vodka off the counter.

"You're not eating?" Lauren questions.

I hold up the bottle of alcohol as I walk away toward the home gym where I'll probably spend the whole night yet again. I've either been sleeping there or at the office.

Come to think of it my office couch is more comfortable than the hard floor of the gym.

I've already downed about half the bottle by the time I head for the front door.

"Where are you going?"

It's the first time Ally has spoken to me in days.

I turn and look at her. She has her arms folded over her chest, a curious expression on her face.

"To the office." Like you care.

"You've been drinking you can't drive."

"I'm not an idiot Lauren, that's why I have a driver. Not like anybody would care if I got in a wreck anyway."

That may have been a little harsh but with the way they've been acting toward me can you blame me?

I don't bother waiting for a response as I'm sure to get scolded by Ally and exit the house heading for the black SUV waiting for me in front of the house.

Moretti International The Next Morning

"So you're drinking again?"

"Which one snitched?" I question turning my chair around to look at my best friend.

"Does it really matter?"

I shake my head at Dinah's question cause it doesn't matter.

"How nice that they're pretending they care about me to our friends."

"They do care about you Daph."

"I don't think they do though, DJ. It sure as hell doesn't feel like it."

"What's going on? Y'all were so happy. What changed?"

"It just feels like they don't love me or want me anymore. Lauren doesn't tell me when her doctor's appointments are anymore, Ally barely talks to me, and neither of them lets me touch them. They're perfectly happy so maybe it's just me maybe it's always been me. Maybe I'm just unlovable." I shrug. "I'm honestly beginning to believe they never loved me." I admit weakly.

"That's not true, Daphne. They do love you."

"But what if they don't?" I whimper.

I hate being vulnerable but when Dinah wraps her arms around me vulnerability is the last thing on my mind as hot tears stream down my face.

All mistakes are mine. Vote, comment, and tell a friend! I hope you enjoyed this!
Until next time.
Much love!!!!

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