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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy this little sneak peek of my future book. I'm warning you now there will be a lot of cussing and mature content so if that's not you cup of tea then I suggest you don't read.

"You wanted to see me, Coach?" The young athlete asks as she knocks on his open office door.

"Come on in, Daphne." The man waves her in.

Daphne steps into the office, opting to leave the door open even though the noise from the hallway is a bit loud.

See, most coaches have an office in or near the gym but when you're the least liked of all the coaches on staff, you get the office right in the middle of all the lockers.

"Have a seat, Daphne."

The teen sits and waits for the balding man to explain why he summoned her.

"It has been brought to my attention that you've been hanging out with some people you shouldn't. People that are, let's say bad influences on you."

"Who brought it to your attention and what people are you talking about?"

"Your Mother."

Daphne scoffs. "I don't believe that for a second. My Mother doesn't really care who I hang out with and if she did, she would definitely come to me instead of you."

"Well she did come to me and I agree with her. Jauregui, Topaz, and Blossom are bad influences. Brooke is the only one out of those four that is any good but since she's dating Jauregui she can't be too smart." The man shrugs.

What the man doesn't know is the four girls he's talking about are standing right outside his door in the hallway listening to everything that's being said.

"My recommendation is that you stay away from them or you're off the team."

Daphne scoffs. "First of all, don't talk about Ally, Toni, Cherly, and Lauren like that. You have no idea what they've been through or continue to go through."

"Three of them are rich."

"Money doesn't mean that they don't go through stuff. Everybody thinks just because someone has money that their life is easy and that's not true for everybody."

The man rolls his eyes.

"Secondly, you can go ahead and kick me off the team. I really don't give a fuck. It'll hurt you more than me because if the team starts losing, you'll be out of a job. You're the least liked coach on staff and they'll fire you in a heartbeat. Now, unless you want me to tell the school board about the rumor I've been hearing that you're sleeping with students, I suggest you stay in your lane and stay the fuck out of my business." Daphne stands up and heads for the door but stops and looks back at the balding man to ask one last question. "What did she look like?"

"Who?" The coach asks, his eyes and voice full of rage at the teens' threat.

"My mother." Daphne snarks.

"Brown hair and green eyes."

"Son of a bitch!" The teen growls, storming out of the office.

"Daphne." Lauren says cautiously, knowing how the girl can get when she's pissed.

Daphne doesn't respond and instead scans the hallway for her target. She locates him standing down the hallway against the lockers with Archie, Monroe, Reggie, and some other members of the football team. The young athlete growls, drops her bag, and storms over to the boy she was looking for. Once she reaches him, she grabs him by the front of his shirt and slams him against the lockers behind him.

"You and your fucking mother better stay out of my fucking business, Carson." Daphne growls.

The boy smirks as Archie and Reggie each place a hand on Daphne's shoulders in a weak attempt to pull her off the boy nobody really likes.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Daphne easily shakes off Archie and Reggie.

By now the attention of all the students in the hallway is on them.

"You suck at lying, Carson. I know your mother came up here and talked to my coach about who I'm hanging out with. The only way she could've found out about the girls is from your big ass mouth because I never brought them around her and my Dad wouldn't have said anything to her about them."

Carson chuckles darkly. "You caught me. It isn't like you'll do anything to me or my Mom."

Daphne slams the boy against the lockers again. "That's where you're wrong cause I'll kick both of your asses."

She releases him causing him to fall to the floor as she was holding him up and he had no time to get his feet under him.

Daphne backs away before turning on her heel and walking the few steps over to her girls. Lauren hands the girl her backpack and she slips the straps over her shoulders smiling softly at the four girls.

"They don't love you and they never will! They'll leave you just like Erica did!" Carson yells out with a smirk on his face as he gets to his feet.

Daphne freezes in her tracks, her fists clench, and her facial features turn to stone. The look in her eyes is terrifying some may even describe it as murderous as she turns to look at the boy.

"This is your only warning, the next time you get in my business I'll end you."

With those parting words, Daphne guides the four girls to their next class all while mentally preparing for her next encounter with the blonde boy.

All mistakes are mine. Vote, comment, and tell a friend! Hope y'all enjoyed this!
Until next time.
Much love!!!!

Life has been pretty easy for high school senior Daphne Moretti and being a star athlete means most of the school loves her, some more than others. Her relationship with her parents is fantastic and though they're divorced they maintain a great co-parenting relationship for their only child and continue to run their company together. Daphne loves her step dad, her step mom and step brother not so much.

When tragedy strikes the teens life shes caught in a battle between those around her, her head, and her heart. She has until graduation to make a choice.

So with all eyes on her and her friends by her side she must decide between doing whats expected of her and doing what she wants to do.

What will she decide?

Will those she loves be hurt by her decision?

Will this tragedy change Daphnes plans for her future or will it push her further towards the future shes been dreaming of?

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