Stay Or Run

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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy. All characters in this are legal drinking age.

Daphne's POV:

I get one last shot as the director calls cut.

"That was wonderful ladies! Ty, you did amazing too!"

I look down at my camera and roll my eyes.

"I would like to run a few parts again if that's okay with everybody." Everyone speaks their agreement. "Great! We'll try to make it as quick as possible so everyone can get out of here. Daphne, do you have the shots you need or do you need us to run a specific part?"

"I've got most of the shots I need but I still need a couple of them on the stairs. After that, I'll take some group and solo shots." I respond to her.

"Is there a particular position you want them in on the stairs?"

Turning my head with a smirk I look at Lauren. My smirk drops immediately once I realize she's not looking at me. She's looking at Ty and she keeps going back and forth between smiling and biting her lip something I thought she only did with me.

Sighing I return my attention to the director. "I think the part where they're bent over during Ty's part will have the fans going wild."

"Okay. Is it okay if we do that part last?"

"That's perfectly fine." I flash her a small smile.

"Let's take a ten-minute break then get back to it." She calls out.

I walk over to the table holding my laptop and camera equipment. Gently setting my camera on the table beside my laptop I pick up my water bottle take off the cap and take a long cooling drink. Once I'm done I put the cap back on and sit it on the table.

"Are you okay Daphne?" I turn around at the sound of Mani's voice.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be okay? Cause she's flirting with Ty?"

The girls turn to see what I'm looking at.

I glare at the two of them. Lauren is leaning up against a table while Ty stands in front of her all up in her personal space and she seems to enjoy it. She has her hand on his chest but to feel him not push him away. She used to do that same thing to me. When Ty puts his hands on her hips and she doesn't move them I turn around being unable to handle anymore. I put my hands palms down on the table and lean forward slightly hanging my head.

"You can't expect her to just sit around and wait for you when she doesn't know how you feel about her." Dinah states.

I expect nothing less. They're her friends and they'll always have her back. I'm just the photographer but hopefully not for much longer. I need to have a chat with Chloe.

"You have to tell her about your feelings, Daph." Camila sounds off.

"I did. Two weeks ago to be exact. She said she felt the same way but she needed time. She didn't want to enter a relationship until she was the best version of herself." I turn back around and see the pity on the faces of the four women then my eyes drift back to Lauren.

"Maybe she just doesn't want to be in a relationship with me." I say dejectedly.

The girls remain silent letting the information sink in. Ally rubs my arm in a comforting way.

"Let's get back to it!" The director hollers.

I look at the girls when they don't move and look where they're looking. We watch as Lauren walks away from Ty and he stares at her ass. She's intentionally swaying her hips more than normal.

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