Chess Master

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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy it. This may become a story at some point. G!p Lauren cause why not.

Daphne's POV:

"Looks like he's back at it." I sigh as I squat beside the body.

"We don't know it's him yet."

I look at my wife and partner like she's crazy.

"He literally has a chess piece sticking out of his mouth Detective Jauregui."

Lauren raises a brow at my use of her formal title.

"If it is him this is his third victim and you know what that means."

"That the FBI is about to take our case away from us cause they think they can do it better." I say standing up.

"This is the third victim in as many weeks and you haven't made any progress. Maybe we can do it better."

I'd know that voice anywhere. I spin around and I'm face-to-face with my best friend Ally Brooke and her wife and partner Normani Kordei.

"Agent Brooke. Agent Kordei. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they sent in the big guns. As for having not made any progress, I'm sure you've seen the case files and the lack of evidence he leaves at each scene. He's meticulous. We find what he wants us to find." I look at my wife briefly before returning my gaze to the two feds. "I'm guessing this is your case now so we'll get out of your hair and let you have it."

I snap off my gloves as I walk toward the front door of the apartment.

"You're just gonna walk away without so much as a fight? That's not the Daphne I know."

I freeze at Ally's words. She's right typically I would put up a fight to keep a case especially one like this. This case is pissing me off though. The lack of evidence. Absolutely no witnesses. I turn around and look at her.

"Why put up a fight when I know there's no point. The case is yours. It was before y'all even walked in here and you know it."

"This case belongs to all of us." Normani says breaking my stare down with her wife.

"Come again?"

"What my wife said." I say just as confused.

"Our boss and your boss talked and decided that we should all be on the case. Work it from both sides. You work your sources, we work ours, and we work together to solve this." States Ally.

Lauren and I look at each other.

"Give us a minute."

Lauren grabs me by my arm and tugs me away from them.

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking I hate this case with a fiery passion."

My wife chuckles softly with a roll of her eyes.

"What are you thinking in terms of what they said, baby?" She grabs my hand and squeezes.

"I want to know why we weren't told about this. Could've saved us the trip here and let them handle it." I sigh. "But I guess we can work the case jointly."

"Now go tell them that and be nice about it." She points to the two FBI agents.

I huff but walk back over to Ally and Mani anyway.

"So I guess we can work this case jointly."

"Sounds like a plan. Tell us what you know so far." Says Ally.

"He calls himself the Chess Master. He's killed three people so far a fourteen-year-old girl, a housewife in her late thirties, and this gentleman here." I point to the man lying in a pool of blood. "So far he's shot, stabbed, and strangled his victims. We think he's using different methods to kill because he hasn't found what feels comfortable yet."

"How do you know it's the same guy?"

I look at Normani and point to the mouth of the victim.

"He leaves a chess piece in the mouths of his victims. That detail hasn't been made public so only us and the killer know about it."

"We need to find him before he decides to kill somebody for each piece on the board." Lauren states crossing her arms.

"Agreed." Ally and Mani say in unison.

"Let's remember one thing, this is his game let's not become pawns in it."

All mistakes are mine. Vote, comment, and tell a friend! Hope y'all enjoyed this!
Until next time.
Much love!!!!

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